Sennheiser PX200 Headphones are too fragile for me!
Sep 28, 2006 at 7:07 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Aug 9, 2004
My main headphones are Sennheiser HD25-1's, my alternative ones are
Sennheiser PX200 Headphones, as much as I like the PX200's they are too fragile for me and I have broken 2 already. I've pulled out the earpiece out of the sliding mechanism... twice!

Please can anyone recommend a similar style, quality and price point of any other headphone perlease....

What I like about the px200's : they were small, over the ear, high quality sounding and very light.

What do you advise?
Sep 28, 2006 at 7:53 PM Post #2 of 6
Quite frankly, you're too rough with your headphones. I don't understand how you actually managed to pull the metal bits out of the headband if you treat them gently. ANY headphone will break if misused. Before anyone suggests a headphone, you should reflect on how you're treating your headphones. I've personally owned a pair of Retro Edition PX100 for two years and I have never had your problem before. I mean absolutely no offense though. Please do not take it too personally.
Sep 28, 2006 at 9:28 PM Post #3 of 6
I do look after my gadgets, I had those headphones for about 1yr.
And due to "regular" wear and tear... like pulling the headphones out of my handbag or putting them on a little too roughly.. it's just come loose.
My HD25-1's are indestructable, so I need something like them but smaller.
Sep 28, 2006 at 9:59 PM Post #4 of 6
I don't think there are any closed headphones about the size of the PX200 outside of Sennheiser.

If you like the PX200 as much as your post suggests, I think you should use the case that comes with it. If you use the case, there should be no problems with carrying it in your bag with other things. Sure, this isn't the most convenient thing to do but I don't think there are other headphone options.

Take a look at Headroom's sealed headphone product listing for ideas.
Sep 28, 2006 at 10:31 PM Post #5 of 6

Originally Posted by socrates63
If you like the PX200 as much as your post suggests, I think you should use the case that comes with it. If you use the case, there should be no problems with carrying it in your bag with other things. Sure, this isn't the most convenient thing to do but I don't think there are other headphone options.

Take a look at Headroom's sealed headphone product listing for ideas.

Exactly what I was going to say! I was going to use that link too!
Sep 29, 2006 at 7:31 AM Post #6 of 6
You can be careful with something for its entire life and then that one day when you just don't pay attention, you end up with a great pair of headphones that aren't of any use anymore because of an embarassing incident ( looking at me with my last pair of broken ksc-75's). Funny enough, I've been kind of reckless with my px-200's and they've held together like they've been made of steel without any issues to speak of. I've gone through two pair of px-100's, haven't taken them anywhere, haven't done anything stupid, kept them in the case; and the results they've both ( returned a pair under warranty ) developed crackles / rattles in the right speaker on both sets. It's made me actually weary of the px-100's and even though they've got a better sound ( relatively speaking ) than the PX-200's, I'm wondering if my ipod / creative zen nx / rio karma used with an amp can actually create an issue with all my open headphones ruining the same right speaker. Reason I ask is because I'm also stuck with a pair of KSC-55's that have developed the same crackling / rattling as the px-100's after minimal use. Sent them back a few months ago to Koss, received another pair, two months later same deal. Anyone know if I'm just plain losing it, or is it truly possible for a player and amp to send more energy into one side of the headphones causing the speaker to overload creating this rattling / crackling out of one speaker which I seem to be getting with heavy bass music or low quality spoken word audio books.

Bottom line is how come I'm ruining all my open portable headphones with normal use, having the exact same issue with all them, yet when I use the Px-200's ( the oldest out of all my portable open headphones ) they can handle everything I've thrown at them. Less portable headphones like my Sony MDR-7506's don't have any problems with what I've been doing either.

Probably should have started a whole new thread on this!

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