Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 13, 2019 at 7:46 PM Post #51,916 of 154,206
Eureeka I think I've come up with a pseudo solution for all of this preparation for entry into the hair club for men and subsequent angst.

We just need to provide a buzz word compliant equivalency lookup table (BWCELT) in our footer, like I have (see below)…

That way the search engines won't get any more confused and EVERYone is happy(er).
And those who choose to use nicknames in the privacy of their own homes can 'come out of the closet', at least as far as their listening rooms, and perhaps farther…


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Oct 13, 2019 at 7:56 PM Post #51,917 of 154,206
you named your amp Ableza???

I refrain from naming my electronics after forum members. I will however, name forum members after electronics. Abeleza is Yggy, Rob (Deadpool) is Jot, and Bill is Bimby. Those names are too good to let them just pass into oblivion. It would be a shame not to re-purpose them now that we are not allowed to use them with Schiit gear. :D
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Oct 13, 2019 at 7:57 PM Post #51,918 of 154,206
I'm honestly suprised that Schiit went away from the nicknames, for many of the reasons Johnjen said. Just officially embrace it. On the website you could have Yggdrassil (yggy), etc, you could even put it on the back of each product with a nickname. Put a typical Schiit quip about " yeah, we picked some hard to pronounce names, yes we're idiots, we call it (this) now you can too."

That other site has it almost right, changing Gumby to Gungnir Multibit, whenever "Gumby" is typed, but what they ought to do is have it say "Gungnir Multibit (Gumby)" instead.
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Oct 13, 2019 at 8:06 PM Post #51,919 of 154,206
Oct 13, 2019 at 8:07 PM Post #51,920 of 154,206
I'm honestly suprised that Schiit went away from the nicknames, for many of the reasons Johnjen said. Just officially embrace it. On the website you could have Yggdrassil (yggy), etc you could even put it on the back of each product with a nickname. Put a typical Schiit quip about " yeah, we picked some hard to pronounce names, yes we're idiots, we call it "this", now you can too.

That other site has it almost right, changing Gumby to Gungnir Multibit, whenever "Gumby" is typed, but what they ought to do is have it say "Gungnir Multibit (Gumby)" instead.

I get why it creates issues in Googling and getting the needed info. What I don't get is the level of angst it is causing those folks that don't work for Schiit. I understand and I've started referring to my Bifrost as Bifrost 2 (it's for new folks that may not be able to distinguish it from the original), so hopefully that is A-OK. At some point in time, I'll learn to spell all their product's names and not have to go to their site to copy and paste. I want Schiit to succeed in even bigger ways and I will do everything to refrain from the use of shortened nick-names, but I also won't be chastising those that do, either. That's a battle for Jason and Mike to fight and to figure out. All we are responsible for is our own actions -- not others.
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Oct 13, 2019 at 8:13 PM Post #51,921 of 154,206
I refrain from naming my electronics after forum members. I will however, name forum members after electronics. Abeleza is Yggy, Rob (Deadpool) is Jot, and Bill is Bimby. Those names are too good to let them just pass into oblivion. It would be a shame not to re-purpose them now that we are not allowed to use them with Schiit gear. :D

LOL! Just remember that's Mr. Bimby to you, pal. :smile:
Oct 13, 2019 at 8:16 PM Post #51,922 of 154,206
Mike and Jason are certainly smart enough to speak for themselves. MrSpeakers must use Yggy in the background since a search leads you to Yggdrasil on their website. You also get a lot of other images and products.
Oct 13, 2019 at 8:16 PM Post #51,923 of 154,206
I refrain from naming my electronics after forum members. I will however, name forum members after electronics. Abeleza is Yggy, Rob (Deadpool) is Jot, and Bill is Bimby. Those names are too good to let them just pass into oblivion. It would be a shame not to re-purpose them now that we are not allowed to use them with Schiit gear. :D

CAPT Jot you landlubber :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I just call you Richard.
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Oct 13, 2019 at 8:19 PM Post #51,924 of 154,206
I get why it creates issues in Googling and getting the needed info. What I don't get is the level of angst it is causing those folks that don't work for Schiit. I understand and I've started referring to my Bifrost as Bifrost 2 (it's so new folks may not be able to distinguish it from the original), so hopefully that is A-OK. At some point in time, I'll learn to spell all their product's names and not have to go to their site to copy and paste. I want Schiit to succeed in even bigger ways and I will do everything to refrain from the use of shortened nick-names, but I also won't be chastising those that do, either. That's a battle for Jason and Mike to fight and to figure out. All we are responsible for is our own actions -- not others.

Yep, I agree with that completely. The point I'm trying to make is that if they embrace the nicknames and get head fi to filter the full name and nicknames to where both are representated, then all roads lead to them. They created the nicknames and the community embraced them, so just set it up that all names, both given and nickname lead back to schiit. This is a problem of the internet age, also fixable by utilizing the internet, and officially embracing the names they created.

@Paladin79 post above helps prove my point.
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Oct 13, 2019 at 8:24 PM Post #51,925 of 154,206
Oct 13, 2019 at 8:36 PM Post #51,927 of 154,206
Oct 13, 2019 at 8:47 PM Post #51,929 of 154,206
Yep, I agree with that completely. The point I'm trying to make is that if they embrace the nicknames and get head fi to filter the full name and nicknames to where both are representated, then all roads lead to them. They created the nicknames and the community embraced them, so just set it up that all names, both given and nickname lead back to schiit. This is a problem of the internet age, also fixable by utilizing the internet, and officially embracing the names they created.

@Paladin79 post above helps prove my point.
I would call this 'dilemma', "turning lemons into lemonade" a marketing bonanza.

Maybe Schiit should hire a marketing firm? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa
Or maybe use my BWCELT®©™ idea and run with it? hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa
That's a joke son, just in case it's true meaning is lost on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahhahaha sputter, choke, aaacccckkkk (think, cartoon cat hairball), hahahahahahahaha

Oct 13, 2019 at 8:56 PM Post #51,930 of 154,206
There's more to this nickname thing than just driving folks to the Schiit website. While adding nickname meta tags to their site would certainly help in directing folks to their site when folks search using nicknames via a search engine (part of SEO optimnization) -- what about folks looking for reviews or even searching within a forum? All of the typically good reviews and comments in forums are likely by those that love it and call it by the nickname. Most posts or reviews where folks hate it or are critical typically refer to Schiit products by its official name (ex: Mimby for Modi Multibit). Those folks that have an initial interest in Schiit's entry-level multibit DAC product will likely search for it as Modi Multibit and results may be skewed in the negative where as searching for Mimby may provide a different result -- only they don't really know to search for Mimby.

It's a difficult predicament.
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