Schiit Asgard 2 (115VAC model on 230V grid voltage)
Aug 1, 2022 at 1:14 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 13, 2015
Sri Lanka, Colombo
About a week back I bought it from my friend because i was super excited. I live half the world away from Schiit's homeland and to see a schiit asgard 2 was a big huge happy face to me. I wanted to buy a schiit product ever since i got my HD6XX but it was way too expensive to ship them to where i am (US$ to our local currency conversion makes things expensive, at least it is for me, poor folks ). Then i realized it has this weird voltage level stamped on the back. 115V. I am familliar with 120V, 110V, and 100V i have used many imported amplifiers from all over the world using stepdown transformers without any single issue. Even my main amplifier which is a pioneer A-D5A is a 100V japan model which i run using a italian made stepdown transformer which supports many voltages. No biggie, i hooked it up to my 110V stepdown.

I started hearing the a HUM soon after the protection relay gave power to the headphones. (Nothing is connected, just headphone amp on the headphones), Low gain and the hum does not answer to the volume control.

Then i carried the huge 1000WATT italian made transformer to the the ASGARD2 (I should have done the other way lol) and keep experimenting with the voltage until i get the sweet spot where ASGARD2 would run without that annoying hum. I Kept checking with the DM.

The hum goes away when schiit gets the voltage between somewhere like 112ish upwards, happier around 115 ~ and 121 inbetween.

Now the problem is grid electricity in where i live sucks. In the day time it is fine 230V ~ 235V as it is supposed to be. but at the night time where i do my listening on the headphones the voltage keep varying from 210V to 198V etc.

ASGARD2 doesn't like this so everyday I have to go through a ritual of checking through DM what the voltage is and adjust the output to ASGARDS happy voltage levels.

I wrote to Schiit regarding this matter and it seems like they don't wanna reply useless overseas folks like me but that's okay, i still like the asgard 2 and sounds very good compared to what i previously used (FX Audio DAC-X6 and Little Dot MK2 with upgraded tubes),

Any suggestions to avoid this stupid ritual folks? I mean it's annoying to do it everyday. Will it damage ASGARD 2 if it receive higher voltage than it should by an accident? i am not talking about 230V directly, i am talking about something like 125V or 130V? I can't figure out +- of its maximum and minimum healthy voltage because i didn't receive a manual or any other information.

I am thinking of hooking up a UPS or a voltage stablizer to the stepdown transformer and see if i can avoid the ritual of DM and checking voltages every night.

(For your info, ASGARD2 is hooked to SMSL M100 DAC, source is moslty 44.1 16bit flacs through the usb out of my laptop or the phone in OTG)

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