Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Sep 23, 2020 at 10:37 AM Post #65,176 of 159,505

I thought it was tiny little musicians?
Ah! That explains why I don't hear a difference when playing singer+guitar music through a thin wire and yet symphonic sounds so much fuller through a thick wire.
The orchestra didn't fit through the thin wire.
Sep 23, 2020 at 11:12 AM Post #65,177 of 159,505
Wow! Lucky you... That must have been amazing. Have only had the chance to do aerobatics once in a Decathalon. It was somehting else. A Pitts is a whole other level.
Maybe the glide ratio is not so good though if the brick story is true!

In terms of bang for the buck, the S1S is hard to beat. It's a lot of fun to fly, and challenging to fly well, and not a lot of money (in aviation terms!!). Decathalon is fun, I did my tw conversion in a. Citabria and then early aero in a SuperD. We just got out of the aircraft leasing business last year and the one thing that I gave up to quit corporate life that I miss is flying.
Sep 23, 2020 at 1:30 PM Post #65,179 of 159,505
The third version of Rolling Stone's 500 greatest albums list

About two weeks ago I came across v2 of that list, and decided to compare it to my personal music collection. I had about 2⁄3 of the albums. The ones I have not heard or heard of are mostly in the rap/hip hop category. The ones I don't have are mostly in the classic rock category, since I started building my own musical taste during the punkrock era and never really like came to like classic rock/pop. As a for-instance I do not have a single Doors, Van Morrison or ZZ Top album. But I did have all their jazz choices... 😉

I was disappointed that there was very little ¿world? music. For instance, the only reggae was by Bob Marley, who had three.

Disappointed, but after I looked at the list of contributers, not surprised.

[I am not trying to start a war here, those are just my thought and taste]

I don't have time so soon after the last go-through, but it will be interesting to (eventua!ly) check/compare the new list. Of note, the #1 spot is no longer he!d by the Beatles, who now only just crack the top 5.
Sep 23, 2020 at 1:48 PM Post #65,181 of 159,505
That Amina Alaoui disc is one of the most beautifully sad albums. Fado is one of those genres that not many have heard of, but it is beautiful and haunting, born in Portugal, and sung by women whose men were either at sea or had perished there. Please let me know what you think. Another gem in that genre is Ramana Vieira’s ’Lagrimas de Rainha’.

I lived in Brazil for a while as a young 'un. When I'm feeling sad fado is what I play. The deep melancholy and saudades usually cheer me up.
Sep 23, 2020 at 2:31 PM Post #65,182 of 159,505
About two weeks ago I came across v2 of that list, and decided to compare it to my personal music collection. I had about 2⁄3 of the albums. The ones I have not heard or heard of are mostly in the rap/hip hop category. The ones I don't have are mostly in the classic rock category, since I started building my own musical taste during the punkrock era and never really like came to like classic rock/pop. As a for-instance I do not have a single Doors, Van Morrison or ZZ Top album. But I did have all their jazz choices... 😉

I was disappointed that there was very little ¿world? music. For instance, the only reggae was by Bob Marley, who had three.

Disappointed, but after I looked at the list of contributers, not surprised.

[I am not trying to start a war here, those are just my thought and taste]

I don't have time so soon after the last go-through, but it will be interesting to (eventua!ly) check/compare the new list. Of note, the #1 spot is no longer he!d by the Beatles, who now only just crack the top 5.
Yes, I agree and also disagree with many of their choices, but it's interesting none the less.

