Senn HD555 v. Senn HD280 v. A.T. AD700 (v. Sony V900HD)
Mar 28, 2009 at 12:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 31, 2008
Ok so I already own Sony MDR-V900HD's. I think they're a set of cans, but I'm looking for something a bit more comfortable. Two issues with these--first is that they really steam up my ears. The second is they're not as comfortable as I'd like. These are the second pair of full cans I bought (after Senn HD201s), and I got them for very little money off of eBay.

Main use for these is listening to rock & roll with occasional metal or classic thrown in. My roommate plays guitar horribly, so I enjoy the isolating aspect of these present V900HD cans. The comfort aspect is just with my left ear. I don't know really--I have larger-than-average ears I guess.

So the $75-90 question... for the money ($85.56 for HD280 Pros, $89.95 for HD555s, or $75.93 for AD700s), what is best? Would sound quality be downgraded? Is there anything I can do about these V900HD's to make them more comfortable and less steamy?

My Music
The Beatles
Blue Oyster Cult
Children of Bodom
Guns N' Roses
Iron Maiden
Led Zeppelin
Nine Inch Nails
Pink Floyd
Symphony X
Van Halen
Velvet Underground
The Who
Mar 28, 2009 at 1:11 AM Post #2 of 27
Out of the phones, if you would like ANY isolation, forget about the 555. They don't have any. Can't speak for the sound qualities of the other two headphones, but the 555 should sound like my 595, and I enjoy using them with these styles of music.
Mar 28, 2009 at 1:22 AM Post #3 of 27
Well isolation in ONE set of cans is all that really matters to me. These V900HD's are surprisingly good isolating, so they at least solve the "loud crappy guitar" problem. I used my PortaPros to more or less blast the kid's "music" out before. But yeah--I'm looking for better overall sound.
Mar 28, 2009 at 1:39 AM Post #5 of 27

Originally Posted by Acix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Try M-50 @ $99...second option is the Ultrasone HFI-580. and if you have more money go for the RS-1.

My budget is hardly unlimited. I'm the typical poor college student.

Audio Technica M-50s?
Ultrasone HFI-580's are too expensive.
Do you mean Grado RS1? That's WAY out of budget.

Just a small reminder too. These Sonys have the same (but not as well matched all the time) drivers as Sony MDR-7509's. Would any of these $75-100 models at least match sound quality?
Mar 28, 2009 at 1:50 AM Post #6 of 27

Originally Posted by Bobsama /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My budget is hardly unlimited. I'm the typical poor college student.

Audio Technica M-50s?
Ultrasone HFI-580's are too expensive.
Do you mean Grado RS1? That's WAY out of budget.

Just a small reminder too. These Sonys have the same (but not as well matched all the time) drivers as Sony MDR-7509's. Would any of these $75-100 models at least match sound quality?

Yes, ATM-50 is a great hp option for your budget.
Mar 29, 2009 at 12:28 AM Post #8 of 27
Any other options that would be an improvement over the Sony V900HDs, for $70-100? Improvement in comfort at least. Sound quality the same or better.
Mar 29, 2009 at 12:38 AM Post #9 of 27
+1 on the RX700. They are low in price and hold their own, and as well as closed.

From that list though, I like the AD700 the most, but don't you want isolation? Not sure if those headphones do that well.
Mar 29, 2009 at 3:43 AM Post #10 of 27
It's not that I don't want isolation, it's that I don't need isolation. These V900's do a spectacular job at isolating me. If there's similar in quality with higher comfort for the $100 I plan to spend, I'd be interested. I'm asking about sound quality and comfort. Open or closed, doesn't matter so long. As it is, I've already stuffed the left pads on these 'phones, but I was hoping for another solution.
Mar 29, 2009 at 6:01 AM Post #12 of 27
HD555 and AD700 are both superior to the HD280 imo. Don't think you'd be disappointed with either. Comfort would really be the only thing to consider. My first headphones were the AD700 but wasn't too fond of the way they sit in your head. Wanted something that would stay still and went with the HD555.

Both sound great, 555 have more bass and AD700 had an excellent soundstage due to their huge drivers.
Mar 29, 2009 at 6:51 AM Post #13 of 27
Ok. Well I guess the real dilemma is between the two good-performers. Which is more balanced for rock & roll? And I was hoping for something that was balanced bass-mid-high, instead of something that was overly heavy on bass. I don't mind particularly warm. I realize a good bit of my stuff is poorly mastered, but I'd definitely like Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here in their full awesome quality. Which cans are more comfortable overall, between the AD700 and HD555? I don't mind aesthetics particularly much. If I can pull off retro blue and silver of the PortaPros, I can pull off purple and gold of AD700s, and I can certainly pull off silver and black of HD555's. And of course pulling off V900HD's is beyond easy. The only thing that seems to be a deal-killer is having "big" ears that stick out a bit. Irritates me when cans push against your ears. These V900HD's are OK now that I stuffed the left cup entirely, but are a bit unbalanced against my ears. Those 1970s Quadraphonic headphones that someone had a thread about look quite comfortable. Or would my money be better spent elsewhere, such as an M-Audio Audiophile 2496 sound card?
Mar 29, 2009 at 6:59 AM Post #14 of 27
The HD555 are very cool (temperature wise) but do tend to headclamp a lot, especially when new. I've had mine for a few weeks now and the comfort has definitely improved as the headband becomes less tight over time.

If you want something that sits on your head and lightly grazes the tips of your ears, then it's the AD700 for you. If you want phones that clamp around your head and don't touch your ears at all, the HD555 is perfect. Both aren't hot because of the open design.

SQ-wise, the HD555 is great for Queen and Pink Floyd kind of music but not so much Metallica. The AD700 is the same, but even more extreme.
Mar 29, 2009 at 7:03 AM Post #15 of 27
I really want to suggest a pair of sr-60 given your criteria (rock, you have a good isolating can already, want better SQ for what you listen to etc), the only thing thats holding me back is comfort. A lot of people find them comfortable but a lot of people also have problems with them. Have you ever tried on a pair?

As for the two you are looking at (HD555 and AD700), I've owned the AD700 and loved them. As for the 555, I didnt have those, but I did have the 595, and thought the AD700 was much more suited for rock (im also into the kind of music you are). Of those two, I would definitely recommend the AD700, but I would also recommend trying out the sr-60 first if you have a way to do so.

Comfort wise, I would agree with Lucky. The only thing I've ever worn that is more comfortable is the MDR-F1, which is a bit over your price range, and IMO does not do rock as well as the AD700.

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