Senn HD 25 or B&W P5? Please advise...
Oct 20, 2011 at 9:16 PM Post #16 of 49

Subjective impressions are only useful if you're going in blind, unable to try them. You'll need to make a decision yourself, because you'll be the one listening to what you choose.

Nice words Head Injury, we all hear different. 
Oct 21, 2011 at 5:43 PM Post #18 of 49
i think it more depends on what kind of music you like, i have HD25 and i really like them, P5 only take a look in apple store, it basiclly warm sound..... i will go for HD25  but P5 is comfortable
Oct 21, 2011 at 11:10 PM Post #21 of 49
HD-25 or try some M50s also really good and slightly cheaper i think
Oct 21, 2011 at 11:46 PM Post #22 of 49
HD 25's are more bassy but isolate VERY WELL!, they have  a spike in the highend and are a little sibilant.
the P5 are as warm as can be with out being dark.
TMA1, pitch black but one of the best instrument separations in a headphone.
DT1350, impressions soon!
Oct 22, 2011 at 1:39 PM Post #24 of 49

You speak as if you've really tried both extensively...
I have. P5 > HD25 in sound quality. Really. The HD25's are nowhere near as musical to listen. Cold and professional.

I wonder what you mean by musicality... The P5 are very monotonic, where as in the HD25-1's at least discern some musical information, ie. pitches of notes for instance much better. An utmost boring listen for me. For someone, cold/professional (not that I would say the HD25's are that) bring musicality to the table. I dare you to pick out some modal jazz music and start tabbing notes with the P5's. 

If you just enjoy the sound by preference, I wouldn't call it a musically holistic presentation. Or make that conclusion at least...
Oct 22, 2011 at 6:09 PM Post #25 of 49

I wonder what you mean by musicality... The P5 are very monotonic, where as in the HD25-1's at least discern some musical information, ie. pitches of notes for instance much better. An utmost boring listen for me. For someone, cold/professional (not that I would say the HD25's are that) bring musicality to the table. I dare you to pick out some modal jazz music and start tabbing notes with the P5's. 

If you just enjoy the sound by preference, I wouldn't call it a musically holistic presentation. Or make that conclusion at least...

Then I suppose you'd love to death the DT1350.
To me "musical" does not necessarily mean "enjoyable" or "detailed". I consider it as 50% of the enjoyment (the other part being pure accuracy / hifiness). "Musical" would rather refer to the sheer emotional power of a pair of headphones related to the song being listened to.
Example ; I just can't stand to listen to old Serge Gainsbourg recordings on the HD-25. It's aggressive, in your face, painful. The P5, as coloured as it may be (I also find the HD-25 quite coloured actually), does wonders with that kind of recordings. It covers them with some romantic sugary coloration that makes them just sound better than they really are. That's more musical to me, even at the cost of being less accurate (but again, I repeat that I don't find the HD-25 particularly accurate either).
As a sidenote, I don't find the HD-25 much more detailed than the P5. It is, through certain frequencies, but not by much (and I think it's polluted by some graininess in the upper frequencies). The DT 1350 on the other hand really is more detailed than these two, by a substantial margin.
Oct 22, 2011 at 7:46 PM Post #26 of 49
I wonder what you mean by musicality... The P5 are very monotonic, where as in the HD25-1's at least discern some musical information, ie. pitches of notes for instance much better. An utmost boring listen for me. For someone, cold/professional (not that I would say the HD25's are that) bring musicality to the table. I dare you to pick out some modal jazz music and start tabbing notes with the P5's. 

If you just enjoy the sound by preference, I wouldn't call it a musically holistic presentation. Or make that conclusion at least...

Its just the sense of coherency I get, in the signature that is very very enjoyable and 'alive' to me. Its kinda like dancing. the HD-25s are like a guy dancing, getting all the right moves he learnt tru youtube. The p5 is more like a guy./girl thats just dancing more from the heart.
Then I suppose you'd love to death the DT1350.
To me "musical" does not necessarily mean "enjoyable" or "detailed". I consider it as 50% of the enjoyment (the other part being pure accuracy / hifiness). "Musical" would rather refer to the sheer emotional power of a pair of headphones related to the song being listened to.
Example ; I just can't stand to listen to old Serge Gainsbourg recordings on the HD-25. It's aggressive, in your face, painful. The P5, as coloured as it may be (I also find the HD-25 quite coloured actually), does wonders with that kind of recordings. It covers them with some romantic sugary coloration that makes them just sound better than they really are. That's more musical to me, even at the cost of being less accurate (but again, I repeat that I don't find the HD-25 particularly accurate either).
As a sidenote, I don't find the HD-25 much more detailed than the P5. It is, through certain frequencies, but not by much (and I think it's polluted by some graininess in the upper frequencies). The DT 1350 on the other hand really is more detailed than these two, by a substantial margin.

