Senn HD6X0 - Why are they SO LAID BACK AND DULLLL???
Mar 6, 2005 at 12:48 AM Post #136 of 206
If they sound dull, then try some music which isnt dull.
Try some nice garage rock. Then turn the volume up a bit so that you can hear it. If you can make Astro (the White Stripes) sound dull out of the 580s, then the cans, your player, your cd, or your player, aren't working correctly (nevermind the cable).
Mar 6, 2005 at 1:38 AM Post #137 of 206
I just received Silver Dragon cables from Moon Aduio, and the difference with the stock cable is night and day. Contrary to what I assumed, there are truly two set of phones :
- HD650 with the stock cable,
- HD650 with replacement cables (refer to Tuberoller's excellent review of different cables).

Why does Sennheiser keep shipping these phones with the stock cable ? To satifsy us Headfiers with an upgrade !

I spend the evening listening to Sarah Vaughan ("Copacabana", "with Clifford Brown - complete recordings", "Crazy and Mixed Up"). There is no "dullness" here. I am now listing to "One nation under a groove", and Bootsy's bass on "Grooveallegiance" is deep !

The K1000 provides a very accurate rendition for critical listening, but the HD650/Silver Dragon is more enjoyable for everyday use, with little compromise in quality.

P.S. I bought the K1000 and HD650 based on HeadFi reviews, with no auditioning. Thanks to all for the sound advice (NeillPeart, Tuberoller...).
Mar 6, 2005 at 2:23 AM Post #138 of 206

Originally Posted by doobooloo
After a few (~10) hours, any burn in I believe is burn in of the ears, meaning that your ears just get tuned to the sonic signature gradually.

In a negative sense, it's like the sonic standards of your ears are gradually being lowered. In a positive sense, your ears are learning to enjoy what's coming out more.

plausible, thats what i thought too. however, it maybe proofed untrue if you compare a well used can with a brand new one side-by-side, with everything being the same...if there is a different that is.
Mar 6, 2005 at 3:09 AM Post #139 of 206

Originally Posted by NormanBates
really... haven't heard the 650's myself, but from the majority of the reviews i've read, they're amazing headphones. Aren't you exaggerating a wee bit?

Firstly, PLEASE read what my "badly ported bass" comment was referring to.
Secondly - audio is subjective, it's the whole point of this thread - a "review" for audio gear can often be as useful as a blind person recommending a painting.


Originally Posted by NormanBates
i don't see anyone on this thread who's trying to convince people that they have to like Senns. they're just pointing out the merits of their 'phones.

Stick around for a bit longer, you'll see it happen often, and not just with the HD650 either.


Originally Posted by Kush_
Who says?
Most people just say that a replacement cable noticeably changes the sound which you may or may not like.

Oh, most people do, do they?
You mean most people who frequent the cable section at this forum which discourages naysayers rather strongly?


Originally Posted by Kush_
don’t be stupid

Oh sorry, was my exaggeration a little over the top? Well done for missing the point. Have a gold star


Originally Posted by Kush_
I think the 650's sound good with average equipment, I really enjoy their sound with my Perreaux amp.

Excellent, it's good you enjoy them! (no sarcasm here btw)
Again, however, you've missed my point.


Originally Posted by Kush_
Who ever said that? I think your delusional and have some serious 650 hatred in you.
I just find them more realistic sounding than most headphones I've heard.

It was said, I paraphrased.
I found my old $50 Sony headphones to be the most realistic sounding headphones I'd heard once.


Originally Posted by Kush_
So you don’t like the 650 sound, get over it.

So people don't like the HD650 sound, get over it.
Oh wait... didn't I already say that?


Originally Posted by Kush_
I think your misinterpreting peoples comments. I don't think anyone is trying to convince anyone else that they have to like the 650 sound, but rather ways which might improve the 650 sound for them.

"I really don't like the way this chicken tastes, can we "improve it" so it tastes more like beef?"
Uh.. howsabout buying beef in the first place?
My comments made here aren't simply in relation to this thread btw.


Originally Posted by Kush_
You know... some of us really do enjoy the 650 sound.

