Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 10, 2023 at 9:37 AM Post #123,346 of 155,091
If you are pretty sure it will happen I will get busy on a few door prizes for you. Custom cables for sure and maybe a headphone stand. It would also be possible to build a small rack for a Bifrost and Lyr.
Location is booked and paid for!
Aug 10, 2023 at 9:42 AM Post #123,348 of 155,091
.stl files are basically just a recipe. You get to choose the ingredients. It will work with any 3D printer with a big enough build volume (i.e. Needs to be able to print something as long and tall as a Sys). If you want to go nuts you could even mill it out of a solid block of metal.
STL files are what you export from FreeCAD, Fusion360 or other modeling software and feed to the slicer software like Cura. This software will translate it into G-code, the instructions your 3D printer understands, no matter what brand or size.
If you want to mill from aluminium, you need STEP files. These can be fed to CNC milling machines. This also translates to G-code.
STL and STEP can be seen as the inverse of each other. The first one adds (plastic layers), the second removes (from a solid block). The result can be the same form.
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Aug 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM Post #123,349 of 155,091
Welcome to the forum @Headcase88 :relaxed:

I assume you got your Urd from Mark Dolbear at Electromod. He is a great guy to deal with.
I bought my original Yggy from him.

As you are already used to the 'inconvenience' of playing physical CDs, and already have several thousand, I can't see why you would need to go down the streaming route.

I started streaming several years ago- both ripped CDs from networked hard drive and from Qobuz.

The convenience is undeniably attractive and the sound quality can be excellent.

However, about 18 months ago, I bought a CD Transport and started playing my physical CDs again.
I have a fairly modest collection of around 1,200, which is growing weekly...

I missed the boat with the Urd and bought a Jay's Audio CDT2- Mk3.

In my experience, whilst Qobuz and ripped CDs can run a physical CD pretty close, if I want the 'best' sound quality, I get up out of my chair and play CDs!
Mike Moffat was right; CDs remain the best way to enjoy digital recordings.

Your Urd/ Yggy OG A2 combo will be fantastic.

Enjoy !:beyersmile:
I second that , BTW all my Schiit is from Elecromod too and excellent service from them too although the pound dollar rate has hammered prices here ( thanks a bunch incompetent politicians ) - streaming can be such a Faff and often falters for the daftest and most obscure reasons - Red book Cd via a modern multibit dac n transport is a revelation
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Aug 10, 2023 at 10:17 AM Post #123,351 of 155,091
Location is booked and paid for!
Then I will get busy and ship items directly to you. I just finished rebuilding a neighbors receiver and I am caught up on other projects so the timing works well.
Aug 10, 2023 at 10:36 AM Post #123,352 of 155,091
What a super post about the English language ... I wholeheartedly agree

I love all the idioms and expressions in English, so much so that I developed an online daily phrase puzzle game (called FRAZE) ... I don't know whether it's 'legal' for me to post its web address ... it's FREE ...

Developed in the South West of France ... played around the world
This is one of my favourite forum posts ever, regardless of forum. And I've read a lot.

Steven Pinker, The Sense of Style, added to my list. Hayley Williams' Cinnamon has been in some of my playlists since it came out.
I’m anaspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctious to have caused you such pericombobulation
Aug 10, 2023 at 10:40 AM Post #123,353 of 155,091
I got in an argument with a local person about the amount of foam on the top of a beer glass, she thought it should always be two inches. I thought it might vary with type of glass used as well as type of beer. I opened this particular beer to show it had no head and it is truly considered beer.🤪
You are quite correct! A German beer is served with a larger foamy head that other beers. English drinkers will send an English bitter back if it has more than about 0.5 to 0.75 of head. Guinness is it's own special ritual as well.
Aug 10, 2023 at 10:42 AM Post #123,354 of 155,091
If you are pretty sure it will happen I will get busy on a few door prizes for you. Custom cables for sure and maybe a headphone stand. It would also be possible to build a small rack for a Bifrost and Lyr.
Oooh, a Bifrost sized rack built by you is almost worth making the trip down for! But I have a Jotunheim 2 and a Valhalla 2, so would need the extra level. Nevermind.
Aug 10, 2023 at 10:57 AM Post #123,355 of 155,091
STL files are what you export from FreeCAD, Fusion360 or other modeling software and feed to the slicer software like Cura. This software will translate it into G-code, the instructions your 3D printer understands, no matter what brand or size.
If you want to mill from aluminium, you need STEP files. These can be fed to CNC milling machines. This also translates to G-code.
STL and STEP can be seen as the inverse of each other. The first one adds (plastic layers), the second removes (from a solid block). The result can be the same form.
This makes a lot of sense. Thank you. I’m feeling pretty good about getting started with the printer. Already realized I should have gotten one with a larger bed because I’ve been looking at all the organizational things you can do. My toolbox desperately needs this.
Aug 10, 2023 at 11:31 AM Post #123,357 of 155,091
Oooh, a Bifrost sized rack built by you is almost worth making the trip down for! But I have a Jotunheim 2 and a Valhalla 2, so would need the extra level. Nevermind.
I could make a rack for those. How about this, I send a card stating I will build a two level rack using hardwoods for any size Schiit gear. My personal IOU at no charge whatsoever. Maybe something with a little color or more neutral tones. I might even work with the winner on certain wood types, within reason. If @bcowen shows up and wins he gets what he gets.🤪🤪🤪

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Aug 10, 2023 at 11:38 AM Post #123,358 of 155,091
Guinness is it's own special ritual as well.
Yep, and widgets make for fantastic cat toys. Perfect size and weight.