The DT1350 is really, quite something else. They're a level ahead in SQ versus the P5 and HD25-1-II. I had all the portables around 350 on a table and I found the ESw9, P5, HD25-I-II to be about the same in qualities, with different signatures, strengths and weaknessses. The t50p lags behind abit. And the DT1350..  a step ahead of the crowd!
Oct 23, 2011 at 4:57 AM Post #27 of 49

The DT1350 is really, quite something else. They're a level ahead in SQ versus the P5 and HD25-1-II. I had all the portables around 350 on a table and I found the ESw9, P5, HD25-I-II to be about the same in qualities, with different signatures, strengths and weaknessses. The t50p lags behind abit. And the DT1350..  a step ahead of the crowd!

That's what I thought at first, and I wrote about it in other threads. But after some thoughts and more use, I don't see the DT 1350 as being a real step ahead. I just think that it COULD have been had Beyer cared a little more about cup acoustics. This seems to me to be an ongoing problem with Beyer headphones - as an example the T1 uses angled drivers, but the housing isn't which is likely to cause acoustical problems when the back wave its the housing asymmetrically.
I find the DT1350's driver to be outstanding, but the cup design creates a trade-off between overdamping (DT 1350) or closedbackedness / boominess (T50p). A really poor design in my opinion.
The result is that although I feel the DT 1350 is better on all technical fronts, it has a weird timber and is quite badly over damped - which is responsible for its "flat" sound. Now, I don't see it as a problem for its intended use (monitoring / studio professionals) - even though for that matter I think the ergonomics and build quality / industrial conception lags far behind the HD-25 - but for music listening, I think it is. It just makes most of my music library quite boring.
I find in fact that all portable headphones in this price range I've tried (Z1000, DT 1350, ES10, etc.) are roughly in the same category of performance and will fit head-fiers depending on their tastes.
Oct 23, 2011 at 6:04 AM Post #28 of 49

Its just the sense of coherency I get, in the signature that is very very enjoyable and 'alive' to me. Its kinda like dancing. the HD-25s are like a guy dancing, getting all the right moves he learnt tru youtube. The p5 is more like a guy./girl thats just dancing more from the heart.

I'm sure that guy or girl doesn't really understand music :) I'm fine with what the P5 conveys or how people like the sound, but it's not musical in a holistic sense. If you can't discern two bass notes from each other, it's crap, by my standards. Everyone can use the adjective "musical" as they see fit, but I try to see it as something objective.
From something that has a bit more layering, tracks, a more complex melodic structure and a relatively fast pace, for instance, the P5 is like a fat guy trying to dance but falls over at the intro then tries miserably to crawl to shelter while having a cardiac arrest. 
I'd like to listen to the DT1350 though. How's the pitch articulation on those? Vocals are easy to do proper, but how about complex bass or separation between instruments in general?
Oct 23, 2011 at 6:19 AM Post #29 of 49

I'm sure that guy or girl doesn't really understand music :) I'm fine with what the P5 conveys or how people like the sound, but it's not musical in a holistic sense. If you can't discern two bass notes from each other, it's crap, by my standards. Everyone can use the adjective "musical" as they see fit, but I try to see it as something objective.
From something that has a bit more layering, tracks, a more complex melodic structure and a relatively fast pace, for instance, the P5 is like a fat guy trying to dance but falls over at the intro then tries miserably to crawl to shelter while having a cardiac arrest. 
I'd like to listen to the DT1350 though. How's the pitch articulation on those? Vocals are easy to do proper, but how about complex bass or separation between instruments in general?

As I said, I think if the only thing that matters to you is pitch articulation, you'll have an orgasm with the DT 1350, as it is better without a single trace of doubt than the HD 25 in that regard. But I'm sure that you don't think that's all that matters, so, well, you should try !
But I certainly don't put the HD-25 in such a high regard as far as pitch articulation goes in contrast to the P5. It's good, but not so great, and on this matter alone, I think the difference between the HD-25 and the P5 is smaller than the one between the HD-25 and the DT1350. I find the HD-25 tight and impactful, but that's all. I don't think it's well textured (at least with the stock cable) - though maybe a hair better than the P5. I also think its presentation is wrong for classical music or jazz - in that sense I prefer the less impactful but rounder presentation of the P5 - though I've yet to come across a pair of portable headphones I really enjoy with those two genres.
I also don't think that vocals are easy to do proper as well. In fact I find the HD-25 quite bad at it.
Oct 23, 2011 at 7:09 AM Post #30 of 49
Interesting, since I've found every Beyer quite bad in this regard. Even the T1. 
It's true what you say, in this regard the HD25 is not that much better, but many things are still much better discernible. I could listen to many genres with the P5, but I was missing so much. I think the engineer/designer was probably listening to simple pop, folk, or tonal music in general when developing them.
The KNS8400 are truly fantastic, however. The DT1350 would have to be quite good to beat them. Sure on paper they look good, as do the P5 for that matter, but I don't really trust the numbers in the end.
Regarding the vocals comment, I purely meant that hearing differences in pitch in vocal presentation is much easier with many phones than it is with more complex material, like modal jazz. In other words, listening to the latter makes the difference in this factor much  more clear and truly separates the good headphones from the bad, tonal preferences aside (which is a much more subjective and debatable matter). 

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