Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 27, 2022 at 4:43 PM Post #91,966 of 155,196
Apr 27, 2022 at 4:55 PM Post #91,967 of 155,196
Hey all,

In the vein of "no good deed goes unpunished, let's call this quick update "no good trend continues unperturbed."

Here's what was happening: I was making some real progress on all products—both new stuff and some tweaks to current stuff—and finally, finally starting to hear less about parts shortages. Some parts supplies seemed to be getting better in distribution, as well. And some new suppliers had come on-line to solve some of the more irritating issues, like lack of plain 'ol electrolytic capacitors in certain values. Because of all this—and because lots of redesign for new parts had already been done—things were actually looking pretty good for a change!

But of course, something had to happen.

This time it wasn't parts. It was COVID. Yeah. So I'm sitting here at home, getting caught up on writing, manuals, screens, and other boring stuff for a few days.

Ah well. Statistically, with all the traveling I do, I suppose I should've had COVID a long time ago. I thought I had it in December, but I never tested positive. This time, yep, boom, gotcha.

And here's the thing—I didn't think it was COVID. The single symptom I had didn't really track with anything I'd read. All I had was a headache. Like a hangover headache. But only about 60% strength. Not fun, but not debilitating. No cough, no sore throat, no breathing issues, blood O2 fine per Apple Watch, energy at full. Hell, once I tested positive, I realized the headache I had while Rina and I were out surfing the last two days meant I must have had it then. So yeah, two days in 6' swells with COVID. Ohhh...kay.

But then I realized I was cold, really cold, like driving-around-in-85-degree-muggy-weather-with-windows-up-in-a-dark-car with AC off feels good cold. So I took my temperature and it was 101.5. Which was higher than it's been since I was like, 10.

Ah crap. I got tested, and there you go.

Right now, I feel fine. Fever broke yesterday, headache is gone, all I got is a mild sore throat (finally). It'd be great to confirm some of the stuff I've been working on in the lab, but I'll be staying home until clean. Ah well, what can you do?

All the best,
I hope you get better soon 🙏
Apr 27, 2022 at 4:59 PM Post #91,968 of 155,196
Get to feeling better, @Jason Stoddard. Omicron is a sneaky B*****D. I was vaxed and double boosted and still got it. Thankfully my case was mild as it seems yours is as well.
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Apr 27, 2022 at 6:22 PM Post #91,969 of 155,196
Apr 27, 2022 at 6:50 PM Post #91,970 of 155,196
@Jason Stoddard, I tested positive in June 2020. Symptoms not severve, but very noticeable. Unfortunitely, long haul symptoms. Shortness of breath being the worse one. All told, it took close to a year for everything to clear up!

So, I'm glad to hear you're fine, more or less. I hope you recover quickly!

Take care! 😀
Apr 27, 2022 at 7:09 PM Post #91,971 of 155,196
LMAO, as far as I am concerned you can keep the suggestions coming. :ksc75smile: An interesting rack, system.

I have used similar things as well as a metal rack that swings out over the fire, and away from the fire for easy unloading.
Best oven I know of is a weld rod oven (that has never seen a rod), and for ultra-high heat without flames a red hot steel slab - 1600C heat without a flame and a constant temperature source. Metal rack that swung out over the strand for cooking, swung back for unloading. Takes a new meaning to high heat.
Apr 27, 2022 at 7:13 PM Post #91,972 of 155,196
Hey all,

In the vein of "no good deed goes unpunished, let's call this quick update "no good trend continues unperturbed."

Here's what was happening: I was making some real progress on all products—both new stuff and some tweaks to current stuff—and finally, finally starting to hear less about parts shortages. Some parts supplies seemed to be getting better in distribution, as well. And some new suppliers had come on-line to solve some of the more irritating issues, like lack of plain 'ol electrolytic capacitors in certain values. Because of all this—and because lots of redesign for new parts had already been done—things were actually looking pretty good for a change!

But of course, something had to happen.

This time it wasn't parts. It was COVID. Yeah. So I'm sitting here at home, getting caught up on writing, manuals, screens, and other boring stuff for a few days.

Ah well. Statistically, with all the traveling I do, I suppose I should've had COVID a long time ago. I thought I had it in December, but I never tested positive. This time, yep, boom, gotcha.

And here's the thing—I didn't think it was COVID. The single symptom I had didn't really track with anything I'd read. All I had was a headache. Like a hangover headache. But only about 60% strength. Not fun, but not debilitating. No cough, no sore throat, no breathing issues, blood O2 fine per Apple Watch, energy at full. Hell, once I tested positive, I realized the headache I had while Rina and I were out surfing the last two days meant I must have had it then. So yeah, two days in 6' swells with COVID. Ohhh...kay.

But then I realized I was cold, really cold, like driving-around-in-85-degree-muggy-weather-with-windows-up-in-a-dark-car with AC off feels good cold. So I took my temperature and it was 101.5. Which was higher than it's been since I was like, 10.

Ah crap. I got tested, and there you go.

Right now, I feel fine. Fever broke yesterday, headache is gone, all I got is a mild sore throat (finally). It'd be great to confirm some of the stuff I've been working on in the lab, but I'll be staying home until clean. Ah well, what can you do?

All the best,
Oooof, that blows…
But I'm glad to hear you're well on your way back to full strength. Keep that up, though, no relapses allowed! ;p
Apr 27, 2022 at 8:11 PM Post #91,976 of 155,196
Probably because in a classic turf war, @Jason Stoddard and @Baldr would endlessly argue which was analog and which digital, so no product would ever make it to market.
Fair point, but if any product is screaming for "flavours" (I'm :flag_ca: Canadian, eh) this is it!
Apr 27, 2022 at 9:11 PM Post #91,977 of 155,196
But then I realized I was cold, really cold, like driving-around-in-85-degree-muggy-weather-with-windows-up-in-a-dark-car with AC off feels good cold. So I took my temperature and it was 101.5. Which was higher than it's been since I was like, 10.

All the best,
101.5 is chicken liver. When I came back from Abu Dhabi with MERS I had 104.5 for 5 days (also damn near died from it). But then even the flu gives me at least a 103 degree fever. That is how my body fights this stuff. And people question whether my brain is fried or not....
Apr 27, 2022 at 10:13 PM Post #91,980 of 155,196
Hard to believe anything could be toastier than a G1 Ragnarok, but the FV may very well be the one to do it. :D

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