Sennheiser MOMENTUM True Wireless 3 Impressions Thread
Jan 23, 2024 at 8:07 AM Post #556 of 568
As owner of this phones I believe the biggest problem is oversimplified and syrupy, uninvolving, splashy and pillowy sound. Instruments don’t have some reasonable definition to them. This phones just don’t move you. After two tracks I forgot that I listen to music through them. Also, I cannot say they are V shaped as heights are really missing here, so that could be also a reason why they miss crispness to the sound. I have impression that I rather have a toy in my ears than phones for a relatively serious price for TWS.

It’s a pitty that company with so much potential and knowledge cannot or just don’t want to compete with garage companies in TWS business.
Mar 19, 2024 at 10:58 AM Post #557 of 568
I've been using the Sony WF-1000XM4 for a few years. I'm just looking to try something new. I'm nearing 70 years old so there is definitely some high-frequency hearing loss. The Sennhesier popped up and I've always respected the brand. I'm trying to stay below $150.00. Any suggestions or input?

Mar 19, 2024 at 1:40 PM Post #558 of 568
I've been using the Sony WF-1000XM4 for a few years. I'm just looking to try something new. I'm nearing 70 years old so there is definitely some high-frequency hearing loss. The Sennhesier popped up and I've always respected the brand. I'm trying to stay below $150.00. Any suggestions or input?

If you find the XM4 to be lacking treble energy and detail the MTW3/4 will add more in those areas. The MTW3 is on sale more often now as they clear them out. There are enough issues with the 3 I would only buy new for warranty purposes.

Are you Apple or Android? If Android does your phone support APTx Adaptive or Lossless? Samsungs for example only go as high as APTx none of the higher APTx codecs. If not you will be using either AAC or standard APTx which means you can't really take full advantage of the MTW's.

JLAB recently released a new model called Epic Lab that looks to have extremely good sound quality and decent ANC. It might be a good lower cost alternative to Sennheiser. It also supports LDAC which is an easier codec to support on most Android phones.
Mar 19, 2024 at 3:57 PM Post #559 of 568
I use a Samsung S23 Ultra. I'll have to take a look at the JLab. I've owned their less expensive models in the past. I can pick up a pair of the Sennheiser's for about 110.00 new.
Mar 19, 2024 at 5:52 PM Post #560 of 568
I can't comment on the Jlab from personal experience. But do own the MTW3. I like it's functionality and features wind reduction that actually works well.

For music once they did a FW update they started to sound really good using their personal tuning process.

My pair started to have issues though after about 5 months use. Weird pinging thing and then the ANC had a dramatic shift in sound around the same time and almost feels like it sucks out the air. Very unpleasant. Need to warranty them but been to lazy...

Have read of people with similar issues go through a couple pairs. So as much as I live their sound and features, I am on the fence about a big recommendation. But $110 is a good price which helps make it easier 😀.
May 26, 2024 at 2:41 AM Post #561 of 568
I can't comment on the Jlab from personal experience. But do own the MTW3. I like it's functionality and features wind reduction that actually works well.

For music once they did a FW update they started to sound really good using their personal tuning process.

My pair started to have issues though after about 5 months use. Weird pinging thing and then the ANC had a dramatic shift in sound around the same time and almost feels like it sucks out the air. Very unpleasant. Need to warranty them but been to lazy...

Have read of people with similar issues go through a couple pairs. So as much as I live their sound and features, I am on the fence about a big recommendation. But $110 is a good price which helps make it easier 😀.
for the pinging just try to clean mesh from glue
Jun 16, 2024 at 4:26 AM Post #562 of 568
Has anyone had these die for no reason at all (I didn't use these for a few months, they were stored in a drawer) and tried to get it fixed out of warranty? If so, how much did you have to pay for it?

Many other people on Reddit seems to have the same issue too, so it looks to be a design flaw and not something that is caused by me.
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Jun 16, 2024 at 4:29 AM Post #563 of 568
Sennheiser claims that they have investigated this and found out that most of the premature buds dying were due to battery defects and internal battery components dying unexpectedly. They say they have changed battery technology/supplier for the MTW4 and are confident that those will be much more robust and reliable in the future. We will have to take their word for now.

So this happened to my pair and is out of warranty. So it's a clear defect. I bet Sennheiser / Sonoma or whatever their name is nowadays will make me pay for their design flaw I guess, eventhough they messed up ?
Jun 16, 2024 at 5:59 AM Post #564 of 568
So this happened to my pair and is out of warranty. So it's a clear defect. I bet Sennheiser / Sonoma or whatever their name is nowadays will make me pay for their design flaw I guess, eventhough they messed up ?
Warranty is two years, just in case.

Contact them and see what they say.
Jun 16, 2024 at 9:39 AM Post #566 of 568
Has anyone had these die for no reason at all (I didn't use these for a few months, they were stored in a drawer) and tried to get it fixed out of warranty? If so, how much did you have to pay for it?

Many other people on Reddit seems to have the same issue too, so it looks to be a design flaw and not something that is caused by me.
In my case, after not using them for a while (about 10 months after the purchase), I would not be able to charge one of the ear pieces at all, no matter what I tried like cleaning the metal contacts on both ends. With the warranty, I was able to get a completely new pair. Unfortunately, about a year later, the same problem happened with the new pair - one of the ear pieces died and I wasn't able to charge it. Luckily, my warranty was still active. And this time around, I got the MTW4. Hopefully, the newer model doesn't have this flaw.
Jun 16, 2024 at 1:47 PM Post #567 of 568
My left bud also died on my 9 month old MTW3's -- was perpetually draining no matter whether on or off and would empty the charge case in about a day
Got a set of MTW4's as replacement (took about 6 weeks) --- Mostly good except for the weird ANC cut-off thing when you yawn or move your mouth a lot but it's a minor issue
Like the fit / sound generally
Jun 16, 2024 at 3:00 PM Post #568 of 568
Personally, I had two replacements and had the same issue. When the third also died, I was lucky to get a full refund from Amazon, went with the Technics AZ80 and never looked back. I couldn't believe Sennheiser's pinky swearing that the TW4 would be better and so glad this experience led me to the AZ80s.

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