Sennheiser CX 300 IEM (a personal review)
Feb 12, 2006 at 10:02 PM Post #61 of 554
For those asking about the cord length of the CX-300, it is exactly 1 m., (a bit over 3 feet).

For reference, the cord length of the Sony EX71 is very short (0.5 m.), but then, when you add the enclosed extension cord, it becomes way too long (a bit over 1.5 m in total).
Feb 12, 2006 at 10:26 PM Post #62 of 554
You know where you can get them for a HELL LOT CHEAPER?

Shop till you drop.
Feb 13, 2006 at 12:54 PM Post #63 of 554
I was actually going to get these saturday. went to JR in manhattan and the guy was filling out the receipt when I happened to noticed the shure e3's. I asked him how much and he said $119. After much debating, I went with those instead. Been using the e2's for a year and while I'm sure the cx-300 are good, I had a fear that I would be stepping down a notch. Plus I'm used to how you wear the shure's (tied behind your head, cord running down your back). HD5+E3s'=bliss (and I haven't noticed any hissing), but just for curiosity's sake, how do the cx-300 compare to te e3's???
Feb 13, 2006 at 5:22 PM Post #65 of 554
Feb 13, 2006 at 5:44 PM Post #66 of 554

Originally Posted by sonick
from china? i'd be weary

That's CA for Canada fellow Head-fier.

.cn would be China, if my mind is functional.

Besides, your headphone purchase, if processed, is really reliant on the Chinese manufacturing process. They are made in China, I hear. Possibly not for these but for 90% of those you buy, including most appliances, you are receiving Chinese-Made goods.

No need to be wary if you do find a Chinese shop selling them - they probably cost you less in import taxes and do not offer a much raised price for there is no need to pay for the labor involved in getting them from the assembly line to the shop/warehouse and finally to you.

In other words, don't assume that because you live in your homeland, everyone else does. NSJONG is providing a link for a cheaper alternative price to Amazon or J&R. Head-fi is global, regardless of your worries. He's trying to aid rather than become overtly critical.
Feb 13, 2006 at 6:00 PM Post #67 of 554

Originally Posted by Zvio
That's CA for Canada fellow Head-fier.

.cn would be China, if my mind is functional.

Besides, your headphone purchase, if processed, is really reliant on the Chinese manufacturing process. They are made in China, I hear. Possibly not for these but for 90% of those you buy, including most appliances, you are receiving Chinese-Made goods.

No need to be wary if you do find a Chinese shop selling them - they probably cost you less in import taxes and do not offer a much raised price for there is no need to pay for the labor involved in getting them from the assembly line to the shop/warehouse and finally to you.

In other words, don't assume that because you live in your homeland, everyone else does. NSJONG is providing a link for a cheaper alternative price to Amazon or J&R. Head-fi is global, regardless of your worries. He's trying to aid rather than become overtly critical.

sound's like SOMEbody's got a case of the mondays

I'm from canada, i am fully aware .ca is for CANADA. Also, my HOMELAND is CHINA, so i am also fully aware that .cn is for CHINA. Thanks for taking the time to look it up at wiki.

in my experience most stuff coming from china (on EBAY nonetheless) isnt exactly 100% legit. i am from hong kong (parents originated from china), and live in a city where the MAJORITY population is of chinese descent, many chinese malls here sell bootlegs/pirated/fake items, so I know what to look for. if somebody wants to buy from there, by all means don't let my comment stop you. I'm just paranoid.

i don't mind at all if they were made in china, and was assured they are 100% legit

please, don't pigeonhole me and assume I am a multicultural-hating close-minded racist by that one single post.
Feb 13, 2006 at 6:04 PM Post #68 of 554
Amazon just raised the price on the CX 300B to $69 but the CX 300S is still only 39.99. However when you look up the CX 300S it says CX 300S Black??? Either way I placed my order before they raise the price. Just an FYI.

By the way this is my first post, but I've been watching and spending tons of money for a little while now. Thanks for a great forum with tons of info.
Feb 13, 2006 at 6:35 PM Post #69 of 554
For clarities sake, I apologize to you. Still, I am used to the hardship endured by people just trying to help out on a forum.

You have to understand, this is not a personal vendetta towards you, either. It's a typical occurrence to see posters fending for themselves over someones critique. I suppose your short sentences didn't really explain what you said in the last post so I figured you were out to bash.

Again, forgive me for the patronizing too. It's fun to correct mistakes online though

I hope you do realize though it wasn't directed at you because of former relations or whatnot - it's just a default, social reaction I've become accustomed to.

That said, can we be friends?


