Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jul 8, 2016 at 3:31 PM Post #11,491 of 153,882
I would be more specific if I could, but:
1. A lot of what we're working on may or may not come to pass. But I'm excited something is working, so I want to talk about it. Remember, we're pretty far out on the axis of bizarre stuff (almost none of our products are "conventional," in any way, shape, or form--hell, even the Magni is a mini speaker amp, and that's the most "boring" thing we do.)
2. Some of what I'm working on will affect the current line. After the SchiitShow, you'll understand very well what I mean when I say, "Sometimes you have to kill your own children," because I think what's coming will have a pretty profound impact on our own line (and, I think, an even larger impact on the industry). But then again, I have been wrong before. We'll see. But it is a significantly new direction for us. Hence the cloak and dagger stuff.
3. Some of what I'm working on won't affect the current line, but giving too many details too soon isn't the brightest idea. Why give the competition enough information to help them counter your upcoming launch? However, again, I like to talk about things. I could, alternately, simply go radio silent if you'd prefer. Though there will be plenty of real announcements to be made in this half of the year. The first half of this year was simply a time to regroup a bit. A very little bit. Consider that it's only about 7 months since we introduced the last new product...that's really not that long ago at all. 
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 8, 2016 at 3:35 PM Post #11,492 of 153,882
My evening yesterday Was spent Wall mounting a TV. Which now has me pulling wires through the wall to hide everything and the discussion of a media Stand comes up With the Wife. Possibly something custom as we cannot find the size/style She want. (Milk crates and wooden pallets would work for me... not her 
)  I Immediately started measuring Dimensions of the Bimby, the Valhalla 2 and then Immediately started figuring out the Dimensions of Yggy.
Damn this Marketing thread. 
Jul 8, 2016 at 4:09 PM Post #11,493 of 153,882
Jason, please don't even think about going radio silent, ever!

Your chapters usually are super informative, but for me... this thread would be much less interesting without those post full of teasing you drop from time to time.
Yeah, for sure we would love more details about those WIP products, but I'm pretty sure most guys here can live with that.

Jul 8, 2016 at 4:09 PM Post #11,494 of 153,882

fortunately for me my Valahalla 2 fit like a glove in my existing setup. and I have removable shelves to stack higher and higher if I want but I designed the hutch, buying pre-made can be tough. I meant that to be below the previous post otherwise it might seem like a non sequitur. Now I just need a Schiit phono pre-amp that is no more than nine inches wide and I am golden, a built in DAC would be nice as well but I am not greedy.
Jul 8, 2016 at 4:35 PM Post #11,495 of 153,882
fortunately for me my Valahalla 2 fit like a glove in my existing setup. and I have removable shelves to stack higher and higher if I want but I designed the hutch, buying pre-made can be tough. I meant that to be below the previous post otherwise it might seem like a non sequitur. Now I just need a Schiit phono pre-amp that is no more than nine inches wide and I am golden, a built in DAC would be nice as well but I am not greedy.

Does the Mani not work for your setup?
Jul 8, 2016 at 4:42 PM Post #11,496 of 153,882
fortunately for me my Valahalla 2 fit like a glove in my existing setup. and I have removable shelves to stack higher and higher if I want but I designed the hutch, buying pre-made can be tough. I meant that to be below the previous post otherwise it might seem like a non sequitur. Now I just need a Schiit phono pre-amp that is no more than nine inches wide and I am golden, a built in DAC would be nice as well but I am not greedy.

Wooden pallets and Milk crates are Custom
.  Yes look into the Mani it is the Size of the Modi/Magni/SYS.
2. Some of what I'm working on will affect the current line. After the SchiitShow, you'll understand very well what I mean when I say, "Sometimes you have to kill your own children," because I think what's coming will have a pretty profound impact on our own line (and, I think, an even larger impact on the industry). But then again, I have been wrong before. We'll see. But it is a significantly new direction for us. Hence the cloak and dagger stuff.  

More Marketing,   Great. Time to spin up the rumor mill.