You know... some of us really don't enjoy the 650 sound.
wait.. are you with me or against me here, it's confusing


Originally Posted by NormanBates
none of the posters on this thread seem to be shoving down the HD650 down anyones throat. as for GS Ferrari's comments, it's certainly no worse than Kunwar basically saying that the HD650 is a piece of crap.

as many Grado 'fanboys' on this forum as there is Sennheiser

I'd say most people arguing here are basing at least part of their argument on information, attitudes and opinions gathered outside this thread - from previous ones over the weeks/months/years most likely - not just comments made here in this thread.


Originally Posted by JaZZ
I don't think the HD 650 needs excuses. People just try to give advice how to handle it best. The HD 650 (like the HD 600, BTW) is no easy to drive headphone. Not because it is electrically demanding -- a common misconception --, but because of its unspectacular, relatively neutral characteristic with its focus on correctness instead of euphonic excitement. So it rather points out the weaknesses of the system than plastering them.

While I agree with the general attitude of recommending the right gear to go with the right equipment, people tend to miss out on the most important fact - the right person.
The problem is people make a big round-the-world trip trying to make the HD650 suit everyone's tastes and THEN say "maybe the sound just isn't for you". The HD650 has such a distinct sound it should be easy for people to say "ok, this guy like an up front, lively and agressive sound.. the HD650 probably isn't for him" rather than trying to convince him to spend $3000 on other gear first.


Originally Posted by JaZZ
You obviously haven't spent much serious time with the HD 650. It really changes its characteristic quite dramatically during the first 150 hours. This is confirmed by most owners. Of course you still have to like its specific sonic signature, but within this frame there's a lot of change from good to worse to better to excellent during this phase. «A few hours» is a bad joke.

I have a pair that has been used for well over 200 hours.
I compared it to a pair out of the box.....
The differences were... minimal. They still sounded like the same headphone, but there were minor differences. Certainly not enough for me to say "omg it's revelation!" like some people claim.


Originally Posted by JaZZ
So you want natural and realistic sound?

I never said that

I personally want a sound that I enjoy, it's about the music for me - not the equipment.


Originally Posted by JaZZ
Then why is professional stage amplification equipment your reference? Your so-called «live concerts» are in fact reproductions through all that Shure, EV, HH, Marshall, Orange, Bose... snippety

Perhaps aim this argument at the person who inferred that the HD650 was good because it was most like a real live performance.


Originally Posted by JaZZ
Everybody's ears are different. I think that's the best explanation for the huge differences in perception. Certainly generalizations and absolutizations such as yours aren't adequate.

"yours" as in "those that furiously try to convince people to like the HD650s" - my generalisations were not "absolutizations" - they were exagerrations. I'm still surprised that so many people missed this


Originally Posted by JaZZ
And nobody is talking people into buying Sennheisers. People are just trying to make others benefit from their own experiences with a headphone they are convinced of, for good reason.

The only other headphone I see defended as zealously as the HD650 is the CD3k


Originally Posted by JaZZ
That doesn't mean everybody has to like its sound.



Originally Posted by JaZZ
Still the perfect headphone doesn't exist. We have to live with various sorts of compromizes. And there should be one or the other implementation that fits the personal preferences. Some of them are only achievable by careful system matching (see first paragraph), and that's what Head-Fi discussions are really good for.

Ah, but again when people think "oh, it can't POSSIBLY be the HD650, it must be something else" the original person who states they don't like the HD650 is then encouraged to take a rollercoaster ride of cable, amp, source, tinfoil hat and burnin upgrades. It's great for some businesses I guess, but it's not the way I run mine.


Originally Posted by kunwar
Why then do they not burn in the drivers before shipping them out if the sound is going to be so gr8 after hours and hours of music played through them? Wouldn't more and more people keep them if that happened?

Likewise the cable "upgrades", but that's flameage for another day.
For everyone's information - headphones do get a burnin before being shipped out, it's just not enough apparently.


Originally Posted by nierika
There are a number of people on the board with various brands of headphones that have personally heard improvements by replacing the stock cable with a DIY or aftermarket cable. It is convenient to be able to change the cable without having to use a soldering iron. The perceived increase in sound quality varies from person to person, but I don't think anyone would say that the headphone didn't sound good in the first place. I think this is more of an exaggeration on your part.

