Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 5, 2022 at 6:07 PM Post #87,061 of 155,092
…after this book, I’ll read Kaplan’s sequel, The Bomb (2020, Simon & Schuster).
Jan 5, 2022 at 6:59 PM Post #87,063 of 155,092
Not bored of streaming, but totally looking forward to the alternative :ksc75smile:
I just went into my Pandora account and removed several "stations" and "play lists". I also put the stations in "Discovery" mode which I believe will play similar but relatively unheard of content for me. In the mean time, I am getting ready to set up a small turntable and internet radio system for my daughter and her family this coming weekend. Then I am going to hang a 75" TV for a friend/co-worker. This will save my friend a few hundred dollars and it is quite simply, just a pleasure to help out some one.

For me, the alternative is to just live life as it happens and to play your sound track when possible!

I am not making sense again, huh? Sorry 'bout that! I need more Roger Whitaker right now...

Jan 5, 2022 at 7:04 PM Post #87,064 of 155,092

I hope everyone else's 2022 is starting off well! If you're bored of streaming, look for the new chapter soon—Everyone's "Normal" is Someone Else's "Weird"—next week!

All the best,
Thank you. All the best to you and those who work for and with you. Hmmmm...I tend to think of it not as "streaming" but listening. Back ground or "focused", I am listening to music. I listen to music for probably...Well I would hazard a guess of at least four or more hours a day. It makes Southern Commiefornia traffic less boring and me less grumpy.

Jan 5, 2022 at 9:12 PM Post #87,066 of 155,092
Roon is not a portable media management product. There are plenty of options for that depending on what phone/DAP you own. It is only an issue for those who think it's an issue. I have been using Roon since it was first in Public beta and never once wished I could manage my phone using it.

I don't disagree with this. Its never been a feature or a promised feature. But since buying Room my personal situation has changed. I now travel up to two weeks a month for work and only managing one set of playlists / library would be really helpful. We are not talking about world altering paradigms here. It just would be nice if you could do some kind of local storage like Qobuz/Tidal do.
Jan 5, 2022 at 9:20 PM Post #87,067 of 155,092
I had a flood in my condo earlier in the pandemic. Nothing could happen back then, but they’ve finally started remediation and the insurance company is putting me up in temporary digs for a month.

I had to decide what to bring with me (clothes, computers, etc.).

As you can see, my Schiit stack made the cut, as well as my LS3/5As and Meitner STR-55. Also HD-6XX and a couple other headphones. Gotta have good sound in these stressful times!

Jan 5, 2022 at 9:28 PM Post #87,068 of 155,092
Maybe just hookup the Aegir to the headphone output on a laptop then. (Kidding!!)
Better yet, get some Klipsches, hook 'em up directly to a phone and blast away. :laughing:
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Jan 5, 2022 at 9:30 PM Post #87,069 of 155,092
It never will appear; Roon's RAAT protocol is very lightweight and unroutable, meaning you will never connect to Roon's core from any subnet, other than the one it's on (being an IT guy, I setup a L2TP VPN Tunnel from my work to home, giving me same subnet access to the Core - I was able to connect, but the latency made it unusable). There has never been a mechanism in Roon for file transfer. There is no "offline" component to Roon, nor have they any announced plans.
Jan 5, 2022 at 9:42 PM Post #87,071 of 155,092
Honestly, the 'painful' part was the travel -- turned back the first day on the drive up there; then it took ~10 hours to drive 90 miles the second day on US50. Cancelled
Oh yes, those closures. I tried to go up on 12/28, 80 was closed at Colfax, turned back home when it became clear it would not open for hours or at all that day, tried again on 12/29, success, 4 great days 12/30-1/2.
Jan 5, 2022 at 10:01 PM Post #87,072 of 155,092
Better yet, get some Klipsches, hook 'em up directly to a phone and blast away. :laughing:
Will it work? hmmmm....... maybe I should...... :thinking:
Jan 5, 2022 at 10:07 PM Post #87,073 of 155,092
Better yet, get some Klipsches, hook 'em up directly to a phone and blast away. :laughing:
I got back into audio after a long hiatus, I bought a set of Klipsch Heresy speakers, they arrived before my amp. I hooked them to my iPhone to test them. They were OK. Certainly not party level, but you could listen if you paid attention.
Jan 5, 2022 at 10:22 PM Post #87,074 of 155,092
I had a flood in my condo earlier in the pandemic. Nothing could happen back then, but they’ve finally started remediation and the insurance company is putting me up in temporary digs for a month.

I had to decide what to bring with me (clothes, computers, etc.).

As you can see, my Schiit stack made the cut, as well as my LS3/5As and Meitner STR-55. Also HD-6XX and a couple other headphones. Gotta have good sound in these stressful times!

Sorry to hear about the condo. Sounds like a real bummer, but at least you’ve got your priorities straight for what to bring with you 😁
Jan 5, 2022 at 10:25 PM Post #87,075 of 155,092
Hey all, just a quick update, while I procrastinate a bit on a new chapter.

(A new chapter is coming, it'll probably just be next week.)

First, things are getting a bit calmer on my end. The endless cycle of redesign-for-various-emergencies has slowed. I hesitate to say, "ended," because I know what that means—it'll start up again with a vengeance just to spite me. So I'm working on some new things, fun things, and I'm a whole lot less tired, after taking a bit of time off. So that's good.

Second. things may be getting a bit better on the supply chain side, at least in terms of transformers. Our transformer manufacturer seemed pretty upbeat when I called him today to ask about a new transformer design, and to give him the good news that a couple of new prototypes were working well. Of course, transformers are only one of hundreds of components we use...but both Dave and I have seen some key things come back into stock, and the complaining from our purchasing partners have become less dire. That doesn't mean we're out of the woods, but I'll take any improvement we can get.

Third, both of the above don't mean a darn thing at this precise moment in time, because we're out of stock on whole craploads of stuff. This is more due to demand, scheduling craziness, the ongoing unexpected fallout from our one PCBA partner's tragedy, etc. We're working on getting back into stock, and making some progress—and it looks like we may be getting some additional capacity soon, so all that's good.

So what does all this mean for this year?'s too early to tell, but the mood has improved, and I am hoping that we can soon get more stuff in stock, deliver the products we missed on last year, and start introducing a couple of wacky new ideas. Beyond that, we're into pie-in-the-sky ideas, including significant changes in how we make products, that may not come to fruition for some time. Nothing's worth talking about yet, sorry. Still too many plates in the air.

I hope everyone else's 2022 is starting off well! If you're bored of streaming, look for the new chapter soon—Everyone's "Normal" is Someone Else's "Weird"—next week!

All the best,

@Jason Stoddard -- Happiest of New Year to you, the family, and the Schiit team!!

Without getting too schmaltzy, I just want to say how much I appreciate your dedication and commitment to delivering quality audio products to the masses. While delivering products that perform well in excess of their price-point is much appreciated, your continuing engagement, honesty, and most importantly your willingness to listen to us is truly appreciated and unprecedented, IMHO. You, Mike, and the Schiit team have really built something special with us being the beneficiaries. For that I want to say THANK YOU!!

Rest and re-charge. 2022 will be a banner year for Schiit and us Schiitheads -- COVID and supply-chain issues be damned!!
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