Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 8, 2018 at 2:02 PM Post #32,581 of 153,872
I suggest you stop, rethink, and if you wish to drive loudspeakers, use an amp designed for it. Magni is not designed for that purpose. Use the RCA outs from Magni to drive a small speaker amp. There are many available that will give you what you want.

Thanks, im trying to make a Schiit box..

I want something that works similar to this. Where i can plug into a magni. I'm envisioning a low powered speaker setup that is powered by magni, mimby, loki, has a wood case that contains said speakers, in the middle would be a schiit stack, powered by cthulu. I would make the case out of wood. I could use it at my desk, fire pit, etc. Stupid? Probably, but it gives me an excuse to tinker in my garage and build something fun. I will look into repurposing headphone drivers. They will probably play better with Magni then car speaker components
May 8, 2018 at 2:06 PM Post #32,582 of 153,872
My answer was more roundabout but I agree with Ableza. Time to me is also money, you would probably be ahead buying powered speakers unless you have the background and test equipment to do some of your own design changes.
May 8, 2018 at 2:06 PM Post #32,583 of 153,872
Lenny Bruce once compared men to dogs and women to cats, spank your dog and he comes crawling to you, do that with a cat and she is gone jack. (that was merely a quote, I am not condoning any sort of violence.)

I was about to say I have worried less about my son driving around burning tires in Beirut than my daughter driving home in the winter. Just less worries.

I am waaaaay outnumbered ...

Females: 2x dogs, 3 x daughters and 1x wife. (I won't even get into the ex-wife)

Males: 1x dog (a very un-masculine chihuahua) and myself (very masculine)

TBD: A goldfish fish and a turtle

My days are numbered, I'm afraid.
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May 8, 2018 at 2:10 PM Post #32,584 of 153,872
Sometimes it is a short drive, to be driven to drink.
May 8, 2018 at 2:10 PM Post #32,585 of 153,872
My answer was more roundabout but I agree with Ableza. Time to me is also money, you would probably be ahead buying powered speakers unless you have the background and test equipment to do some of your own design changes.
just run the mimby->loki and split the output to your magni and this:
Then you've got speaker and headphone outs all in a little box. I don't know if there's a class AB equivalent that could fit in such a small enclosure and handle a 4 Ohm load.
May 8, 2018 at 2:11 PM Post #32,586 of 153,872
May 8, 2018 at 2:14 PM Post #32,587 of 153,872
Aren't headphones wonderful? You escape into your own little world, turn off most any outside noise or distraction. Maybe the sound of swallowing as you down a nice cold beer other than Lone Star.

I believe it was said before him but Tom Waits sometimes gets credited with:

I would rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.
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May 8, 2018 at 2:51 PM Post #32,589 of 153,872
Thanks, im trying to make a Schiit box..
They make these neat amps for $20-30. I have one and it sounds fine. Variety of colors. I have the red one. Fits in the palm of your hand (unless you're you-know-who :wink: Although I linked to that particular one, there are a variety of sellers with price points from around $20 to $50.

Now, I'd rather a Schiit amp but they refuse to listen to my sterling business advice about making a stereo amp (or mono, I'll take 2) the size of a Bifrost...
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May 8, 2018 at 3:10 PM Post #32,591 of 153,872
I am waaaaay outnumbered ...

Females: 2x dogs, 3 x daughters and 1x wife. (I won't even get into the ex-wife)

Males: 1x dog (a very un-masculine chihuahua) and myself (very masculine)

TBD: A goldfish fish and a turtle

My days are numbered, I'm afraid.
You can eat the dogs, fish and turtle.
Boarding schools are good practice for daughters.
You won't get into the ex-wife anymore.
So.... show some backbone and offer your wife to do a Brazilian Wax just like her.
I see no problems.
May 8, 2018 at 3:19 PM Post #32,593 of 153,872
So.... show some backbone and offer your wife to do a Brazilian Wax just like her.
I see no problems.

Thanks for the input, but I'd rather not go into detail about my 'man-scaping' regimen on this forum. Suffice it to say, I could easily be a serial 'yard of the month' winner! :expressionless:
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