Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 24, 2024 at 12:41 PM Post #140,792 of 153,746
I lobbed it up there hoping someone would return my serve. :D

It's actually quite a funny series if you love low-brow humor. Especially after a few drinks. Had me and the wife hooked after the 1st 10 minutes of the 1st episode. :wink:
Feb 24, 2024 at 12:57 PM Post #140,793 of 153,746
Precisely because I have no control over it, it is usually a weird blend of pop country, pop indy, and... other pop stuff. I roll my eyes constantly.

Now, find your way out to the Blending House and you're as apt to find me blasting classical, jazz, prog-rock, Scandinavian black metal, doom/sludge, electronic, or even the rare hip-hop album as you are anything else. Just no country, and no reggae, and probably not much pop except for Caroline Polacheck because she is wonderfully weird, and she produces her own schiit.
Condolences. I can't believe doom/sludge is a music genre?

It's not just a continuous loop of 99 bottles of whiskey on the wall?
Feb 24, 2024 at 12:57 PM Post #140,794 of 153,746
Feb 24, 2024 at 1:02 PM Post #140,795 of 153,746
Those Four Roses singles are always worth it, and the Small Batch is also good value. The last 20 years have been bonkers. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but 2009 or so, at a bar I ran, we had Weller in the rail. $17 a liter wholesale. I hate this new world we live in. Hell, even Early Times BIB went on allocation for a hot minute.
These things always make me think of Larry Niven's invention of the term "flash crowd". The consequences of widely and quickly disseminated information - who-da thunk it would be so chaotic.
Feb 24, 2024 at 1:05 PM Post #140,797 of 153,746
Seems it is still a thing -- tube car amps, that is...

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Feb 24, 2024 at 1:08 PM Post #140,799 of 153,746
The wife and I have been drinking this for a handful of years:
It will het you going when you need to start your workday!

She, unfortunately, does not share my taste in morning tunes, however:
I must confess that after letting the tubes warm up for a bit (while the drip brewed), I paused the track that was playing at that time, grabbed the headphones, turned the volume up on the Valhalla, and I skipped over to this particular track to start my sesh. Hearing Tom Araya's piercing scream on the opening seconds of Evil Has No Boundaries truly set the mood for the quick listening session. I know this is not the best live recording out there (nowhere close, haha), but there was some effort to present a sense of staging. Each guitar gets it's own side of the headphones, with drums, bass / vocals centered. The dueling solos... the crowd's close proximity to the recording mics... SLAYER! SLAYER! SLAYER!... the accentuated "small venue" atmosphere...

Hot Deathwish, Bifrost 2, Valhalla 2, 6xx... *chef's kiss!

Love Death Wish Coffee! They're very smooth with hits of cherry acidity (the Dark roast red packaging)

So tempting to buy my own cup too!


Currently listening lackluster mainstream mastered tracks from my native country this weekend, and I'm super glad MIB is so forgiving with them that it renders mastering faults to a very inoffensive manner while presenting ridiculous amount of plankton on well mastered tracks :). I remember I can hardly listen to them from BF2 OG which is less forgiving / more fatiguing to listen to these tracks.

Feb 24, 2024 at 1:14 PM Post #140,801 of 153,746
It's a great genre. Crowbar is a favorite.
If one can survive 10 minutes of 'Crowbar', they can surely survive a 22 minute episode of 'Raising Hope'! :D
Feb 24, 2024 at 1:16 PM Post #140,802 of 153,746
... Google TV now that it's built in everywhere. Amazon knows my buying habits and now Google my browsing and now watching habit.

My next TV will be a computer monitor because of this s**t. Just take the darn signal and light up the pixels, I don't need "smarts" in a TV.

Thinking a bit more, since it used to be claimed that TVs made one dumb, maybe the TV can solve that problem on its own?
Feb 24, 2024 at 1:17 PM Post #140,803 of 153,746
If one can survive 10 minutes of 'Crowbar', they can surely survive a 22 minute episode of 'Raising Hope'! :D
Or rather, BECAUSE one enjoys 10 minutes of Crowbar informs why they will likely hate Raising Hope. :)
Feb 24, 2024 at 1:24 PM Post #140,805 of 153,746
Based on Schiit's prior history .... I honestly do not believe anyone could survive watching an entire 22 minute episode of 'Raising Hope'. :astonished:


And.... we reach the confluence of Schiit talk and BBQ....

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