Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 7, 2017 at 11:11 AM Post #25,411 of 155,196
Nope, that's why they made a point to say the Gadget can correct the pitch (frequency) without altering the tempo (music speed)!

I think the only analog way to alter the pitch/frequency is to compress or expand the whole signal (ie. slowing down or speeding up playback)

I knew someone would mention that ... I should have put "even disregarding the speed correction, pitch correction would still be a neat trick" in the original post.
Oct 7, 2017 at 11:13 AM Post #25,412 of 155,196
Possible? Maybe. Heck anything's "possible." But not without a room full of equipment. I'd be willing to try if someone want to front me about a quarter million for gear?

More computational power than NASA circa Apollo:

Oct 7, 2017 at 11:19 AM Post #25,413 of 155,196
Nope, that's why they made a point to say the Gadget can correct the pitch (frequency) without altering the tempo (music speed)!

I think the only analog way to alter the pitch/frequency is to compress or expand the whole signal (ie. slowing down or speeding up playback)

We have the best avatars! :muscle:
Oct 7, 2017 at 11:25 AM Post #25,415 of 155,196
But that would be using digital. :)

Total heresy I know :joy: ... surprised I haven't been burned at the stake yet for wanting to take a pure analog signal and convert/process it a million times over.
Oct 7, 2017 at 1:02 PM Post #25,417 of 155,196
This is a repost, not for content, but somehow my prior post integrated with @exdmd’s quote. So I paraphtase:

I hate to validate MQA by even answering your post, but once a year or so ain’t bad. Read the Wiki on MQA. Read it again.

1. It is lossy. It throws away perfectly good audio data.
2. There has never been an apples to apples demo of MQA vs non MQA using the same master. Ever.

The high end audio press are the only proponents of MQA
1. Face it, there is not much exciting going on in audio.
2. Perhaps due to #1 above, they in the past have advocated such unsuccessful standards as quadrophonic records, elcasets, mini discs, HDCD, DVD Audio, and most recently DSD. Why should MQA be different? Because it is lossy? Because it only appeals to the High End? Oh, you can stream I it on Tidal? How about Amazon? Spotify?

Read their patent. Google is your friend.
1. It is nice to be free to enjoy the music, right? So you could get an MQA Dac that phones home. Great, huh!
2. Oh and what about denial of playback rights?
3. You must be a huge fan of DRM, huh?

Feel a little denial of freedom? What about the musician who also pays them to record stuff their way, in technological secrecy? What about when they come out with the even more expensive Mk II model next year? Guess it even costs the artist more. Oh, and everyone on the playback end then needs a new DAC.

Oh, and I want to be the high-end press’ good little boy?
1. Oh, boy - I can send MQA my DAC with a complete engineering explanation so I may offer tithes and receive their permission to sell my DACs at their convenience and on their time? Oh, I forgot - I get their lossy tech.
2. I also get to compete with their Meridian products.

Wow - the recording artist and the engineer give up money for the MQA high end experience? The problem is it is not just a shakedown. It is an obscessive shot at controlling an entire industry. Not for me. They can suck my DAC.

You want a MQA Dac? Go buy a phuckin’ Mytek. Enjoy. Because I will never, ever, but never make one. Ever. Any questions?

Now that's what I call an unambiguous answer! Love it.
Oct 7, 2017 at 1:28 PM Post #25,418 of 155,196
This is a repost, not for content, but somehow my prior post integrated with @exdmd’s quote. So I paraphtase:

I hate to validate MQA by even answering your post, but once a year or so ain’t bad. Read the Wiki on MQA. Read it again.

1. It is lossy. It throws away perfectly good audio data.
2. There has never been an apples to apples demo of MQA vs non MQA using the same master. Ever.

The high end audio press are the only proponents of MQA
1. Face it, there is not much exciting going on in audio.
2. Perhaps due to #1 above, they in the past have advocated such unsuccessful standards as quadrophonic records, elcasets, mini discs, HDCD, DVD Audio, and most recently DSD. Why should MQA be different? Because it is lossy? Because it only appeals to the High End? Oh, you can stream I it on Tidal? How about Amazon? Spotify?

Read their patent. Google is your friend.
1. It is nice to be free to enjoy the music, right? So you could get an MQA Dac that phones home. Great, huh!
2. Oh and what about denial of playback rights?
3. You must be a huge fan of DRM, huh?

Feel a little denial of freedom? What about the musician who also pays them to record stuff their way, in technological secrecy? What about when they come out with the even more expensive Mk II model next year? Guess it even costs the artist more. Oh, and everyone on the playback end then needs a new DAC.

Oh, and I want to be the high-end press’ good little boy?
1. Oh, boy - I can send MQA my DAC with a complete engineering explanation so I may offer tithes and receive their permission to sell my DACs at their convenience and on their time? Oh, I forgot - I get their lossy tech.
2. I also get to compete with their Meridian products.

Wow - the recording artist and the engineer give up money for the MQA high end experience? The problem is it is not just a shakedown. It is an obscessive shot at controlling an entire industry. Not for me. They can suck my DAC.

You want a MQA Dac? Go buy a phuckin’ Mytek. Enjoy. Because I will never, ever, but never make one. Ever. Any questions?

Thank you for clearing that up once again. Maybe it will make MQA postings go away for another month...
Oct 7, 2017 at 1:48 PM Post #25,420 of 155,196
Just some thoughts about the Gadget:

We can change the pitch/frequency while keeping the same tempo/rhythm when we play an instrument because we are the source of the sound. Once that information has been recorded it is "locked" as a certain frequency at a certain time-stamp in the song file, or a particular scratch pattern in the vinyl.

You can think of the sound waveform like a series of pulses, faster & slower for higher & lower tones. Analog audio tweaks can raise, lower, stretch, or contract the pulses, but they can't create new pulses or completely remove them.

If the Gadget does what they say then it has to alter the number of pulses (change the frequency) without stretching or contracting the signal, and that means adding or removing pulses to keep everything happening at the same time-stamp. Something only possible in the digital world.

I'm not sure that qualifies as bit-perfect so much as bit-perfected!
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Oct 7, 2017 at 2:44 PM Post #25,422 of 155,196
Why does it have to be in a single chassis? You've got your solution right there. No further jiggery-pokery required. Use Chthulu to minimize wall wart hell and you're good to go.

Because a Schiit Ginnungagap in the Gungir chassis wouldn't need a wall wart and would cut down on the number of ICs as well. I would be OK with Mani being on it's own ... but the Gadget with ADC in and multibit out for analog sources could be amazing.
Oct 7, 2017 at 2:44 PM Post #25,423 of 155,196
Hmmm...For many, this may be as use full as a crayon of non-colour, i.e., "white".

I have imperfect pitch and rarely, if ever, listen to classical music. If enough people are fans of orchestral music, then there may be a need for The Gadget. I suggest a Schiit Poster with a photo of Sally Field in a modest two piece bikini holding a Schiit Gadget. Get it? Some might...

Gidget does Gadget. I like it!
Oct 7, 2017 at 2:49 PM Post #25,424 of 155,196
My toaster has more computational power than Apollo and it's only a two slice.

It should! Your toaster is at least double+ the volume of a GTX 1080! I bet it runs a little hot though...

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