Sennheiser CX 550 -or- Sony MDR EX500LP?
May 19, 2009 at 8:03 PM Post #17 of 34
Hello again,

Okay kjk thanks for that - puts me right back where I started
regular_smile .gif
. One thing though; could somebody please explain to me what is meant when the sound produced is described as "warm" or "on the warm side"? See it being used a lot. And yes I will have a look at Radiopaqs too, thanks.

Well Mark, my budget is ever-increasing
. I'm finding the increasing urge to look for better is making me more prepared to spend more to get the kind of sound I'd like... In other words I'm completely lost. I was actually having a look at IE6s too. But then I'd need to know in what way their sound differs from, say, the CX 550s. And then if it would be worthwhile spending an extra £30 to get the IE7s, aaargh too obsessive.

So I suppose what I'm saying is that I could convince myself to spend more money on something like the IE6s if they're a good quality set of IEMs that produce a sound I like. Have you used IE6s before? I see you own IE7s.
May 19, 2009 at 8:35 PM Post #18 of 34
ive not used the IE6, from what ivea read its more bassy than the IE7 which i find easily bassy enough for me. those who have used it have liked it but there arent many of them that i know of. or you could just go feck it and go for the IE7's

there is a thread somoenwhere that defines all the terms that get used on here,

youll know it when you hear it
May 19, 2009 at 10:10 PM Post #19 of 34
Okay then, thanks again for the help. It's appreciated.

I can see myself going for the IE 7s - see a lot of happy owners.

However, could you please just answer a few questions on them? If you wouldn't mind that is.

How is the sound at the different ranges? Is it fairly balanced?

How are the buds provided with them, do they isolate sufficiently? Or should I be looking to get those eBay ones mentioned earlier?

How is the cable for strength?

And lastly, how is the comfort over an extended period?

May 20, 2009 at 11:31 AM Post #20 of 34
well is it balanced, erm sennheiser think so, its failrly balanced but still a bit bass heavy, it can dish out great big dollops off bass easily but still got great mids on them and nice highs too.

the buds well i wasnt huge on them, but those ebay things i found to be amazingly good and super cheap too, so id say if u buy the 7 buy some of those tips too, even if u dont like them its like waht £2 if that.

isolation it isnt great, but better than the ex500 you were thinking about. i mean isolation isnt terrible but if you are coming from other high end IEM's most of them have lots more so it feels lacking. if you are coming from say cx300 you want notice much if any difference. if your coming from ibuds youll think its great.

cable is maybe the best cable ever and strength wise ive not really tested but its coated in kevlar so im thinking it should be fairly strong.

comfort wise with those ebay tips i find the 7 very very comfortable, could and have worn it all day long wiht no problems, the things are freakishly light. like disturbingly light.

hope that helps
May 20, 2009 at 1:53 PM Post #21 of 34
Heya again,

Again, very helpful.

The sound seems very suitable.

Isolation seems adequate. I'm guessing the only way to get better isolation than the eBay tips would be to get a a set of custom-made tips. But I think - as you pointed out - having come from this pair I'm using, it will be sufficient. What did you mean by "a hige"?

Good to hear the cable is sturdy.

I've looked at the tips on eBay that you've linked to. Just to be sure - it is those labeled "...for Sony In-Ear Headphone" that you're talking about, isn't it? Also, is there any difference between those marked "Earbuds Tips" and those "Ear Bud Chushion"? Can't see any difference...
May 20, 2009 at 2:08 PM Post #23 of 34
Okay, lovely.

Wasn't sure if "hige" was Head-Fi slang for something - couldn't find it in the list

And just to be sure, is there any difference between those marked "Earbuds Tips" and those "Ear Bud Chushion"?

I didn't have this question in the last post, but you replied before I put the edit in!
May 20, 2009 at 2:44 PM Post #25 of 34
Okay then thanks. Just ordered them; best price I've found comes from the big online stores at £119.99. Seems pretty good in comparison to RRP and competition.

Will just order those "disturbingly light" tips too - as you said, hardly a disaster if I find I don't like them. And I'll save myself 61p by going for the cheaper of the two seemingly identical options. Bargain!

Cheers for all the help Mark.
May 20, 2009 at 2:57 PM Post #26 of 34
oh its not the tips that are disturbingly light well not that tips really weigh anything, its the IE7 that are

when i first took mine out of the box ages ago when there was next to no one had them on here i was shocked at how light they were. you will see what i mean when you get them.

btw where abouts are you?
May 20, 2009 at 3:20 PM Post #27 of 34
Ah I see, that's even better then. As long as something's disturbingly light.

You know Lanark? That'd be the nearest "well-known" town to where I stay. How about you man, where-abouts in the capital are you from?

Can I ask you yet another question? This one's pretty trivial... What colour are the IE-7s? Are they black or are they grey? I'm finding it pretty difficult to tell..
May 20, 2009 at 4:08 PM Post #29 of 34
Afraid I don't know much of Edinburgh, was just asking on the off-chance I might recognise the name; and only been to Stirling once or twice.

Right, black it is. Thanks yet again. Looking forward to trying these out.

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