Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 29, 2021 at 8:18 PM Post #86,686 of 155,103
For Fuq Sake! Now I've got it running through my head! Therefore, I see you, and raise you one A-Ha.

To paraphrase my compadre @Ripper2860, just when you thought we couldn't get any lower in fiendish depravity, then come I gespraching, "Here, hold my beer..."

Hearing this is like a can never quite get rid of it. The middle singer's mouth is scary that Lorena Bobbitt?

My advice...don't touch that Play button...oh Schiit, too late...


Sky rockets in know the rest...
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Dec 29, 2021 at 8:24 PM Post #86,687 of 155,103
To paraphrase my compadre @Ripper2860, just when you thought we couldn't get any lower in fiendish depravity, then come I gespraching, "Here, hold my beer..."

Hearing this is like a can never quite get rid of it.

Ha, ha ha...! Rookie. :)

Dec 29, 2021 at 8:26 PM Post #86,688 of 155,103
To paraphrase my compadre @Ripper2860, just when you thought we couldn't get any lower in fiendish depravity, then come I gespraching, "Here, hold my beer..."

Hearing this is like a can never quite get rid of it.

You are a mean, mean person. 😒
Dec 29, 2021 at 8:29 PM Post #86,689 of 155,103
Dec 29, 2021 at 8:36 PM Post #86,690 of 155,103
Ooops. Maybe not... 😏

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Dec 29, 2021 at 8:40 PM Post #86,692 of 155,103
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Dec 29, 2021 at 8:41 PM Post #86,693 of 155,103
The local "Classic Rock" station has me so burned out on most rock, I can barely stand to listen to the station any longer. I try to catch the local news, then it's back to music I bring with me.

Radios? Weren't those usually built-in to 8-Track players back when they were a thing? :laughing:
Dec 29, 2021 at 8:43 PM Post #86,694 of 155,103
Ooops. Maybe not...
Please don't make me break out the William Shatner (appropriate name) ouvre. Not to mention the whole "Paint Your Wagon" soundtrack...
I hate musicals, but I actually happen to like Paint Your Wagon. There - now you know my dirty little secret. 😒

"Mariah. Mariah. They call the wind Mariah..." 😏
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Dec 29, 2021 at 8:47 PM Post #86,696 of 155,103
Make sure to upload a pic of the new MGB when it's delivered. :)
I think he should bring it with him to Charlotte when he visits. I'd be happy to give it a thorough test drive and make sure it's safe. Always glad to help. :laughing:
Dec 29, 2021 at 8:47 PM Post #86,697 of 155,103
So I’ve got to derail the terrible song one-upsmanship for a moment to talk Schiit.

I’ve only been following this thread for a couple of months so it is likely I’ve missed it, but does anyone know any more about Folkvangr? I know it is a 10 tube head amp and that 8 of the 10 tubes don’t need to be matched. I believe Jason said it would be OTL, but otherwise I’m in the dark. Anyone know a rough price point? Will it have a remote? Multiple inputs or pre-outs?

Sorry for the interruption. Now back to the regularly scheduled programming:
Dec 29, 2021 at 8:49 PM Post #86,698 of 155,103
OK. Now that was definitely below the belt. 😒

I'm not aware of any more details on that amp, but I am among those thirsting for more info.
Dec 29, 2021 at 8:49 PM Post #86,699 of 155,103
So I’ve got to derail the terrible song one-upsmanship for a moment to talk Schiit.

I’ve only been following this thread for a couple of months so it is likely I’ve missed it, but does anyone know any more about Folkvangr? I know it is a 10 tube head amp and that 8 of the 10 tubes don’t need to be matched. I believe Jason said it would be OTL, but otherwise I’m in the dark. Anyone know a rough price point?

Only that the price point will probably be rough...
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Dec 29, 2021 at 8:49 PM Post #86,700 of 155,103
I can’t listen to Steely Dan. Their whole vibe just irritates me to my core. When I was 16 I was riding with my older brother who was a big fan. He had a cassette of Aja that he played over and over. We were on a highway when I finally broke. I ejected the tape, rolled down the window and threw it out. Despite losing his tape he thought my response was amusing.
I do the same thing with all of @Ripper2860 's music.

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