Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread
Mar 14, 2024 at 7:10 PM Post #12,001 of 12,484
Not sure how long yours is powered on now but yggy will get better too.
it's only been on like 3 hours, but it's fully burned in. Im curious about that bc folks do say it gets worse if they just turn it off briefly.
This guy STAYING on.
Mar 14, 2024 at 7:16 PM Post #12,002 of 12,484
Yeah, just leave it on and expect more changes in the upcoming days. You will love it on the way.
Mar 14, 2024 at 7:16 PM Post #12,003 of 12,484
I’ve only had mine for about two weeks. Didn’t fully believe it but it truly does get better leaving it on for a few days. I shut it off once after a 5 day warm up to relocate and after 45ish minutes of no power I noticed the difference in sound. To me a warmed up Yggy sounds smoother, fuller, with more low end.
Mar 14, 2024 at 7:18 PM Post #12,004 of 12,484
I’ve only had mine for about two weeks. Didn’t fully believe it but it truly does get better leaving it on for a few days. I shut it off once after a 5 day warm up to relocate and after 45ish minutes of no power I noticed the difference in sound. To me a warmed up Yggy sounds smoother, fuller, with more low end.
that's awesome. the torch will stay lit like the Olympic Torch.
Mar 15, 2024 at 6:52 AM Post #12,006 of 12,484
Hi folks!

I have never found a video on YouTube about LIM playing, only with OG.

Could anybody here record and share some audios or videos with LIM playing? I am very curious about how LIM sounds on kick drum and bass slam.

Correct re YT - I watched for that for months and finally gave up. I think what is happening is that Jason Stoddard is not pushing out his high end gear to video reviewers/relying on those as a primary marketing scheme, relying more relying more on user impressions “word of mouth” on the forums like on Head Fi (“Schiit happened…”) or super best audio friends. He himself tracks on and posts frequently on those. (Btw this is all just my observation, I’d welcome him to disagree!) Agree that even a recording of music playing from a system comparing the 2 would be fantastic, but as well as a good 2 channel system one needs good quality recording devices, know how and time to do the editing.
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Mar 15, 2024 at 8:22 AM Post #12,007 of 12,484
Checking in after 3 weeks of listening to the More Is Better (coming from the GS2/A1). Yeah, it's the real deal.

After fully burning in the A1, I was feeling pretty damn happy. Within 5 seconds of hearing the MIB for the first time, I literally said to myself "oh wow what a relief". The denser/fuller presentation was exactly what I was hoping for...

That being said, I definitely noticed some not-so-great things right away. I don't know how to describe it, but everything seemed slightly weighed down. The thing that messed with me is that I could still hear all of the treble micro-detail. In fact, the increase in resolution was immediately obvious coming from the A1. The cliche of hearing things I'd never heard before was definitely true - even coming from the A1 listening to the same test tracks I've heard 100's of times. The treble even "sparkled" when called for (cymbals etc). Nothing was rolled off at all, all of the information was there. It's just as if there was a weighted blanket on it. After a few days I noticed the "weight" get lighter and lighter, and after about the first week music sounded noticeably more dynamic, natural, authentic. I'm sure some brain burn was happening as well since the A1 is on the other end of the spectrum.

With that out of the way, here's what I absolutely am loving about how the MIB sounds...

The A1 background never bothered me, but the MIB is deep space black. There's just so much more opportunity for every droplet containing any semblence of sonic information to make it's way into your ears. The amount of spatial information is simply insane. There's much, much more space around the notes, and it's much easier to "see" the juxtaposition of different notes on the 3d sonic canvas.

There is so much fluidity to the layering and the blending feels completely seamless. If you use computer monitors as an analogy, it's like the MIB not only has a higher resolution display, but has top-of-the-line anti-aliasing resulting in no jagged edges whatsever. Greater resolution, with smoother, more fluid display. It's like the 75" 8K OLED next to the 65" 4K QLED screen at Best Buy.

These qualities synergize in amazing ways with my tube amp, where the sense of space becomes completley immersive and holographic. The gear melts away and you're left with just the artists performing in the room with you. The tonality is pure perfection IMO. Balanced throughought the frequency range, fantastic detail all the way down to the deepest sub-bass my headphones can muster, no treble-roll off whatseover.

