Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jul 17, 2014 at 3:51 PM Post #1,786 of 159,512
Here's a Tibetan Buddhist blessing: May the Boddhisattvas take your father by the hand, leading him through the bardo to find the best place for his rebirth.
If you care to, it is traditional to pray for the 49 days following the death, or you can ask a monastic (I am not one) to pray for him.
And yes, the Tibetan Buddhists believe that your thinking good thoughts will help. I will say a few prayers for him and for you.
Jul 17, 2014 at 7:30 PM Post #1,787 of 159,512
He's probably drinking mead and partying it up with the Valkyries. Not a bad way to go...

Jul 18, 2014 at 1:22 PM Post #1,789 of 159,512
Hey all,

Thank you for the condolences. They really help. I'm back at the office, but not really effective at the moment, as I have to deal with everything (my father was my last living relative, I am an only child and have no children, and there is no other real family to speak of.) I'll be getting back into the groove once more stuff is sorted.

All the best,

Take your time Jason. Grieving is a process that takes time to go thru. Don't cut any corners for anyone.
Jul 18, 2014 at 6:30 PM Post #1,790 of 159,512
@Jason Stoddard Just catching up on what I've missed while travelling. Very sorry to hear about your father. I miss mine -- it would have been so cool to share my audio hobby with him as he was the one who got me into it in the first place. I got his hand-me-down gear and then he got annoyed at the music I was playing through it. So I hit him up for a pair of $200 headphones! This was back in the early '90s!  It's hard when you want to talk to someone, but can't. I did have a vision of him sometime after he died, surrounded by light, so know that what is lost, is not really! 

Jul 18, 2014 at 8:00 PM Post #1,792 of 159,512
I'm really sorry to hear about your father Jason. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss. I think I speak for most of us here on Head-Fi when I say that this tightly knit community is like a family and we are all here for you!
Jul 19, 2014 at 12:51 PM Post #1,794 of 159,512
  Hey all,
Thank you for the condolences. They really help. I'm back at the office, but not really effective at the moment, as I have to deal with everything (my father was my last living relative, I am an only child and have no children, and there is no other real family to speak of.) I'll be getting back into the groove once more stuff is sorted.
All the best,

It's never easy and its never the same for any two people, so please do whatever it is you need to do.  Me, when my dad died in 2002, I tried to think what he would have told me to do in terms of "going on" or "taking my time" or whatever.  That helped me.
Jul 19, 2014 at 11:15 PM Post #1,796 of 159,512
Sorry to hear about the tragedy.  My Condolences to you Jason, it is very hard on anyone to lose someone that is so close to you.
Jul 20, 2014 at 10:00 AM Post #1,798 of 159,512
Hey all,

Thank you for the condolences. They really help. I'm back at the office, but not really effective at the moment, as I have to deal with everything (my father was my last living relative, I am an only child and have no children, and there is no other real family to speak of.) I'll be getting back into the groove once more stuff is sorted.

All the best,

Sorry for your lost.

I think I can safely say your a big part of our little family here at headfi. ☺
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:07 AM Post #1,799 of 159,512
  Chapter 23:
“I Didn’t Know People In the Private Sector Were As Lazy and Incompetent As the People In Schools”
... The problem is, the vast, vast majority of businesses in the USA have far too much management. Instead of treating it like nuclear waste, they treat it like an all-you-can-eat free buffet…the more, the merrier.

Yeah, they do.

In the last 31 years, I have worked for two large companies (I've done other things part time, but these are my day jobs). Both of these companies had/have tens of thousands of employees (anywhere from 68,000 to 120,000). I'm sure there's a statistic for this somewhere, but a huge percentage of the employees of these companies are some level of management.
It doesn't surprise me that there are lots of managers. What blows me away is how much the guys at the top of this stack all make. Some of them make millions of dollars a year. I just can't wrap my head around what kind of job someone has to do, in order to really justify earning millions of dollars a year.
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:18 AM Post #1,800 of 159,512
Yeah, they do.
In the last 31 years, I have worked for two large companies (I've done other things part time, but these are my day jobs). Both of these companies had/have tens of thousands of employees (anywhere from 68,000 to 120,000). I'm sure there's a statistic for this somewhere, but a huge percentage of the employees of these companies are some level of management.
It doesn't surprise me that there are lots of managers. What blows me away is how much the guys at the top of this stack all make. Some of them make millions of dollars a year. I just can't wrap my head around what kind of job someone has to do, in order to really justify earning millions of dollars a year.

There are some cases I can at least halfway understand. HP's former CEO Mark Hurd, for example. I know it didn't end at all well in the end, him being forced to resign (with a massive payout, mind you) due to a bogus sexual offence complaint against him. But what he performed for HP in his first 2 years with the company was pretty impressive.
Leading a company from being bit-part players in the market with diminishing market share to being the market's dominant force while at the same time increasing morale and attendance levels is quite remarkable. I still think he got way too much and his final payout was way over the top, but I can see why somebody like that would find a board to pay him seven figures a year.
Then again, in 99% of all cases I think you are completely right and salary is in no way connected to performance.

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