Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jun 27, 2018 at 6:37 PM Post #34,096 of 153,754
@RCBinTN I'll pay you a dollar to produce a listenable mashup of Yes and Waylon Jennings. :ksc75smile:

I've checked, and I think links are okay. Moderators, yell at me if I'm wrong.

This may get you by until RCB completes his magnum opus. It almost broke my brain... It's like the Abba conversation some of the group was having a while back.. do I like it... no ... I just "can't", but I do... I'm so ashamed.

Jun 27, 2018 at 6:43 PM Post #34,097 of 153,754
I like this question! I'll share my personal experience with this. I built my 2 channel system from scratch over the better part of a year (and aside from one piece it's almost done). My main goal was to avoid buying stuff that I would want to upgrade or replace too soon. I had some cheap Monoprice powered monitors lying around that I bought mainly for backyard movie nights and get-togethers. I decided to use those until I could get the pair of speakers I wanted (LS50). I also had a pair of Tekton Pendragon subwoofers I got off craigslist for $40 each a while back (man, that was a steal). My 2-channel system is for music and home theater. Ideally those would be separate systems, but I'm not made of money yet and I love movies as much as music.

I decided to make my first purchase the Saga. It's overkill to feed $180 powered monitors, of course, but it's the piece I was going to buy eventually. Also, it was relatively new, all analog, it had all the features I wanted, and it was in my budget at the time, so I made the purchase confidently. It was perfect for hooking up multiple sources to both monitors and subwoofers and giving me remote volume control. I cannibalized the first generation Modi and Wyrd from my headphone setup (since I care much more about my 2-channel system). For music, that's what I use the vast majority of the time (connected to my phone or computer), though sometimes I listen through my turntable. For movies, I use a cheap optical DAC (FiiO TAISHAN-D03K) from my TV to the Saga. I also added some Etekcity Remote Control Outlets to help me turn everything on and off, and it allows me to quickly add the subs in and out of the system depending on what I'm listening to (or how late it is). All of the big purchases so far are analog, so I know I can use them for a long time.

I stayed with that setup quite happily for a long time, saving up and waiting for Schiit to release Vidar. Everything came together over the holidays when the LS50's dropped to $1k. Those, with a Vidar, was at the edge of my budget, but the timing felt right, so I went for it. This is the system I have been using ever since, and I am thrilled with it. I love every piece I've bought and don't feel like I need a better version of any of them right now, which is really nice.

Eventually, I will buy a new DAC. I really wanted a Bifrost multibit, but there hasn't been room in the budget yet. I was very tempted to buy a Modi Uber (possibly used) to simplify my setup (by getting rid of the Fiio) when I bought the Vidar, but I held off, because I knew it would leave my system eventually. I also strongly considered Mimby, and I almost bit when they were available B-stock for $199. However, deep down, I really want the Bimby, with the Gen 5 USB, upgrade-ability, and the ability to neatly stack with my Saga. So far, waiting to get the pieces I really want when I can afford it, as opposed to settling for lesser components that will either leave me feeling curious or eventually just get shifted out, has worked for me. The main board on the Bimby is now over 2.5 years old, so I'm keen at this point to wait for an update and bite when that becomes available. This might be a while, which is okay. Hopefully not too long though.

Lastly, to try and answer your question more directly, assuming I already had the speakers and about $700 to spend... I would find a way to stall until I had $1050 to spend on a Vidar/Saga combo by buying a very cheap integrated amplifier, or using literally anything I already had that could safely power my speakers. Or, if I really didn't need remote control or more than two sources... I would seriously consider the Sys/Vidar combo. I believe in the analog-components-first approach, since digital products usually advance more quickly (though recent innovation in the Schiit analog components has somewhat upended this trend). I also believe in getting products that I won't want to upgrade too soon. For instance, keeping in mind the $700 cap, maybe a Mimby + Emotiva A300 + Sys would give the best sound for no more than $700. Or if you need remote control, the Emotiva A-300 + PT-100 for the exact same price. I considered those options too. However, I personally would want something more in line with the quality that a full Schiit 2 channel system offers and I would be willing to wait either in part or in whole to get that when it is in budget.