The one thing the A1 does noticeably better IMO is dynamics. It's not extreme, but it's noticeable. Especially in genres like rock with high energy electric guitar/drums. The MIB doesn't sound bad, it's just that the A1 does dynamics really, really well. Imagine the highest energy concert you've ever been to, and dial it down by 5%. It's going to still be a very enjoyable, high energy concert. You're just not in the mosh pit, getting body slammed by hormonal teenagers with anger issues. You're a few rows back, enjoying a clear view of the band - which may not be such a bad thing... Again, it's like a very slightly weighted blanket. After 3 weeks of listening it's not immediately obvious to me anymore, but it hasn't been so long that I've forgotten what the A1 sounded like.

The A1 sounded amazing with 75% of my amp/headphone combinations (the A1 + DSHA-3FN + VC was too intense for me to enjoy it). The MIB sounds amazing with 100% of my amp/headphone combinations. I was honestly very skeptical about getting Schiit's "most neutral DAC" but am realizing serious benefits with how the rest of my gear is synergizing in ways that make me feel like I've reached sonic-nirvana.

The extremely satisfying tonality, microdetail, smoothness, spatial information, background, layering fluidity... it's all really good stuff. For me personally, easily worth the slight trade-offs in dynamics vs A1.

Mar 15, 2024 at 8:48 AM Post #12,008 of 12,484
Checking in after 3 weeks of listening to the More Is Better (coming from the GS2/A1). Yeah, it's the real deal.

After fully burning in the A1, I was feeling pretty damn happy. Within 5 seconds of hearing the MIB for the first time, I literally said to myself "oh wow what a relief". The denser/fuller presentation was exactly what I was hoping for...

That being said, I definitely noticed some not-so-great things right away. I don't know how to describe it, but everything seemed slightly weighed down. The thing that messed with me is that I could still hear all of the treble micro-detail. In fact, the increase in resolution was immediately obvious coming from the A1. The cliche of hearing things I'd never heard before was definitely true - even coming from the A1 listening to the same test tracks I've heard 100's of times. The treble even "sparkled" when called for (cymbals etc). Nothing was rolled off at all, all of the information was there. It's just as if there was a weighted blanket on it. After a few days I noticed the "weight" get lighter and lighter, and after about the first week music sounded noticeably more dynamic, natural, authentic. I'm sure some brain burn was happening as well since the A1 is on the other end of the spectrum.

With that out of the way, here's what I absolutely am loving about how the MIB sounds...

The A1 background never bothered me, but the MIB is deep space black. There's just so much more opportunity for every droplet containing any semblence of sonic information to make it's way into your ears. The amount of spatial information is simply insane. There's much, much more space around the notes, and it's much easier to "see" the juxtaposition of different notes on the 3d sonic canvas.

There is so much fluidity to the layering and the blending feels completely seamless. If you use computer monitors as an analogy, it's like the MIB not only has a higher resolution display, but has top-of-the-line anti-aliasing resulting in no jagged edges whatsever. Greater resolution, with smoother, more fluid display. It's like the 75" 8K OLED next to the 65" 4K QLED screen at Best Buy.

These qualities synergize in amazing ways with my tube amp, where the sense of space becomes completley immersive and holographic. The gear melts away and you're left with just the artists performing in the room with you. The tonality is pure perfection IMO. Balanced throughought the frequency range, fantastic detail all the way down to the deepest sub-bass my headphones can muster, no treble-roll off whatseover.

The one thing the A1 does noticeably better IMO is dynamics. It's not extreme, but it's noticeable. Especially in genres like rock with high energy electric guitar/drums. The MIB doesn't sound bad, it's just that the A1 does dynamics really, really well. Imagine the highest energy concert you've ever been to, and dial it down by 5%. It's going to still be a very enjoyable, high energy concert. You're just not in the mosh pit, getting body slammed by hormonal teenagers with anger issues. You're a few rows back, enjoying a clear view of the band - which may not be such a bad thing... Again, it's like a very slightly weighted blanket. After 3 weeks of listening it's not immediately obvious to me anymore, but it hasn't been so long that I've forgotten what the A1 sounded like.

The A1 sounded amazing with 75% of my amp/headphone combinations (the A1 + DSHA-3FN + VC was too intense for me to enjoy it). The MIB sounds amazing with 100% of my amp/headphone combinations. I was honestly very skeptical about getting Schiit's "most neutral DAC" but am realizing serious benefits with how the rest of my gear is synergizing in ways that make me feel like I've reached sonic-nirvana.

The extremely satisfying tonality, microdetail, smoothness, spatial information, background, layering fluidity... it's all really good stuff. For me personally, easily worth the slight trade-offs in dynamics vs A1.

