Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Dec 28, 2012 at 2:55 AM Post #9,919 of 46,600
The only problem I saw with Death Note was that it dragged on for too long. Still, it was one of the smartest and boldest animes I've ever seen.

To be on topic, the HD650 is perfect for anime watching. Anime tends to be bright and treble oriented. The HD650 offsets that quite well. If I didnt have the Yuin G1A (basically a clip on mini HD650), I would want the 650 again for such a use.
Dec 28, 2012 at 4:04 AM Post #9,920 of 46,600
I never really learned to appreciate the sound of the HD650. Every time I listened to K701 or DT880 and went back to my HD650 I felt something was missing. I tried different sources and different amps (both SS and tubes) and nothing of that feeling changed really. HD650 are pronouncedly colored in a way that disturbes me. Even the little brother HD595 sounds more balanced to my ear even if the sound is not nearly rafined and natural. DT880 or K701 are for my taste more revealing and "musical" and have a better soundstage. I can understand though that pepople enjoy their HD650 as they probably can be more forgiving and easier to listen to than the above mentioned, but is it really High Fidelity?
Dec 28, 2012 at 4:14 AM Post #9,921 of 46,600
I never really learned to appreciate the sound of the HD650. Every time I listened to K701 or DT880 and went back to my HD650 I felt something was missing. I tried different sources and different amps (both SS and tubes) and nothing of that feeling changed really. HD650 are pronouncedly colored in a way that disturbes me. Even the little brother HD595 sounds more balanced to my ear even if the sound is not nearly rafined and natural. DT880 or K701 are for my taste more revealing and "musical" and have a better soundstage. I can understand though that pepople enjoy their HD650 as they probably can be more forgiving and easier to listen to than the above mentioned, but is it really High Fidelity?

I have auditioned the Q701 and it responds well to the mk3's bass setting.. i like the sound of it but sound thin to me in comparison.. i think the hd650s especially fully burned in are very resolving and base on my research they are also like the hd800 which is amp picky.. it may lead to a veiled, dark, bassy, rolled off sound depending on the source.. fwir, the SPL Phonitor has a very good synergy with the senns..
but i do get your point.. ymmv..
i love the hd650s more even after they've fully burned in like how you love your k701.. and one thing that i love is their laid backness and euphonic sound which I didn't hear to other HPs.. even the hd800s don't have the euphonic sound imho.. i find them musical for me too and love the creamy vocals

are they really high fidelity?
can't answer that in my case but they were the Senns flagship for almost a decade i think..
Dec 28, 2012 at 4:23 AM Post #9,922 of 46,600
it may lead to a veiled, dark, bassy, rolled off sound depending on the source..

It would be interesting to know how many people here use high quality sources. There are too many portable sources (mp3 players and cell phones) in the member profiles. I guess that the balance of the HD650 can be more suitable for portables and is one of the reasons for their popularity. Maybe I am wrong.
Dec 28, 2012 at 4:30 AM Post #9,923 of 46,600
It would be interesting to know how many people here use high quality sources. There are too many portable sources (mp3 players and cell phones) in the member profiles. I guess that the balance of the HD650 can be more suitable for portables and is one of the reasons for their popularity. Maybe I am wrong.

do you listen to any music with any sort of emotion ? because thats probably why you don't enjoy them... 
Dec 28, 2012 at 4:37 AM Post #9,924 of 46,600
It would be interesting to know how many people here use high quality sources. There are to many portable sources (mp3 players and cell phones) in the member profiles. I guess that the balance of the HD650 can be more suitable for portables and is one of the reasons for their popularity. Maybe I am wrong.

maybe so or maybe they're not just for you.. so far that's what i've gathered and understood so many things about the hd650s character.. i had that veil thing before and dark sound and it lead me to buy an RS1i after i auditioned my friend's burned in grado.. i enjoyed the rs1i for being tranparent to me (especially the vocals) andI had my 650s for 170 hrs of burn in and not impressed.. i just leave the 650s continue to burn in then after reaching 200+ hours, i was

and made my critical AB with my fully burned in rs1i ... it was unbelievable because the rs1i's couldn't hold a candle to it anymore.. the vocals sound even much more very natural.. the sound opened up and it was rediscovering my library again..
like what i mentioned they are also picky to sources/amps.. i know i haven't still listened to their full potential yet but with my portable rig now, it's such an amazing headphone for me...
i have auditioned these headphones: LCD3(kimber cable), HE-6(ALO reference), PS1000, HD800(cardas), T1, Stax
i am not saying the hd650 best them but imho the hd650 hold its place very very well for me considering soundstage, transparency, portability
the euphonic sound really hit me
Dec 28, 2012 at 4:46 AM Post #9,925 of 46,600
Dec 28, 2012 at 5:10 AM Post #9,927 of 46,600
I listen to all sorts of music with my HD650s. A lot of classical lately, and I find them very musical. Typically, I'll quickly dive into the music and forget everything else. They sound very different depending what amp feeds them. I was using a "simple" Pro-ject Headbox until a few weeks ago when I bought a Heed CanAmp. The difference was spectacular. I find the HD650-CanAmp to be a wonderful combination. It drives the cans with great authority, giving them a strong bass, great detail and impressive soundstage. Maybe some will find these headphones too warm, but I think they're very musical and give me lots of joy with all kinds of music. If you prefer more analytical headphones they might not be the one for you. 
I use a Pro-Ject RPM 9.1 turntable with a Heed Questar phono preamp as my source. Sometimes I try to plug in my Marantz CD5003 cd player but the CD sound always disappoints me so I go back to LP. 
Dec 28, 2012 at 6:20 AM Post #9,929 of 46,600
either he should search for the right source or amp for his 650s or consider another headphone for hassle free

I already have another headphone which I immensly enjoy in every single way. My main source is top notch (Harman/Kardon HD990 CD-player) unlike many other peoples here (I think there are way too many iPods, iPhones, Androids, mp3s etc. altogether on this forum as sources). Just my 2 cents
Dec 28, 2012 at 6:53 AM Post #9,930 of 46,600
makes sense... imo. 

I am not really following you here. Do you think that classical music is too emotional and that is the reason why I cannot enjoy HD650s?

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