Sensaphonic 2xs or UE-10s for iPod use?
Jul 28, 2006 at 8:53 PM Post #2 of 9
well, i bought a pair of Sennsaphonics last year, and love them. in a rash purchasing decision, i decided to buy a pair of UE-10's. All i can say is that i am now using the Sennsaphonics for use at the gym. right out of the iPod (shuffle/nano/4th G (iMod)), the sensaphonics are a bit thin through the top end.

and having read so many reviews calling the UE-10's "analytical", i really expected them to be like my old Etymotics - nothing could be further from the truth - at least to me. they're not super clear and i think they have great synergy with my Hornet. it's a tough call, but i really like the UE-10's.

just my 2 cents...
Jul 29, 2006 at 12:15 AM Post #3 of 9

Originally Posted by gdg
Any opinions on which of these is better suited for use with an iPod?

If money no object go for UE-10Pro. Better high and clarity. I heard you can use a great amp to further improve its sound character.
Jul 29, 2006 at 8:25 AM Post #4 of 9

Originally Posted by bender13
well, i bought a pair of Sennsaphonics last year, and love them. in a rash purchasing decision, i decided to buy a pair of UE-10's. All i can say is that i am now using the Sennsaphonics for use at the gym. right out of the iPod (shuffle/nano/4th G (iMod)), the sensaphonics are a bit thin through the top end.

and having read so many reviews calling the UE-10's "analytical", i really expected them to be like my old Etymotics - nothing could be further from the truth - at least to me. they're not super clear and i think they have great synergy with my Hornet. it's a tough call, but i really like the UE-10's.

just my 2 cents...

Now how could a purchase that requires you to get stuff injected in your ears be rash?

I haven't compared the two, some prefer the sensas (read Lindrone's reviews, he was the first of them to get both), some prefer the UE's. People who think that the Sensa's highs are rolled off tend to like the UE's, which naturally makes me skeptical that I'd like them because to my ears the Sensas ain't rolled off.

But that's just guesswork. What I can say is that the Sensas benefit enough from an amp that I do carry one. It's not like full-size cans or etys though, you don't absolutely have to do it, I just find the benefit to the sound worth it.
Jul 29, 2006 at 8:43 AM Post #5 of 9
Thanx for the input guys,
Just in the last few days that I've been researching the subject the Shure E500s have caught my attention. The review at iPod lounge claims they are better than anything they've tried, including the UE 10's. I might just take a shot at those (a lot less cash at $500)
Jul 29, 2006 at 9:23 AM Post #6 of 9
Keep in mind that the customs will fit your ears 100%, meaning you'll get a 100% of what they're capable of, and they don't take as long to put in, and yes, people who've never used customs will say they "dissappear" they're so comfortable, but be aware that customs are even more so.

There's also some competition coming from UE in the form of the triple X. I don't know if it's any good, but if you're prepared to wait anyway, may as well see what they're up to as well.
Jul 29, 2006 at 4:24 PM Post #8 of 9
If you're not in a hurry, I'd wait for the UE XXX's, and then compare those to the Shure E500s, and maybe go with one of those.

As for custom IEM's, I love my UE10's, couldn't recommend them high enough. Another thought is Westone. Personally, I'd stay away from Sensaphonics--as the years have gone by, they seem to be much more trouble prone than the UE's or Westone's, and judging by the board here, Sensaphonics customer support has been less than stellar; UE and Westone look to be significantly better--this, IMHO, is very important given the price of these suckers.
Jul 29, 2006 at 5:47 PM Post #9 of 9

Originally Posted by DaDude
OT: Is there a Sensaphonics Dealer or something like that here in Germany? Didn´t found any?

Their sister company in the UK has an updated version called the ACS - t2i. You'd have to either find a local audiologist or take a flight to the UK, but you can get what's supposedly a better version right here in the EU. There's been reviews posted here, you just have to search.

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