I want so much to jump into this topic but my advice would not be made up of entirely Schiit products but I am just trying to hit your desired number.

You appear to have a wood shop, or reasonable facsimile. You could build your own highly efficient speakers for say $300 but that is not something you were including in the $700 price but could be done down the road. Learn some basic soldering, (you may already have that skill) and fashion your own Class A power amp, cost $150. ( basic wood working required here as well for the cabinet.) Now get a Saga for $349 and a Modi 2 for $99. Final cost of $600 plus shipping and you have $100 to put toward the speaker build. Entire system with speakers $900. If you happen to have some walnut or oak laying around, maybe even less.

Get the next model down from the Saga and the whole system is $700.

When I started getting back into Audio some here is a quick list.

Martin Logan Sound bar (100 watt) $25
NAD 2600 power amp free (I repaired it)
Teac UD 301 Dac/amp $250
Polk Audio speakers $100
Valhalla 2 $350
Klipsch Subwoofer $35

So roughly $760, approximate used value $3200.

There are ways to save a few bucks if you work at it a bit and are patient.

Since then I have added 7 headphone amps, a new dac, a couple phono pre-amps. I built many of the amps so there is some serious savings there.

Included is a Schiit LYR 2 which I really like.
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Jun 27, 2018 at 9:41 PM Post #34,098 of 153,754
So I don't have scotch in front of me (working) but I did just listen to the Excitable Boy album for the first time. I am familiar with Warren's hits, but not most of his catalogue. I enjoyed the album from start to finish. I will say the track Excitable Boy is fantastic musically, but f'd up lyrically. Gave more weight to Werewolves of London lyrics when it played next.

Also, off his album Life'll Kill Ya the track My ****'s ****ed Up sounds great on my Schiit Stack. Spotify gave me that gem a few days ago on my daily mix. My Schiits FD Up. Damn censoring.

Warren is one of my all-time favorite artists, and one of the few people whose death has affected me so much. I grew up with his music, from Excitable Boy onward, and I really miss that guy. His style evolved over time, from folk to 80s influenced synths to electric guitar riffs in the 90s and back to a stripped down style, bit it was almost all well written. I need to revisit some of those albums on my schiit stack.
Jun 27, 2018 at 9:48 PM Post #34,099 of 153,754
There was an album prior to Excitable Boy as I recall with Poor Poor Pitiful me on it. Excitable Boy is my favorite. I can still see Tom Cruise dancing to Werewolves of London in The Color of Money. A follow up to the Hustler, both books by Walter Tevis.

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Jun 27, 2018 at 9:53 PM Post #34,100 of 153,754
Warren is one of my all-time favorite artists, and one of the few people whose death has affected me so much. I grew up with his music, from Excitable Boy onward, and I really miss that guy. His style evolved over time, from folk to 80s influenced synths to electric guitar riffs in the 90s and back to a stripped down style, bit it was almost all well written. I need to revisit some of those albums on my schiit stack.


"Enjoy every sandwich."
Jun 27, 2018 at 9:54 PM Post #34,101 of 153,754
Question for the group, if you had 700 ish dollars to spend on 2ch audio components, where would you put it? Speakers excluded. Would you buy a preamp (saga), a DAC (mimby), and a 100ish amp? Or would you go straight for a Vidar and a Sys to control it (adding better components down the line)?

First a detour
I. As a budget starter I would typically recommend
modi multibit $250
Vali2 150
powered speakers e.g. 400 as in Audio Engine5+
For $800 plus interconnects, it is a nice system that will play symphonic music very nicely (Gives an honest 40Hz bass, bottom note of the bass fiddle--though piano goes rather lower.)

But you already have speakers. (Are you really committed to using those??)
With speaker you need a power amp, and the Vidar is hard to beat, but blows your $700 budget.

