should I get Shure e530's, Westone 3's or buy a portable amp?
Sep 16, 2009 at 6:29 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Sep 16, 2009
Hi, looking to spend some money on my portable music and have bit of a dilemma, Id appreciate some help...

I currently have an Ipod touch 32GB with some Ultimate Ears Super.Fi -5 Pro Extended Bass. I also have a pair of Sennheiser HD595's.

I love the bass the UE's give me from the Ipod, but I dont like the size of them and they can get uncomfortable and when Im not listening to rap / dance etc Im not convinced how they deal with the rest of my music collection (I listen to just about every genre of music) - I have recently bought the beatles remastered box set and want to base my decision on whats best for listening to this.

The Ipod doesnt power the HD595's, cant get enough volume and just doesnt work anywhere near as good as with the IEM's I have, so I only use them on my home setup, although I would like to be able to use them with my IPOD.

Im torn between buying some better IEM's such as the Shure SE530's or the Westone 3's to use for with my Ipod for music on the go or whether to go for an amp such as the Graham Slee voyager for use with my UE 5's or HD595's and my Ipod touch depending on where I am. I can then maybe upgrade my IEM's in the future.

So the real question is, will the amp make much difference to the phones I have via the IPOD, or will the IEM's I am looking at be good enough that I dont need to use my HD595's with the IPOD anyway?? Or do I need to upgreade IEM's and consider an amp???

thanks in advance
Sep 16, 2009 at 7:27 PM Post #2 of 3
I don't know about your budget but i think you can buy better quality IEMs which are more detailed with deep rich bass and sound fuller than 5EB without AMPs help. JVC FX500 has deep rich bass which goes really low and reverb with great midrange and clear extended highs, it also has huge wide soundstage. Denon C710 has even clearer midrange with extended highs and bass goes really low. I won't recomand to buy AMPs first with 5EB because it won't bringout much details and lower the bass but if you want to go with very high end IEMs then you can AMPs later. BTW some IEMs(IE8, TF10Pro and FX500) sound big like fullsize headphones and shows great details in music.
Sep 16, 2009 at 7:29 PM Post #3 of 3
Never tried the 595's, but my Custom IEM's kick the Denon D2000's ass, and the Stock TF10 pro was maybe a little worse than the D2000.

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