Really excellent review. As with LIM it sounds like MIB also has a sort burn in period, but much sorter than the OG (or A1?). I thought for me it would be ‘OG forever’ but this description is very tempting to try the MIB.
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Mar 15, 2024 at 9:01 AM Post #12,009 of 12,484
Checking in after 3 weeks of listening to the More Is Better (coming from the GS2/A1). Yeah, it's the real deal.

After fully burning in the A1, I was feeling pretty damn happy. Within 5 seconds of hearing the MIB for the first time, I literally said to myself "oh wow what a relief". The denser/fuller presentation was exactly what I was hoping for...

That being said, I definitely noticed some not-so-great things right away. I don't know how to describe it, but everything seemed slightly weighed down. The thing that messed with me is that I could still hear all of the treble micro-detail. In fact, the increase in resolution was immediately obvious coming from the A1. The cliche of hearing things I'd never heard before was definitely true - even coming from the A1 listening to the same test tracks I've heard 100's of times. The treble even "sparkled" when called for (cymbals etc). Nothing was rolled off at all, all of the information was there. It's just as if there was a weighted blanket on it. After a few days I noticed the "weight" get lighter and lighter, and after about the first week music sounded noticeably more dynamic, natural, authentic. I'm sure some brain burn was happening as well since the A1 is on the other end of the spectrum.

With that out of the way, here's what I absolutely am loving about how the MIB sounds...

The A1 background never bothered me, but the MIB is deep space black. There's just so much more opportunity for every droplet containing any semblence of sonic information to make it's way into your ears. The amount of spatial information is simply insane. There's much, much more space around the notes, and it's much easier to "see" the juxtaposition of different notes on the 3d sonic canvas.

There is so much fluidity to the layering and the blending feels completely seamless. If you use computer monitors as an analogy, it's like the MIB not only has a higher resolution display, but has top-of-the-line anti-aliasing resulting in no jagged edges whatsever. Greater resolution, with smoother, more fluid display. It's like the 75" 8K OLED next to the 65" 4K QLED screen at Best Buy.

These qualities synergize in amazing ways with my tube amp, where the sense of space becomes completley immersive and holographic. The gear melts away and you're left with just the artists performing in the room with you. The tonality is pure perfection IMO. Balanced throughought the frequency range, fantastic detail all the way down to the deepest sub-bass my headphones can muster, no treble-roll off whatseover.

The one thing the A1 does noticeably better IMO is dynamics. It's not extreme, but it's noticeable. Especially in genres like rock with high energy electric guitar/drums. The MIB doesn't sound bad, it's just that the A1 does dynamics really, really well. Imagine the highest energy concert you've ever been to, and dial it down by 5%. It's going to still be a very enjoyable, high energy concert. You're just not in the mosh pit, getting body slammed by hormonal teenagers with anger issues. You're a few rows back, enjoying a clear view of the band - which may not be such a bad thing... Again, it's like a very slightly weighted blanket. After 3 weeks of listening it's not immediately obvious to me anymore, but it hasn't been so long that I've forgotten what the A1 sounded like.

The A1 sounded amazing with 75% of my amp/headphone combinations (the A1 + DSHA-3FN + VC was too intense for me to enjoy it). The MIB sounds amazing with 100% of my amp/headphone combinations. I was honestly very skeptical about getting Schiit's "most neutral DAC" but am realizing serious benefits with how the rest of my gear is synergizing in ways that make me feel like I've reached sonic-nirvana.

The extremely satisfying tonality, microdetail, smoothness, spatial information, background, layering fluidity... it's all really good stuff. For me personally, easily worth the slight trade-offs in dynamics vs A1.

Awesome review! The fluidity you’re describing is what I perceived as pure “refinement” where a refined sound is devoid of digital sound and prickliness. The insane resolution, microdetail and ruler flat tonality and accuracy in every aspect of sound of the MIB is what makes it unique than most TOTL DACs out there which always highlights some aspects of sound at the cost of sheer accuracy and neutrality. Love my MIB ever since day 1 :)
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Mar 15, 2024 at 9:54 AM Post #12,011 of 12,484
So, is now MIB a more neutral sounded DAC instead of a warm one like OG?

Flatter or more transparent in tonal balance than other Schiit DACs never in a bad way because of refinement.
Mar 15, 2024 at 1:07 PM Post #12,013 of 12,484
Really excellent review. As with LIM it sounds like MIB also has a sort burn in period, but much sorter than the OG (or A1?). I thought for me it would be ‘OG forever’ but this description is very tempting to try the MIB.

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