Has anyone here been to one of the more recent Schiit meetups and gotten a chance to listen to the Mjolnir 3?
Mhm! It was an early prototype, though. Among other smaller changes I am sure have been made since, it had a considerably smaller choke than the final version comes with.
Won't say anything about the sound in particular, since I haven't heard the final version yet. Sounded very good, though. Sold me on the spot.
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Aug 10, 2023 at 11:48 AM Post #123,359 of 155,091
I very much appreciate your kind words, but I may have to burst a bubble or two. "Cromulent" is not a word I would use, mostly because this was the first time I've heard it myself. 😁

But in all sincerity: I really do appreciate the compliment.

English is only my second language, of course, but I truly believe that it's the most beautiful language in the world. And no, I'm not kidding. Sure, there may be languages that sound nicer, but no other language is more versatile and descriptive, yet remains so very approachable at the same time.

Conventional wisdom has it that German—with all its intricacies, stickt grammar rules, and "fun" gimmicks like compound nouns—would be the ideal language for poets and thinkers to express their concepts in, but I wholeheartedly disagree. English has German beat, hands down. Because it's the relative flexibility and simplicity of English that allows you to express pretty much everything you want without getting lost in overly complicated syntax or getting buried by an avalanche of "big words." Easy to write, easy to express even the most complex ideas with … and all the while it remains refreshingly easy for the reader to parse and to understand.
To experience first-hand what I mean, one only has to read Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernunft (Critique of Pure Reason) or Heidegger's Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) first in the German original and then the respective English translations. While the German originals leave this particular armchair philosopher with a throbbing headache by page three, the English translations are a breeze.
Although, to be fair, the translations tend to contain a few minor mistakes that open the possibility for misinterpretation of the originally intended concepts. An issue that's especially pronounced with Marx' Das Kapital and Marx' and Engels' Communist Manifesto. This is mainly the fault of the translators, however, not of the English language itself.
(And even English isn't entirely immune to this issue, as every abridged version of Rand's Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged I've ever read manages to utterly distort and sometimes even pervert the intended meaning in the respective originals. But again, more the fault of the editor than the language.)

I love English, and I really enjoy using it. And I guess that it shows in my writing.

I just wish that my spoken English would be on par with my written English… 😅
My brain tends to run a sentence (or twelve) ahead of my mouth, and so I often end up stumbling over my own words, struggling to remember the vocabulary I'm looking for while simultaneously being busy with thinking about what I want to say next, and how I want to phrase it so that the person opposite has the best possible chance to easily understand what I intend to convey. Writing affords me the extra half a second that I need to find the right words.

This disconnect between my written and my spoken English was especially problematic during the first few years after I moved to the US, because I was always terrified to the core to make even just the smallest mistake. While this doesn't apply to every person in Germany, the majority tends to be very quick in judging someone based on their eloquence and command of accent-free High German, especially in an academic or business environment. This doesn't just apply to foreign accents, but also perfectly normal German dialects. You could be the next Einstein, von Braun, or Hegel, but if you open your mouth and a Saxon dialect comes out? Oh boy, may god have mercy upon your soul!
And so I moved to the States with the expectation that no one would ever take me seriously if my English isn't flawless, and that I better try to get as proficient at it as my brain allows.
This belief was so deeply ingrained that it took me years (literally!) to understand and accept that most Americans don't actually care. As long as you are able to get your thoughts and ideas across, most of them will be perfectly content. I've since discovered that I'm being taken even more seriously whenever my German accent shines through. Which may or may not be the reason why I've stopped trying so hard to hide it… 😁

Languages are weird, and also fun.

Another language I really like is Japanese, but approachable it is not. I've been trying to wrap my head around this one for years, with results that are mediocre at best. Trying to learn Japanese gives me an entirely new appreciation for those who want to learn German as a second language. My sincere kudos go out to @Currawong, et alia.

Oh, and Steven Pinker's The Sense of Style is high up on the list of my favorite books. Seriously. Strunk and White's The Elements of Style seems to be the widely accepted standard on the topic, but neither it nor any of the other half a dozen or so style guides that I have in my personal library can hold a candle to Pinker's Sense of Style.

And speaking of English words that start with a 'c'…
My favorite English word is cinnamon. Just hearing or saying it makes me smile.
…cinnamon… ☺️
It's such a happy sounding word! And incidentally also one of my favorite songs.

Listening to it right now, curtesy of my Yggy OG, Lokius, and Mjolnir 2 with LISST (…in an attempt to close this post on an on-topic note…)


Again: Thank you for your compliment, @emorrison33. It really means a lot.
Ich bin anaspetisch, frasmotisch, sogar gewissenhaft, dir eine solche Perikombobulation verursacht zu haben
Aug 10, 2023 at 11:54 AM Post #123,360 of 155,091
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