This is an argument/flame war best taken outside

BTW - I'm glad you spotted my exaggeration, I'm surprised at how a few flamers haven't.
My exaggeration was deliberate - someone comments they don't like the HD650 sound, often they get responses saying "you really have to upgrade the cable before they sound good". My response is "send them back and buy a pair of headphones you DO like the sound of"


Originally Posted by nierika
You run an online headphone store and you don't think burn-in affects headphones past a few hours!?

Interesting, yes?
I've got boxes and boxes of headphones, I can leave a pair running non stop for weeks and instantly compare it to a new out of the box pair.
I regularly conduct (evil) experiments on my customers to see if they can hear a difference between a burntin pair and a non burntin pair. The results surprise the customers a fair bit.


Originally Posted by nierika
News Flash: Certain headphones sound better with certain amplifiers over others!
I wasn't aware there was such a thing as an "exact right amp!"

I, again, was exaggerating - but I've seen people say "oh, your *insert highly respected, but not top of the range amp here* is the problem, you need to buy something like *insert amp that costs 3x as much as users current amp here*" I regularly recommend people buy a good amp for their headphones because it's good advice, there are certain amps that do better than others. However, I'm sure when Sennheiser designed the HD650 they didn't do their listening tests with them hooked up to a $2000 headphone amp.


Originally Posted by nierika
I think it's a little hard to define "real music" on this board when the user base is listening to everything under the sun.

Real as in live - not a particular genre

Please people, let it be known I don't -hate- the HD650s, as much as it might be the impression I'm putting across.
What I'm trying to say here, that most people have agreed with, is that regardless of how good they might be, not everyone is going to like the way certain gear sounds no matter what you try to do to polish it up.

I respect the HD650, but I don't like the way they sound.
I can kind of understand why many people do like them, but I also very much dislike the "mystique" that surrounds them and somehow raises them up on a glowing pedestal surrounded by velvet rope while people point and stare and talk in hushed tones around them. To most average people "Sennheiser" is the only name when it comes to "better than bad" headphones, the HD650 is the top of their consumer line, therefore it must be the best - THAT is what I disagree with. The preconception that's reinfoced by the fans.

As fans of whatever headphone, or whatever type of music you like you're going to have to accept that (just like food) some people think lobster is great and others would much prefer a nice steak.
To me the HD650s are lobster - I hate lobster! But I don't disrespect people who do like it, I don't try to convince them not to like it.

But you know what? People think I'm strange for not liking lobster too
Mar 6, 2005 at 3:21 AM Post #140 of 206
I can't stand American style lobster with bland taste drowned in butter. Now Chinese style lobster...yum.

I don't think you've tried enough varieties of lobster to say that lobsters don't taste that good!
Mar 6, 2005 at 4:04 AM Post #141 of 206

Originally Posted by Tim D
I can't stand American style lobster with bland taste drowned in butter. Now Chinese style lobster...yum.

I don't think you've tried enough varieties of lobster to say that lobsters don't taste that good!

I have tried so many diff versions that I can't remember there names even. lobster still sucks. A good half a kilo steak is it for me really unless there are vegies to die for in which case I will take them instead.

The observations in this thread are finally reaching a point of being rationalistic and sane. The start was as usual heated and fiery but it has certainly tamed down. Now we have a good idea of what people really want from their music and can stop going on about the equipment and such cos' however much diff. they make if the person between the headphones doesn't like the style then no amount of money will help change the opinion.
Mar 6, 2005 at 4:15 AM Post #142 of 206

Originally Posted by pramod
but often lately some posts were of the same repetitve stuff,prime example is this thread,
I know this is a discussion form but sometimes things are taken pretty far.
No I am not telling these thread are in bad taste.I would be more interested in the sony MDR -SA series,headphone mods,

Hmm, you don't have to read all threads ? You can skip the flame ones ... we're here for phones fight !