As far as being punk and not all that into "classic" rock, I understand. I come from the Classic era but my tastes evolved quickly in the late 70's early 80's when I fell in love with punk and goth and the darker side of "new wave." When I managed a college radio station (KSJS San Jose State) from 86 to 94 I created a program called "The Roots of the Wave" playing new wave and punk and matching it up with classic tracks to show the evolution. That was fun. I also created an overnight show called "Brain Pain" that played only the most extreme and obscure metal that never got radio airplay. That was a very popular program in San Jose. :)
Sep 23, 2020 at 2:51 PM Post #65,183 of 159,505
I just joined the family with my first piece of Schiit last week, a Magni 3+ to drive my Sennheiser HD-58X in the office.
Here are some quick thoughts:
  1. It is smaller than I expected (this is good for a desktop amp).
  2. It is better built than I expected.
  3. Despite #2, the volume knob's feel is disappointing, although it works well enough.
  4. I bought a B-Stock unit, but I cannot see any cosmetic issues whatsoever.
  5. It drives my cans beautifully for an $89 amp.
  6. The Realtek S-1200A "hi-def" sound chip on my motherboard is extremely disappointing.
  7. Given #6, I had to order a Modi 3 to go with the Magni so I will soon be stacking Schiit.
So far, I like this Schiit and I indeed will be buying more Schiit for the house.
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Sep 23, 2020 at 3:39 PM Post #65,184 of 159,505
Yes, on every other page. So everyone should know by now.
What did Mike and Jason say? I missed it.

About two weeks ago I came across v2 of that list, and decided to compare it to my personal music collection. I had about 2⁄3 of the albums. The ones I have not heard or heard of are mostly in the rap/hip hop category. The ones I don't have are mostly in the classic rock category, since I started building my own musical taste during the punkrock era and never really like came to like classic rock/pop. As a for-instance I do not have a single Doors, Van Morrison or ZZ Top album. But I did have all their jazz choices... 😉

I was disappointed that there was very little ¿world? music. For instance, the only reggae was by Bob Marley, who had three.

Disappointed, but after I looked at the list of contributers, not surprised.

[I am not trying to start a war here, those are just my thought and taste]

I don't have time so soon after the last go-through, but it will be interesting to (eventua!ly) check/compare the new list. Of note, the #1 spot is no longer he!d by the Beatles, who now only just crack the top 5.
The best thing these lists do is start discussions. The worst thing these lists do is start fights. I skimmed through the first and last pages of the list. After my knee-jerk reaction of "really" to a lot of the choices, I remembered there's no arguing absolutes about opinion, but perhaps there could be a rational-ish discussion about the rankings. Maybe.
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Sep 23, 2020 at 11:40 PM Post #65,187 of 159,505
Big Vicious is lots of fun. Unlike it, Arctic Riff it's not on my current "go back to" mental list. Of my recent ECM acquisitions, these also stand out: Arco Iris (Amina Alaoui), Phoenix (Cymin Samawatie & Cymonology), Provenance (Bjorn Meyer), Swallow Tales (John Scofield), Discourses (Jon Balke), The Words and the Days (Enrico Rava).
Just placed orders for Arco Iris, Phoenix, and Provenance. Again, thank you for the leads, I am anxious to hear more than 30s of each track.
Sep 24, 2020 at 12:10 AM Post #65,188 of 159,505
6. The Realtek S-1200A "hi-def" sound chip on my motherboard is extremely disappointing.
7. Given #6, I had to order a Modi 3 to go with the Magni so I will soon be stacking Schiit.
If you are using the Realtek still to run through the Magni, wait 'til you hear it with the Modi.... Should be a huge improvement, certainly was for me when I finally ditched my desktop PC and laptop's DACs for something better.
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Sep 24, 2020 at 12:26 AM Post #65,189 of 159,505
I just joined the family with my first piece of Schiit last week, a Magni 3+ to drive my Sennheiser HD-58X in the office.
Here are some quick thoughts:
  1. It is smaller than I expected (this is good for a desktop amp).
  2. It is better built than I expected.
  3. Despite #2, the volume knob's feel is disappointing, although it works well enough.
  4. I bought a B-Stock unit, but I cannot see any cosmetic issues whatsoever.
  5. It drives my cans beautifully for an $89 amp.
  6. The Realtek S-1200A "hi-def" sound chip on my motherboard is extremely disappointing.
  7. Given #6, I had to order a Modi 3 to go with the Magni so I will soon be stacking Schiit.
So far, I like this Schiit and I indeed will be buying more Schiit for the house.
Wait until you get some slightly larger Schiit. The pots on the mid-size gear (Asgard, Lyr, etc - and even Magnius) are awesome!

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