Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 14, 2024 at 11:09 AM Post #139,546 of 155,127
So very, VERY envious!
I go for quality over quantity in my choices, that way I drink less. As in audio gear, I generally trade my labor for such things while accepting some cash for cost of materials. I may build an extra flight board or two for Blanton’s from a local lady who has many friends into top shelf bourbons.
Feb 14, 2024 at 11:52 AM Post #139,547 of 155,127
I've also started re-reading The Hobbit, to be followed by the Lord of the Rings (for the 9th or 10th time in in my life), after re-watching for the umpteenth time the extended version of the trilogy, to be followed by almost all of the books compiled by Tolkien's son Christopher, all first-time reads.

I hear you !


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Feb 14, 2024 at 11:58 AM Post #139,548 of 155,127
Nice collection, @strider1007! I figured by your username that you are a LOTR fan! I have most of those editions, plus a couple of collectible hardcovers and other softcovers. My brother is pretty much up there with the amount of Tolkien books too!
Feb 14, 2024 at 12:37 PM Post #139,550 of 155,127
Yggy seems to be sample rate/bit depth agnostic. Meaning that it just sounds great no matter what you throw at it. :L3000:
Yggy fed by Urd via Unison sounds the most amazing to me. Closest to vinyl IMHO. The more that I listen to CDs spun on Yggy, the more that I hear the limitations of my streamer... regardless of sample/bit rates.

Schiit hit the ball out of the park with Urd. Absolutely fabulous. I'm buying CDs again, and I'm loving how inexpensive they are (vs. LPs).

Feb 14, 2024 at 12:39 PM Post #139,551 of 155,127
.... @dstrimbu's distress 😫 .... 😂
Nah, I'm back on it, my friend... still need to reply to some people who have been waiting for a while... mea culpa... but at least I'm not having to cover 30 pages in a day. <g>
Feb 14, 2024 at 12:40 PM Post #139,552 of 155,127
Feb 14, 2024 at 1:36 PM Post #139,554 of 155,127
Feb 14, 2024 at 2:07 PM Post #139,555 of 155,127
He said Bifrost... was the text too small for you, Ripper? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
No. I interpreted the Sonority took forever to deliver Bifrost comment as a reference to a previous order since the reference to Bifrost's delivery (and not Bifrost 2) was in parenthesis. I'm not big on assumptions, so I thought I'd ask. :stuck_out_tongue:

** I did have to squint a bit, though. :wink:
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Feb 14, 2024 at 2:12 PM Post #139,556 of 155,127
Yggy fed by Urd via Unison sounds the most amazing to me. Closest to vinyl IMHO. The more that I listen to CDs spun on Yggy, the more that I hear the limitations of my streamer... regardless of sample/bit rates.

Schiit hit the ball out of the park with Urd. Absolutely fabulous. I'm buying CDs again, and I'm loving how inexpensive they are (vs. LPs).

Thanks for sharing this pic @dstrimbu
It looks a fantastic system.:relaxed:
Is that an Auralic streamer in the rack?
I did try an Aries G2 a couple of years ago.
It was good, and it was beautifully engineered but, (to my ears) it sounded no better than my ancient Logitech Transporter which, at £350, was about a tenth of the price, so I sent the Aries G2 back!
I listen to some streamed music when I am feeling really lazy, either from Qobuz or ripped CDs on a networked hard drive.
Both can sound very, very good, but like you, I prefer physical CDs, as I think they sound even better.
I still buy CDs every month as they are such amazing value….unlike vinyl:dt880smile:.
However, the cost hasn’t stopped me buying more albums on vinyl, as there is something special about it.
Is it better than CD…?
I’ll leave that for others to decide; I love both formats and feel lucky to have the choice.
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Feb 14, 2024 at 2:17 PM Post #139,557 of 155,127
I predict that some Internet keyboard jockey "audiophile expert" somewhere will cite this article as "proof" that they can hear distortion from this effect as their gear warms up and offer to sell everyone a device to prevent it. It'll be worth every penny, I'm sure.
It's well known that this warm up of the plasma causes Plankton to get a bad case of gas. The bubbles they emit cause time and phase distortion in the propagation of the musical waveform from any type of transducer.

The solution is the new Krill Filter (TM), which, for a mere $27,499-, will remove the distortion caused by the overheated Plankton emitting gases in your listening environment. And this is particularly helpful for headphone users since the Plankton are close in proximity to one's eardrum.

Call today!

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Feb 14, 2024 at 2:58 PM Post #139,559 of 155,127
I predict that some Internet keyboard jockey "audiophile expert" somewhere will cite this article as "proof" that they can hear distortion from this effect as their gear warms up and offer to sell everyone a device to prevent it. It'll be worth every penny, I'm sure.
I'm pretty sure Air Conditioning has already been invented. It is over-due for re-packaging and a new higher-end market, however. :thinking:
Feb 14, 2024 at 3:07 PM Post #139,560 of 155,127

Unless I get an offer I cannot refuse this is the last flight board on my Head-Fi list, going to @bcowen whenever he stops being a Gypsy and has an address other than his car’s license plate number. Tiger maple, cherry, bloodwood, and rosewood. Now I get to plan my own.😁
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