Originally Posted by sonick
sound's like SOMEbody's got a case of the mondays

I'm from canada, i am fully aware .ca is for CANADA. Also, my HOMELAND is CHINA, so i am also fully aware that .cn is for CHINA. Thanks for taking the time to look it up at wiki.

in my experience most stuff coming from china (on EBAY nonetheless) isnt exactly 100% legit. i am from hong kong (parents originated from china), and live in a city where the MAJORITY population is of chinese descent, many chinese malls here sell bootlegs/pirated/fake items, so I know what to look for. if somebody wants to buy from there, by all means don't let my comment stop you. I'm just paranoid.

i don't mind at all if they were made in china, and was assured they are 100% legit

please, don't pigeonhole me and assume I am a multicultural-hating close-minded racist by that one single post.

Feb 13, 2006 at 8:29 PM Post #70 of 554

Originally Posted by Visigodo
For reference, the cord length of the Sony EX71 is very short (0.5 m.), but then, when you add the enclosed extension cord, it becomes way too long (a bit over 1.5 m in total).

I have the same problem with the Panasonic RP-HJE50. Too short or too long. A problem that is compounded because the cable is so rubbery and doesn't sit easy.
Feb 13, 2006 at 11:48 PM Post #71 of 554
It's my first pair of IEM (well except a 10$ koss plug 5 years ago I returned after 1h). I cannot compared to any other IEM and I do not feel confident enough to compare to the px100 about the 'sennheiser sound' or thing like that.

I am kinda in a wow
state. First fit worked right away.
Basses are a little boomy for my tastes (Shoji Yokouchi Trio, a TBM Jazz Recording) but not to an extent I am not happy with them.
Definition is definitly there, I am even thinking that bad recorddings are going to soundreally bad ( Lucky me all my mp3s are lame extreme).

I was expecting somethink like a foam you have to mold to get it, I just used the standard thingie, pushed it in and Voila.

Not a review, cannot compare to other IEM, but I am a happy camper ... I just hope I am not going to climb the ladder in the IEM area.

Happy Camper here


Added after 1h and rereading the thread :
- The trebble ARE there, a little too much with my 5G, a little on the agressive side so .. from my perspective ... no 'veil' there
- The thing is 'microphonic' or whatever you call it , but it is my first IEM
- Did the Verdi Requiem/Gardiner/Tuba mirum test, and when there is that crescendo, shivers are there I am .. well .. I do not call that 'directing' but I am throwing the 'sound masses' of percussions; choirs and instruments groups to an imaginary orchestra, my feet/legs following the tempo, so .. that works for me .. cannot compare but does not matter .. isn'it what music is about
? (For those who do not know the tuba mirum of the verdi requiem .. try it, regardless of the conductor .. but I love gardiner )

Added after 3h :
- Keith Jarrett Koln concert. Talk about definition ! wow (again my first IEM). I hear public noises I never heard before (Keith I was already hearing :wink: ), like between seconds 4 and 6 (like laughters), a high pitch sound (a door ? ) at second 22. Those are sound you might not want to hear .. but I want them, it makes the performance live. Like Gould humming/singing/noising whatever you call it in his studio recordings. Like Claudio Arrau Nails hitting the keyboard.
Feb 14, 2006 at 12:13 AM Post #72 of 554
What!? Amazon raised the price on the black up to $69.99?! That's ridiculous, they were 39.99 when I checked earlier this afternoon. I was saving up for 'em.
Feb 14, 2006 at 12:16 AM Post #73 of 554

Originally Posted by The Dan of Steel
Amazon just raised the price on the CX 300B to $69 but the CX 300S is still only 39.99. However when you look up the CX 300S it says CX 300S Black??? Either way I placed my order before they raise the price. Just an FYI.

By the way this is my first post, but I've been watching and spending tons of money for a little while now. Thanks for a great forum with tons of info.

I wondered about that too, but placed my order anyway for the 300S. I'll be pleasantly surprised if I receive the black, but the silver will do.
Feb 14, 2006 at 9:01 PM Post #75 of 554
Got em today!!! Amazon really comes through sometimes. I only ordered them at 1PM yesterday and I got em about noon today even with free Super Saver shipping!

As for the phones they are the silver ones. The only other IEM I have to compare it to are a pair of EX51's. It goes without saying that these blow them away. The clarity is the first thing you least compared to the Sony's. I tried them back to back with both the Sony's and my Porta Pro's and IMO they sound just as bassy and a bit clearer than the Porta's. I think I will lay off looking for another IEM for a while. I listen to a lot of harder rock (Dream Theater, Queen, Pink Floyd, Tool, Dark Tranquility) but I also listen to a lot of folky stuff (Elliot Smith, the Shins) also including classical guitar and I think these will work great for all of them. I have to admit however that they seem a little more microphonic(?) than the Sony's. A paper clip or something else to clip it to my shirt might help.

I would love a comparison of these vs ER6i or 3, because those were my other choices.

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