Seriously, I think all is done in good spirit. Personal attacks will get deleted and respective poster will be informed in a very nice way, as in taking long vacation from head-fi. =)
Mar 6, 2005 at 4:17 AM Post #143 of 206

Originally Posted by Tim D
I can't stand American style lobster with bland taste drowned in butter. Now Chinese style lobster...yum.

I don't think you've tried enough varieties of lobster to say that lobsters don't taste that good!

I second the chinese lobster. There are several different ways of preparing them, all good.

Back to the phones. I've had pair for a month running 24 hrs/day continuously to break 'em in. I started a post several weeks back calling them the emperor's new clothing. That raised quite a ruckus.

I thought about selling them, but just never got around to it. I did try a different amp than my OBH-11. There was only small difference, not huge as many people suggested. I also have not noticed them changing much as they break in. I think the only thing that is happening is that I'm getting used to them. Has anyone tried a double blind test comparing new HD650s to broken-in HD650s? That would be easy enough to do.

My impressions? I find them warm and mellifluous, with laid-back treble. I think they were designed to be emotive and involving rather than analytical which may account for their tonal balance. Here's a quote from the owner's manual:

"... a slight change in listening behaviour is detectable. Today many music-lovers want to feel the sound more instead of plainly analysing it. The HD 650 now captivates your senses where you used to be a mere observer. It allows total submersion into an ocean of music and lets you completely forget your surroundings."

On the plus side, they are absolutely non-fatiguing. I can listen for hours without getting tired. But as others in this thread have mentioned, I do find myself listening louder than usual, which I think is a measure of their tonal balance. I would love to compare these to high end Sonys and Grados.
Mar 6, 2005 at 4:35 AM Post #144 of 206
And back to lobster ...


Originally Posted by Snufkin
To me the HD650s are lobster - I hate lobster! But I don't disrespect people who do like it, I don't try to convince them not to like it.

But you know what? People think I'm strange for not liking lobster too

Sorry I have to disagree strongly here. I hate seafood, not to mention lobster, and like hd650. =) So deep down inside you either liked lobster or loved hd 650, but you can't have both.

Mar 6, 2005 at 5:26 AM Post #145 of 206

Originally Posted by Snufkin
My exaggeration was deliberate - someone comments they don't like the HD650 sound, often they get responses saying "you really have to upgrade the cable before they sound good". My response is "send them back and buy a pair of headphones you DO like the sound of"

Yes, there are people who buy a pair of HD 650s and won't ever prefer the sound signature.

There are also people who don't like them at the start and warm up to them after burn-in or source/amp/cable upgrade.

It's not always easy to tell which case it may be when you're communicating on an internet messageboard.

I've been reading this board for 3 years and have seen all kinds of outlandish recommandations made to people who aren't thrilled with their current headphones (definitely not limited to HD 650s).


Originally Posted by Snufkin
Real as in live - not a particular genre

A live setting can vary significantly with different genres of music!
Mar 6, 2005 at 5:43 AM Post #146 of 206

Originally Posted by Snufkin
Firstly, PLEASE read what my "badly ported bass" comment was referring to.

Your comment was totally out of place in its original context too.


"I really don't like the way this beef tastes, can we "improve it" so it tastes more like beef?"

Bad taste analogy at best, really.


You know... some of us really don't enjoy the 650 sound.
wait.. are you with me or against me here, it's confusing

Please, be serious.


While I agree with the general attitude of recommending the right gear to go with the right equipment, people tend to miss out on the most important fact - the right person.



The HD650 has such a distinct sound it should be easy for people to say "ok, this guy like an up front, lively and agressive sound.. the HD650 probably isn't for him" rather than trying to convince him to spend $3000 on other gear first.

What? "Such a distinct sound" is deceiving.
You coud rather say it for a Grado, and most probably for the kind of sound you're disposed to like yourself.
The HD650 can sound aggressive. But not always and not overly often. Ok, maybe not so often.


I have a pair that has been used for well over 200 hours.
I compared it to a pair out of the box.....
The differences were... minimal. They still sounded like the same headphone, but there were minor differences. Certainly not enough for me to say "omg it's revelation!" like some people claim.

