Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 6, 2015 at 10:30 PM Post #8,971 of 154,562
Has Jason said whether it might be revealed in 2015? Or 2016?
The guesses are fun and I am not even going to try. All www know is that it is a new digital product.

Note, new as on not an existing product or innovation. And not analog as in an amp, EQ, or other such analog effect of some kind.

And this new product is as big as the first outboard DAC.

Judging by Mike's post the other day about Windoze and USAC2, I'm starting to wonder about a new and different digital audio delivery system from a computer to a DAC. Using network cables or protocols or something? Some new Wyrd 2 that does even crazier mojo?

But what can a digital product do but decode or process unless it changes the way we interface our gear (like outboard DACs did)?
Dec 7, 2015 at 1:04 AM Post #8,972 of 154,562
I think all the guesses are not creative guess is this:  Manhattan Project = Digital Laser Turntable.  The "Gadget" is some type of optical/laser stylus/cartridge.
I don't know if this is what Jason is on about, but if it WAS, I would argue that it HAS been done before, but at $20K, definately not commercially.
Funny enough, I think that the patents have expired...
This WOULD allow your hipsters to continue to buy vinyl and play it on a Schiit DAC.
Dec 7, 2015 at 9:53 AM Post #8,973 of 154,562
Maybe a laser cartridge + phono pre-amp but using standard LP base and arms. No need to re-invent those.
But what would be the sales for this? Way too niche of a niche.
More likely a all-in-one such as PS Audio Sprout? They already have the modules for USB and SPDIF DAC, phono pre-amp, headphone and speaker amps. Just stuff them all into a box and call it a new product. Waaay more market for that.
Dec 7, 2015 at 10:00 AM Post #8,975 of 154,562
Yea when I commented that, I remembered what he said about "revealing" and "not to talk" about new products, I'm 10 chapters in the book
I think he said something about a product due before the end of the year.


Engineering happens.
So does manufacturing.

Don't beat the doors down at Schiit like a bunch of zombies waiting.  Let 'em get it right.
Dec 7, 2015 at 12:15 PM Post #8,979 of 154,562
There are 512GB SD cards on Amazon right now, 1TB next year, and 2017 maybe we will already have 1TB micro-SD still expensive, maybe 2018 1TB micro-SD card for cheap.
So not even 10 years.
Dec 7, 2015 at 12:35 PM Post #8,980 of 154,562
  There are 512GB SD cards on Amazon right now, 1TB next year, and 2017 maybe we will already have 1TB micro-SD still expensive, maybe 2018 1TB micro-SD card for cheap.
So not even 10 years.

I still remember 20 years ago in 1995 and a friend got a new computer with a 1GB drive. I remember thinking how big that was at the time.
I hear 1TB is capable on SD and micro-SD, but requires a second row of pins, meaning it is actually 512GB + 512GB piggy backed into the same physical space, but with separate connections. And of course not affordable.
Dec 7, 2015 at 12:49 PM Post #8,981 of 154,562
I still remember 20 years ago in 2995 and a friend got a new computer with a 1GB drive. I remember thinking how big that was at the time.
I hear 1TB is capable on SD and micro-SD, but requires a second row of pins, meaning it is actually 512GB + 512GB piggy backed into the same physical space, but with separate connections. And of course not affordable.

I say, you wouldn't have a spare flux capacitor, would you?
Dec 7, 2015 at 3:58 PM Post #8,982 of 154,562
I've refused to get on the speculation train for various reasons, but I'm going to throw my hat in the ring on a couple of these:
A USB audio in device for turntables (probably line level input since Schiit already makes an appropriate preamp).
Consumer-grade audio-over-ethernet system (meaning not aimed for the pro market, NOT meaning low-end).
Dec 7, 2015 at 4:37 PM Post #8,983 of 154,562
Technically there is already Audio over Ethernet:
Interestingly, "AoE is intended for high-fidelity, low-latency professional audio..." and "Most AoE systems use proprietary protocol(s)..." 
There have been systems for multi-channel for audio distribution (snakes, headphone mixing systems, etc.), but nothing for high bit-rate and something designed with high-fidelity in mind.
Dec 7, 2015 at 4:46 PM Post #8,984 of 154,562
Ah yes, I remember it well - a good year was 2995 :wink:

I still remember 20 years ago in 2995 and a friend got a new computer with a 1GB drive.

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