II. So just cut out the preamp and go with SYS? Mike M won’t put a volume control on his DACs (for which I am grateful) So Jason gives us the SYS to do that and offers choice of two inputs?

Well I tried the digital signal>SYS> Bifrost > Vidar>speakers
1. To get the volume right was very tricky! The slightest volume adjustment made a huge difference in volume. Either I was struggling to hear or blowing out the house. Finesse was very difficult.
2. I did not like the sonic quality. A good pre-amp really does add a softening or liquid or harmonic quality that for me makes the sound much more natural, more like live instruments and voices.
Vidar is a very neutral/transparent amp to my ears (which I like): it does not add or subtract. If the analog signal you feed it doesn’t have a natural sound, Vidar does nothing to improve it. If the analog signal goes in beautiful, it comes out beautiful.

III You should be able to pick up a good used power amp for $300. I would put that together with the modi multibit and Vali 2.

IV Lyr 3 is a nice preamp to look forward to Just ask Ripper2860. If you don’t use headphones, Saga with the Tung Sol tube is a nice choice.
Good Luck!

For what its worth...all 2 cents?? NF
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Jun 27, 2018 at 10:18 PM Post #34,104 of 153,754
Jun 27, 2018 at 10:54 PM Post #34,105 of 153,754
It was another member here who reminded my of Constanza's obligations on this thread as a mascot and factotum.
He was rigth so I subscribed again.

Friend- Please do not let the opinions of trolls and low-lifes impact your presence on this thread, or any other Schiit thread. Jason himself has stated he enjoys cat pictures, discussions of scotch, and the wide variety of places we go when he is busy concocting more good Schiit, or blowing up 3 Ragnarok 2 prototypes.

Some people come here and after 10 minutes they are mouthing off about how we should be conducting our conversation, or our lives. Or long-time folks get their kicks by being obnoxious. Either way, their words are harmful and their attitudes only sow dissent and displeasure.

You have brought wisdom, wit, and humanity to our little corner of the Internet, and many of us value these qualities. So please keep posting images of the Contessa Constanza, sharing your strategies for keeping her off your Yggy, and your wisdom about health. And let us know of your travels by bike, the true measure of your place on this forum.
Jun 28, 2018 at 12:21 AM Post #34,107 of 153,754
I've tried many, many times to rate albums and tracks, and I just cannot do it. Your timing is great though. Last night a friend of mine listened to a few of my headphones, and then we spent hours listening to random stuff through the LS50Ws after he got sucked in. He had never listened to recorded music except through car speakers and/or a bluetooth type speaker, or headphones that come free with phones etc. It was a joy to watch his reactions. The sequence was ... Oh well if you think you like THAT well then listen to THIS... Followed shortly by WOW / DUDE! / $chiit-Eating Grin... He asked me to put together a list of songs he could use to go listen to equipment. After about an hour I came up with a fairly long list.

Well onto actually answering your question - To me, there are some really poor recordings that I still adore just because... If you're looking for some recommendations for things that are well-recorded - I actually have no idea what is well recorded or not, but here are a few that I think sound pretty great that may not be known as well. They're in no particular order, and are not in any "Top 5", but I put a few notes as to why I like them. I hope you will, too. They're what popped into my head in the moment, and you can go from Meiko to Warren Zevon...

Alison Krauss - 100 Miles or More: A Collection.
- Listen to it when - you don't mind shedding a tear
- Why I think it's great - Incredible recordings. That voice, that voice, that voice.
- Stand out tracks - Lay Down Beside Me (Old Don Williams Tune); Whiskey Lullaby; Jacob's Dream (Get your tissues)

Roy Orbison and Friends - A Black and White Night
- Listen to it when - you want (or need) to bounce around and smile
- Why I think it's great - It's ROY and darn near everyone else. I mean c'mon Bonnie Raitt, Jennifer Warnes, and KD Lang are his Doo-Wop Girls. It's an EPIC group of people having an all-out blast playing music.
- Stand out tracks - O' Pretty Woman (James Burton, Bruce Springsteen, and Roy jamming is FUN); Crying.
- If you ever come across a copy of the Blu-Ray - grab it.