Either your hearing is a little lacking or you didn't want to hear it (or you couldn't appreciate its relevance).


Perhaps aim this argument at the person who inferred that the HD650 was good because it was most like a real live performance.

Please see the artists mentioned in my 'profile'. That's the music that the HD650 does make sound real for me.


"those that furiously try to convince people to like the HD650s"

Singular interpretation. I have to stick around this forum more.


The only other headphone I see defended as zealously as the HD650 ...

Why deny at any cost that it's the natural course of (head-fi) things, when a headphone deserves it?





Ah, but again when people think "oh, it can't POSSIBLY be the HD650, it must be something else" the original person who states they don't like the HD650 is then encouraged to take a rollercoaster ride of cable, amp, source, tinfoil hat and burnin upgrades.

Misinterpretation all the way. Please study harder.


For everyone's information - headphones do get a burnin before being shipped out, it's just not enough apparently.

Can you develop this? I'd be interested to know more about your revelation.


My exaggeration was deliberate - someone comments they don't like the HD650 sound, often they get responses saying "you really have to upgrade the cable before they sound good". My response is "send them back and buy a pair of headphones you DO like the sound of"

So much outcry for simply just this? You could have made better use of your respectable purpose.


Interesting, yes?
I've got boxes and boxes of headphones, I can leave a pair running non stop for weeks and instantly compare it to a new out of the box pair.
I regularly conduct (evil) experiments on my customers to see if they can hear a difference between a burntin pair and a non burntin pair. The results surprise the customers a fair bit.

You should try with me.


I, again, was exaggerating - but I've seen people say "oh, your *insert highly respected, but not top of the range amp here* is the problem...

I inform you that all the goodness of the HD650 that I personally were defending was experienced through my standard commercial Pioneer A-209R integrated amp.


Please people, let it be known I don't -hate- the HD650s, as much as it might be the impression I'm putting across.
What I'm trying to say here, that most people have agreed with, is that regardless of how good they might be, not everyone is going to like the way certain gear sounds no matter what you try to do to polish it up.



To most average people "Sennheiser" is the only name when it comes to "better than bad" headphones, the HD650 is the top of their consumer line, therefore it must be the best - THAT is what I disagree with. The preconception that's reinfoced by the fans.

See above please.
And don't scorn the various Meier Audio, Headroom, Hi-Fi Choice, just to quote the few 'authoritative' external 'entities' I know of that have been encouraging the 'mystique'.


To me the HD650s are lobster - I hate lobster! But I don't disrespect people who do like it, I don't try to convince them not to like it.

Here we're dealing with something a bit more substantial than food preferences.

A bit more objective.
Mar 6, 2005 at 5:55 AM Post #147 of 206

Firstly, PLEASE read what my "badly ported bass" comment was referring to.
Secondly - audio is subjective, it's the whole point of this thread - a "review" for audio gear can often be as useful as a blind person recommending a painting.

actually, on that post, i was referring to kunwar's comments
Mar 6, 2005 at 7:48 AM Post #148 of 206

Originally Posted by Andrea
Your comment was totally out of place in its original context too.

Uh.. my original comment regarding bass was in context with the HD595.. I'm not sure why you got confused there.


Originally Posted by Andrea
Bad taste analogy at best, really.

An analogy is an analogy.
It never ceases to amaze me how people just don't "get" analogies.
btw - there was a typo regarding that analogy in my original post, now corrected.


Originally Posted by Andrea
Please, be serious.

No, why should I be? I like to enjoy life


Originally Posted by Andrea
Either your hearing is a little lacking or you didn't want to hear it (or you couldn't appreciate its relevance).

Or, maybe some people are hearing what they want to hear.
Placebo is a very real thing you know.


Originally Posted by Andrea
Please see the artists mentioned in my 'profile'. That's the music that the HD650 does make sound real for me.

Great, you like the way they sound! ... and?


Originally Posted by Andrea
Misinterpretation all the way. Please study harder.

Not at all, perhaps you're the one misinterpreting what I'm saying here - I'm not sure why you think all these comments are directed towar you either


Originally Posted by Andrea
Can you develop this? I'd be interested to know more about your revelation.

