Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
May 17, 2014 at 9:47 PM Post #17,491 of 46,600
My Schiit is here!!!!

I am letting everything burn in before serious listening, though the Valhalla sounds great, right out of the box, more to come! Music requests are now being accepted :sunglasses:.

Congratz, looks great !
Can you comment on how the HD650 + Schiit sound with Electronic music? how is the Bass stage?
May 17, 2014 at 10:15 PM Post #17,492 of 46,600
Guys, this may be of interest to some of you. A nice chance to earn $300 on a design contest by the guys from Australia:
The only requirement is to own a Sennheiser or have graphic design/photo skills. 
May 17, 2014 at 11:48 PM Post #17,493 of 46,600
Congratz, looks great !

I would love to but I am having problems with the Valhalla, out of the box the sound was OK, but I had to turn the volume to 3:00 to get decent volume with my HD650's. The the left channel started to get noisy, then the volume fell off the table, grrrr. I have sent an email and left a phone message, so more to come :cry:.

Can you comment on how the HD650 + Schiit sound with Electronic music? how is the Bass stage?
May 18, 2014 at 12:04 AM Post #17,494 of 46,600
I spent today comparing my SE535's to the 650's and I must say I really find the SE535's a lot more fun sounding. Perhaps it's because of the amp (Presonus  HP4) which is making the 650's a little fatiguing... I'm running the SE535's straight through the RME Babyface headphone out though. Don't notice too much difference running them through the HP4 other than barely being able to turn the volume knob on the HP4. I can spend hours with the SE535 in my ears doing house chores without realizing I have them in other than the discomfort that starts developing after multiple hours. Weird. Still working on saving up for the the crack. Times are a wee bit tough and I could never ever part with any of my music equipment :p
Maybe it's the extra treble extension of the 650's? I did a test and I can hear from ~15hz - 19khz with the 650's. The SE535 from ~20hz - 15khz. There's quite the dip around ~11khz in the 650's as well I noticed with a sine sweep, and a peak at about 14-15khz
May 19, 2014 at 4:20 PM Post #17,496 of 46,600
  Just can't resist dropping another seed of destruction in this thread eh?

You are a sinister one indeed

Just saying that the earth isn't flat......  

May 19, 2014 at 4:44 PM Post #17,498 of 46,600
May 20, 2014 at 1:53 PM Post #17,499 of 46,600
What would be the best solid state amp for the 650's, and possibly for the HD800 in the future? I've been giving BH Crack a lot of thought, but with a solid state amp I wouldn't have to stress myself about different tubes. And the final price of the Crack wouldn't fall too far behind of eg. the Violectric V181/200. Other ss-amps in similar price range I've been looking into are Lehmannaudio Black Cube Linear, Burson Soloist/Soloist SL, and Graham Slee Solo Ultra Linear. What kind of experiences have you had with said amps, or other solid state amps in similar price range with 650's?
I'm not interested in anything overly analytical, if it stands in the way of musical enjoyment. Euphony is what I'm looking for.
May 20, 2014 at 2:50 PM Post #17,500 of 46,600
  What would be the best solid state amp for the 650's, and possibly for the HD800 in the future? I've been giving BH Crack a lot of thought, but with a solid state amp I wouldn't have to stress myself about different tubes. And the final price of the Crack wouldn't fall too far behind of eg. the Violectric V181/200. Other ss-amps in similar price range I've been looking into are Lehmannaudio Black Cube Linear, Burson Soloist/Soloist SL, and Graham Slee Solo Ultra Linear. What kind of experiences have you had with said amps, or other solid state amps in similar price range with 650's?
I'm not interested in anything overly analytical, if it stands in the way of musical enjoyment. Euphony is what I'm looking for.

The OPPO HA-1 headphone amplifier has recently been released and could be worth adding to your list. I'm hoping to see some reviews start coming out soon.
May 20, 2014 at 4:43 PM Post #17,501 of 46,600
How does this sound on the 650's?

May 20, 2014 at 5:18 PM Post #17,503 of 46,600
May 20, 2014 at 5:26 PM Post #17,505 of 46,600
  What would be the best solid state amp for the 650's, and possibly for the HD800 in the future? I've been giving BH Crack a lot of thought, but with a solid state amp I wouldn't have to stress myself about different tubes. And the final price of the Crack wouldn't fall too far behind of eg. the Violectric V181/200. Other ss-amps in similar price range I've been looking into are Lehmannaudio Black Cube Linear, Burson Soloist/Soloist SL, and Graham Slee Solo Ultra Linear. What kind of experiences have you had with said amps, or other solid state amps in similar price range with 650's?
I'm not interested in anything overly analytical, if it stands in the way of musical enjoyment. Euphony is what I'm looking for.

Well, I do not have a stack of amps here, but FWIW, I bought a Lovely Cube Lehmann clone, which was so good that it sparked the demon curiosity, and I bought the Lehmann Linear SE which goes wonderful things to the HD800. I actually use a Lyr with the HD650, because I have an upstairs/downstairs setup: Lehmann/HD800 upstairs, Lyr/HD650 downstairs. I would say to you that the Lehmann demands to be heard if you are contemplating SS. The SE, is particular, is glorious. As I said, FWIW. Euphony in spades, btw.

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