Yes - The Yes Album
- Listen to it when - you want to take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life.
- Why I think it's great - Dunno... I just do
- Standout tracks - I've Seen All Good People (Maybe a Top 5 song),

Willie Nelson - Milk Cow Blues
- Listen to it when - Coffee time, chill. When you don't mind looking up from your work and to no-one in particular just nodding your head and going "Cool!"
- Why I think it's great - some amazing recordings with some phenomenal musicians and vocalists. Makes me grin.
- Standout tracks - ALL of it. Texas Flood and Night Life if you forced me to pick.

Ray Charles - Genius Loves Company
- Listen to it when - You may feel nostalgic, who knows... It does take a mood
- Why I think it's great - I think Ray Charles had one of the coolest, most expressive voices in music. The song choices and pairings.
- Standout tracks - Do I Ever Cross Your Mind, Sinner's Prayer, Here We Go Again, Crazy Love ... yeah just all of 'em.

Happy Listening!

I absolutely love Alison Krauss, not only her voice, but she is an amazing fiddle player.

Everything else you recommend is Stellar :relaxed:

The Mimby may have a tiny footprint, but it sounds mighty through my old 2 channel. Tonight it's given me a grand introduction to the Solti Ring Cycle, and brought out Mr Van Morrison in detail & texture I haven't heard before (Moondance, 100 plus listens).

Also, country doesn't get touched on here very often (ever?), but it really brought out the vocals of Reba in Fancy, & Randy Travis in Forever and Ever Amen, among many others. I tend to listen to country while woodworking.

Home improvement is more fun when it's Schitty.

Go Twins, I see your old pennant, I have one just like it!

Here's what two guys can do with two cellos.

OMG :metal:

2Cellos are on Tidal! :L3000:
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Jun 28, 2018 at 12:25 AM Post #34,108 of 153,754
Speaking of blah, blah, blah...

Thanks to all for the suggestions. I threw the 700 dollar ish figure out there as a number to generate conversation, and it worked. I loved all the feedback and suggestions. To answer a couple of questions. I am not sticking with that figure as a lifetime number. Ideally thats a 3-4 month amount, but life rarely gives us that. My mid term goal (6-12 mo) is Vidar, Saga, Mimby, then lores, or dirty weekends (leaning lores).

I enjoy my wharfdale mfm 5 speakers. From the research I did when I bought them, to the little bit of info available outside of the internet archives, they rate well, but most importantly I really enjoy the way they sound.
Given the choice I'd choose my current 2ch setup over my Hd6xx rig. The same mimby is used in both rigs.

As far as building speakers or amps, I would very much like to do that, but home improvement takes priority on my time.

I guess the crux is whether or not to jump right to Vidar or buy a cheaper option and then work on Saga and Vidar after. I am very much wishing I had pulled the trigger on a b stock Vidar.

Thanks to all who contributed to my question.

Maybe Jason has something else cooking in 2 channel land that will release in the next month or so. An integrated 2ch that allows for modules to be selected would be pretty sweet. I keep thinking a base integrated amp, with the option to add one or two modules (mimby and Loki for example) would be pretty awesome. Something AB like a Mega Magni, or a Jumbo Jot. Idc if it's balanced or not.

Edit. The mini Gumby would be awesome if it comes out. Personally Bimby doesn't interest me as much as Gumby does.

2nd Edit 2cellos are also on Spotify, they were awesome live. Smooth criminal and Seven Nation Army are fantastic. Well they all are.
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Jun 28, 2018 at 12:41 AM Post #34,109 of 153,754
I've decided on a upgrade for my LS50s in the living room will be these.

Tannoy XT 8F - I love concentric drivers, these should give some big sound, and I can sneak them past my wife.
They aren't huge, and very reasonably priced. Reviewed well most everywhere. :sunglasses:


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