All headphones are tested before shipping, some more extensively than others.


Originally Posted by Andrea
You should try with me.

I'd be happy to - I've proven quite a few people wrong already with blind tests. Next time you're in Australia, drop by.


Originally Posted by Andrea
I inform you that all the goodness of the HD650 that I personally were defending was experienced through my standard commercial Pioneer A-209R integrated amp.

Again, why do you think my comments were all directed toward you?
You're being awfully defensive.


Originally Posted by Andrea
See above please.
And don't scorn the various Meier Audio, Headroom, Hi-Fi Choice, just to quote the few 'authoritative' external 'entities' I know of that have been encouraging the 'mystique'.

Scorn? I did no such thing.
There is a customer-mob mentality out there that's hard to deny, I wasn't talking about dealers or resellers. Much like the Sony brainwash-marketing that goes on people assume that there must be a "best" - anything less than that "best" is inferior and somehow reflects on them. The ever present urge to impress is always there.
Here's an example for you - a customer bought a pair of Beyer headphones from me, he listened to a large range, he enjoyed the Beyers the most. He returned a few days later to say that his friends and peers had all asked why he didn't buy Sennheiser headphones. He told them he preferred the Beyers, yet his friends and peers still questioned his choice as "they aren't Sennheisers". The people who frequent this forum aren't "average joe customer" btw, it's not a negative thing either - but the educated tend to forget what it was like being uneducated now and then.


Originally Posted by Andrea
Here we're dealing with something a bit more substantial than food preferences.

Oh, no not at all.
If someone likes low quality sound more than high quality sound, what does that say? Are they wrong? Are they deaf? No. It's their preference, their taste and their opinion.
People's tastes in food and drink vary just as much as peoples preferences in sound - you'll also find that people not used to "good" food take a while to get used to it, just like "good" sound.

Noone can ever have a wrong opinion. Nobody can ever have "wrong" personal preferences or tastes (although some of the fashion around these days is pretty wrong).


Originally Posted by NormanBates
actually, on that post, i was referring to kunwar's comments

My apologies - you were too
Mar 6, 2005 at 11:22 AM Post #149 of 206

Originally Posted by Snufkin
Uh.. my original comment regarding bass was in context with the HD595.. I'm not sure why you got confused there.

No confusion on my side. What I said, literally.


No, why should I be? I like to enjoy life

There's a time for making fun and a time for keeping serious.
Though these discussions on the whole are more like fun.


Or, maybe some people are hearing what they want to hear.
Placebo is a very real thing you know.

I don't get why people need to be so malicious towards them who see (hear) it differently.


Not at all, perhaps you're the one misinterpreting what I'm saying here - I'm not sure why you think all these comments are directed towar you either

Again, why do you think my comments were all directed toward you?
You're being awfully defensive.

You don't get me. I just struggled to be representative.


Oh, no not at all.
If someone likes low quality sound more than high quality sound, what does that say? Are they wrong? Are they deaf? No. It's their preference, their taste and their opinion.

No, but just to remind you, you spoke in terms of "terrible" and kept it on that line. It's the kind of circumstance where being capable of objectivity would help.


People's tastes in food and drink vary just as much as peoples preferences in sound - you'll also find that people not used to "good" food take a while to get used to it, just like "good" sound.

Eh, here I sense the very heart of the matter.

Sound is like 'flesh' for you, your choice of analogies proves it. It's more of a physical enjoyment.

For me, sound is more like 'spirit'.

With all the predictable, endless and unremovable, resulting divergency.


Noone can ever have a wrong opinion. Nobody can ever have "wrong" personal preferences or tastes (although some of the fashion around these days is pretty wrong).

I certainly respect this statement. But, you sailed 'over the top'.
Mar 6, 2005 at 11:28 AM Post #150 of 206
could we stop the philosophical and spiritual discussion here that can be had in the General threads forum. Trying to understand the 650's, their inherent weaknesses/strengths/design quirks here.


Originally Posted by NormanBates
actually, on that post, i was referring to kunwar's comments

I will say again that these headphones don't do bass as well as atleast 2 other headphones I have heard.

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