Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 31, 2015 at 9:21 PM Post #8,401 of 155,176
Has anyone here gone from the bifrost uber to the multibit, using the HD800? What would you say?

On a side note, does anyone think i am doing a disservice to my HD800 by using them with the Asgard 2?

I have used the Asgard 2 to drive my HE1K, when I out in my porch watching the hawks. I sound signature for the HE1000, when driven by the A2 is just fine. Its not resolutely detailed like the Ragnarok or the MJ2, but it sounds pretty damned good. I have also used the A2 to drive my ETHER and ETHER C and was very happy with the pairing. The Asgard 2 is a unappreciated amp, that brings fantastic value for the money.:)
Oct 31, 2015 at 9:29 PM Post #8,402 of 155,176
I have used the Asgard 2 to drive my HE1K, when I out in my porch watching the hawks. I sound signature for the HE1000, when driven by the A2 is just fine. Its not resolutely detailed like the Ragnarok or the MJ2, but it sounds pretty damned good. I have also used the A2 to drive my ETHER and ETHER C and was very happy with the pairing. The Asgard 2 is a unappreciated amp, that brings fantastic value for the money.:)

I still have my original Asgard. The 2 would complete my schiit collection.
Oct 31, 2015 at 10:36 PM Post #8,403 of 155,176
I have used the Asgard 2 to drive my HE1K, when I out in my porch watching the hawks. I sound signature for the HE1000, when driven by the A2 is just fine. Its not resolutely detailed like the Ragnarok or the MJ2, but it sounds pretty damned good. I have also used the A2 to drive my ETHER and ETHER C and was very happy with the pairing. The Asgard 2 is a unappreciated amp, that brings fantastic value for the money.

I still have my original Asgard. The 2 would complete my schiit collection.

The Asgard 2 is my main amp. It's freaking solid. I'm more likely to upgrade my DAC than upgrading the A2. 
I can't see myself spending on anything below $1000 for an upgrade too... Perhaps the Black Widow or Mjolnir 2 will be my next step, but that won't be for a long ass time.
Nov 1, 2015 at 5:21 AM Post #8,406 of 155,176
The Asgard 2 is my main amp. It's freaking solid. I'm more likely to upgrade my DAC than upgrading the A2. 

I can't see myself spending on anything below $1000 for an upgrade too... Perhaps the Black Widow or Mjolnir 2 will be my next step, but that won't be for a long ass time.

I need to look up the Black Widow amp, like the name. It's what happens when a husband spends the summer vacation funds on head-fi swag:D.
Nov 1, 2015 at 8:06 AM Post #8,407 of 155,176
how about a yawn? - specwise AD8510 looks hard to distinguish from a OPA134 - in fact I might prefer the system implications of 10x lower output Z of the OPA134 at 100kHz, Av 100 vs the AD8510 in the datasheet plots

which is only criticism of the datasheet drooling - I wouldn't comment on technical fitness without a application circuit diagram - and that would just be tentative, based on my estimate of the application requirements and candidate op amp specs

my shtick, such as it is, is designing composite multiloop amps for a circuit function - input and output op amps chosen to be good at their separate functions and used in a global feedback loop, in support of each other, can give large performance improvement over using a single op amp in many applications

No offense, but are there no punctuation or caps keys on your keyboard? I get the "stream of conciousness" thing, but it is hard to read.
Nov 1, 2015 at 1:15 PM Post #8,410 of 155,176
Who uses the Schiit WYRD?
I'm wanting to first use an iPod then latter on use a fiio or astell&kern with my bifrost+valhalla2,
I need something so that the power isn't directly used from my iPod to the Bifrost, insted of just a cord.
Nov 1, 2015 at 1:28 PM Post #8,412 of 155,176
Nov 1, 2015 at 1:47 PM Post #8,414 of 155,176
I hate to be a formatting hound, but yeah, I hear the posts and PMs about improperly formatted content that is hard to read. If you are a native English speaker, you really should try to apply commonly accepted formatting (such as capitalization and punctuation--I'm not talking about 100% compliance with the Chicago Manual). If you aren't a native English speaker, you have 100% leeway, because, hey, you don't want me trying to write Schiit Happened in Spanish or Japanese. The fact that you're communicating is laudable.
And seriously, I have to post this? This is not a 7th grade class in a promote-your-self-esteem-at-all-costs school where the teacher has embraced the idea that "expressing yourself is everything, formatting is a terrible restriction on creativity." Yes, and try telling that to the editor who just rejected your oh-so-creative manuscript after reading the first sentence. 
Bottom line: if you want to be taken seriously in written communication, your writing skills need to be up to snuff. 
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