The Dac Line - Bifrost and Above May stay the same probably with the exception of a updated USB board. MB trickled Down to the Bifrost and That was all fairly recent. And they are upgradeable workhorses that hold their own.Unlikely to axe those. The Bifrost MB especially is a Bargain Hunter dream to get in to an MB Dac.  Modi 2 and its Uber variant well Its not Upgradable, not  MB... wait a minute. NAHHH  they could barely fit all the Bits in the Bifrost case when the made the MB version of it.
All the Amps are in their V2 Stage Except Raggy.  Will Raggy get killed ?? Probably not. However Some of the amps just slight further Down the Line could be exrtemely good candidates for a Raggy like Make over where they Can do Both Headphone and Speakers. I'm looking at you Mjolnir 2. 
Now One thing I know one thing I have seen asked for time and time again was a combo outside of the fulla. It would make sense to Morph the Magni Modi Line. Both are entry Level and not upgradeable and in all honesty while l like my components separate. I don't know what the sales states are like But I am guessing this is one duo which is ordered together fairly often, 1 Power supply, One Chassis and a few less external connections means a Combo could even cost a little less than both bought separately. Jason Said No , Uh Uh Never but In this instance I Agree with those who want a Great Budget Combo. Modi 2U + Magni 2 U in One chassis would actually be pretty Kickass.
Wyrd. Its USB. There is room for more help and it will be welcomed.
Mani- Discussions on the Vinyl end between Mike and others have taken place on other threads. a Tube version of the Mani was kicked around even a Mike Moffat MB ADC with a Schiit Logo on it was discussed. Then it went silent. Hmmmmmm, Either one of these Would be on my list. I will Say When I run my Rega -> Mani into a Solid State amp it sounds great The mani is an insanely good pre amp and its not much more than a Modi. However I run it through a Valhalla to my SS power Amp. Magical
Sys  - A BIG ONE With 2x the inputs and outputs Please!!!!!!!
Jul 8, 2016 at 4:46 PM Post #11,497 of 153,882
  I could, alternately, simply go radio silent if you'd prefer.

Believe it or not, your morsels of ongoing scholarship, triumphs and tribulations, as scant of detail as they may be, is about the only thing that provides focus and some semblance of steerage on this meandering thread.   Left to our own devices, who knows how far off into the weeds we'd be.  OT police would be coming out of the woodwork, keening and scolding and chastening...  Whole pages of posts could end up being consigned to oblivion.  It'd get ugly.
So thanks for that.
BTW, if we were to graph your bizarre axis, what relationship would it have relative to x, y, z?  Exactly what dimension are we plotting here?  (cue Rod Sirling...)    
Jul 8, 2016 at 5:03 PM Post #11,498 of 153,882
Wooden pallets and Milk crates are Custom 
.  Yes look into the Mani it is the Size of the Modi/Magni/SYS.
In no way was my intent to insult your pallets and milk crates, in college I got by with recycled doors and cinder blocks.
I am just happy that something I designed 20 years ago will accommodate some modern equipment. A TV armoire is now a liquor cabinet and wine fridge holder. 
I was being facetious, the Mani should fit, I am really hoping to see a new phono pre-amp from Schiit that I cannot live without. I have working equipment now so I can wait if a new model is on the horizon.
Jul 8, 2016 at 5:21 PM Post #11,499 of 153,882
Jason, ignore the rabble crying about specificity or lack of information or accusing you of running this thread for marketing's sake.  They are precisely the reason why you yourself suggested in an early chapter to never make early product announcements (or, later, to not even engage in Internet speculation about products.)  It's the old give 'em an inch and take (or demand) a mile.  Just do what you do and let the rabble grouse.  Those comments will not impact your sales at all, is my speculation.
Jul 8, 2016 at 6:01 PM Post #11,500 of 153,882
  2. Some of what I'm working on will affect the current line. After the SchiitShow, you'll understand very well what I mean when I say, "Sometimes you have to kill your own children," because I think what's coming will have a pretty profound impact on our own line (and, I think, an even larger impact on the industry). But then again, I have been wrong before. We'll see. But it is a significantly new direction for us. Hence the cloak and dagger stuff.

