Schiit Vali 3 : Impressions Thread
Mar 21, 2024 at 5:29 PM Post #46 of 3,551
They both end with 3, close enough...... 🤣

Jokes aside, what's your impression...... jumping from MJ3 to Vali 3?
Initial impressions are that it's quite bright and dry. Not sure I'm in love, but gonna give it some time.
Mar 21, 2024 at 6:09 PM Post #48 of 3,551
This matches my impression with Vali 2+ also. So I guess Vali 3 is......... consistent? :joy:

Though did you change out the stock tube? I find all the stock tube in all of Schiit's tube amps are kind of bright and dry.
Not yet, this is my first amp with a tube that hasn't been a loaner, not sure I'll throw much money at aftermarket tubes for it, but I'd be interested in hearing your favorite tubes for the 2+!
Mar 21, 2024 at 9:21 PM Post #53 of 3,551
Not yet, this is my first amp with a tube that hasn't been a loaner, not sure I'll throw much money at aftermarket tubes for it, but I'd be interested in hearing your favorite tubes for the 2+!

So yeah the Vali 2+ uses different pinout than Vali 2++ and Vali 3. You could get adapter too but maybe easier to get a RCA Command 5670 or GE 5 Star 5670.

GE 5 Star 5670 might be easier to find, RCA Command 5670 might have been all bought out by the Vali 2++ crowd. :sweat_smile:

Well I never do anything halfassed, I go balls out fullassed! I will be getting a pair of 6J5 with adapter and 6SN7 to 2C51 adapter for mine.

Or alternatively, I'd advise do the same as Hofy. Buy a 6J5 to 2C51 adapter, then you can use 6J5 x 2 tubes.

@Hofy where did you get your adapter, I can't for the life of me find a 6J5 to 2C51 adapter.

As for tube I find Sylvania 6J5GT x 2 is pretty cheap and good.|tkp:Bk9SR4ac27vMYw

Something like this? They look beat up as hell but from what I've been told tubes are like wine the older the better LOL (no joke). 🤣

But the goal is to shoot for something in the 1950s-1960s.

Sorry this is meant for Nick76, I don't know what tube Hofy is getting. :stuck_out_tongue:
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Mar 22, 2024 at 2:42 PM Post #54 of 3,551
Mar 22, 2024 at 2:54 PM Post #55 of 3,551
starting my listening with the t60rp 50th you see peeking in one of those photos. low gain, plenty of range, i'm well ahead of 10am on the dial while listening to Fruit by the A's.

using roon, local CDs ripped to flac and tidal/qobuz streaming. no EQ.

i'm one of those yahoos that thinks amps and dacs mostly stand out of the way and let headphones shine - so far i hear nothing to change that mindset.
Mar 22, 2024 at 3:34 PM Post #56 of 3,551
Sorry this is meant for Nick76, I don't know what tube Hofy is getting. :stuck_out_tongue:
I would be happy just to get my Vali3. It is still in shipping limbo. I will have to try to find my tube stash this weekend as I know I have some 5670 tubes in one of the boxes.
Mar 22, 2024 at 3:52 PM Post #57 of 3,551
I returned mine after just a day, wasn't for me. It was far too bright/glaring in the treble for me. Didn't want to sink money into buying other tubes for it, on the chance they improved it.
Mar 22, 2024 at 4:17 PM Post #58 of 3,551
I returned mine after just a day, wasn't for me. It was far too bright/glaring in the treble for me. Didn't want to sink money into buying other tubes for it, on the chance they improved it.

you know i thought i heard some glitter in the highs when i first started to listen - now that the amp has been on for a few hours - that is all gone.

listening to violin and piano, slightly louder than i normally would - and those crescendos are clean... but i definitely heard some scratch and high spectrum funkiness when i first started listening.
Mar 22, 2024 at 4:21 PM Post #59 of 3,551
you know i thought i heard some glitter in the highs when i first started to listen - now that the amp has been on for a few hours - that is all gone.

listening to violin and piano, slightly louder than i normally would - and those crescendos are clean... but i definitely heard some scratch and high spectrum funkiness when i first started listening.
I gave it my hardest and a full day of listening, was on for quite a few hours total. Out of all my headphones, I could only reasonably handle the HD650s at a lower-than-normal listening volume for me. This little guy has some bite!

It's quite possible a tube swap could have tamed things a bit, but my Mjolnir will be back on Monday and it's back to its sweet, smooth sound for me.
Mar 22, 2024 at 4:53 PM Post #60 of 3,551
yeah that gain knob is hot. i haven't switched into high gain yet because on low i'm not able to raise it much past 9am (currently listening to cd900st and anything past 830 is too loud on low gain!)

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