OHMYGOD they're giving up hifi and going in for burgers!
But... you'know... Schiit Audio was a stroke of marketing genius. Schiit Burgers? Maybe not so much.
Jul 8, 2016 at 7:11 PM Post #11,501 of 153,882
I heard something brilliant by someone once about relationships and why it's so debilitating when it ends. I don't think I can do it justice, but it was about how we use the story of another person to add power and energy to our stories about ourselves. We're always trying to do that in some way or another. The story is so important to us because without it, what are we? But the story ends one way or another anyway. If getting what we wanted made us happy, wouldn't we all have been happy forever after Christmas morning when we were about six or seven?

The idea of an individual's, or even object's, majesty, power and purpose as a commutable endowment is pretty primordial, whether shared, freely given or taken by force.  One of the true drivers for marriage, besides children, is the attraction of union of complimentary strengths.  And this increasing melding of affinities, identity and direction is what makes subsequent separation so traumatic and lonely from feelings of diminishment.
But as brutal as abruptly ending relationships can be, what I find most difficult personally is the death of a family member or close friend.  You feel like so much of you is buried along with your loved one that you wonder if there's enough left over to continue to grow independently on your own.
Or you may just want your damned records back, to quote an immortal line of Sam Kinison's.
But happiness comes from within.  I learned that one the hard way with my first wife, when I so very naively thought that I could make her happy.  And the odd thing about my prevailing Christmas memory of my childhood, and maybe an overly revealing aspect of my nature, is that I waited until the last to open my presents because the bigger thrill for me was watching my siblings and parents reactions to opening theirs.  Expressions of happiness rather than feelings of happiness.  Weird, huh?
Jul 8, 2016 at 7:13 PM Post #11,502 of 153,882
What is lacking is focus and enough specifics so that I can start channeling my avaricious juices.  Guess I'll just throw its potential bounty out there and see what all's drawn to it...

Is this anything like a dust magnet?

Jul 8, 2016 at 7:17 PM Post #11,503 of 153,882
Jul 8, 2016 at 11:31 PM Post #11,505 of 153,882
The idea of an individual's, or even object's, majesty, power and purpose as a commutable endowment is pretty primordial, whether shared, freely given or taken by force.  One of the true drivers for marriage, besides children, is the attraction of union of complimentary strengths.  And this increasing melding of affinities, identity and direction is what makes subsequent separation so traumatic and lonely from feelings of diminishment.

But as brutal as abruptly ending relationships can be, what I find most difficult personally is the death of a family member or close friend.  You feel like so much of you is buried along with your loved one that you wonder if there's enough left over to continue to grow independently on your own.

Or you may just want your damned records back, to quote an immortal line of Sam Kinison's.

But happiness comes from within.  I learned that one the hard way with my first wife, when I so very naively thought that I could make her happy.  And the odd thing about my prevailing Christmas memory of my childhood, and maybe an overly revealing aspect of my nature, is that I waited until the last to open my presents because the bigger thrill for me was watching my siblings and parents reactions to opening theirs.  Expressions of happiness rather than feelings of happiness.  Weird, huh?

My brother died at the end of May. My father was already dead, as well as my grandparents from when and where I grew up, so it's a lot like what you've described. Sometimes when I see old friends from previous times in my life, they remind me of things I'd totally forgotten. Now there's no way to reminisce about a huge part of my early childhood, so it almost feels like it didn't really happen.

Music is timeless, though. Unfortunately, most of the music for which we had a mutual appreciation at the time was very poorly recorded (Punk rock, mostly).

As for being happy watching others being happy - well, isn't that what this whole show is for?

My girlfriend was sort of an outsider regarding hi-fi for the longest time, but I got her a nice set of Phillips X2 for Christmas and convinced her to get a Modi 2 Uber and gave her my Magni (I got a Polaris). Now we have listening sessions comparing the differences between our equipment with different songs. She also bogarts my Oppo PM-3 a lot and it's fun seeing her face light up listening to them.

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