Scary Ety situation
Sep 26, 2004 at 10:48 AM Post #46 of 58

Originally Posted by Andrew Pielet
Your own saliva can cause infection in your body? Perhaps it is just an urban myth, but I thought you were immune to infection by ways of your own fluids.

Your own saliva IS antibacterial!

and on topic: the first weeks i had my etys i used saliva but i find it rather uncomfortable. Now i just put them in like that and pull them out without any problem. I've never had a flange staying in my ear!
and for all you people who use products to moisturize your etys: do you really do that every time you put them in? i would go bananas if i had to do that.
I now have my ER6 for more than a year and i replaced the filters twice but i have never had to replace the flanges

Oct 2, 2004 at 11:27 PM Post #47 of 58

Originally Posted by erikzen
I've never had this kind of trouble with the Shure E2s, but of course that's a totally different design. Still, I always use the foamies because of the fit. The silicone tips provide better isolation but are uncomfortable. Do you think Otoferm would help with the comfort of the silicone tips for the E2s?

The full name of OtoFerm is: OtoFerm Comfort Cream. Its purpose is to give a better seal around a hearing aid (which is basically what an in-ear canalphone is) to augment its sound quality and to increase its comfort in the ear for long periods. For whatever device you put into the ear canal, OtoFerm helps to give it a better seal and to increase the comfort of the ear with it inserted. In my case, with the Ety ER6 two-flange eartips, it works beautifully for both. I can wear the ER6 for hours without the least irritation or discomfort as compared to about half an hour before irritation set in previously.
Oct 3, 2004 at 2:42 AM Post #48 of 58
Oct 3, 2004 at 7:17 AM Post #49 of 58
Something about "lubing" and "Etys" in the same sentence just doesn't sound right.

Time to give foamies a try.

I don't like flanges.

Sure the foamies don't last nearly as long, but they are far more comfortable, and don't require "lubing".

Oct 3, 2004 at 8:50 AM Post #50 of 58

Originally Posted by Edwood
Something about "lubing" and "Etys" in the same sentence just doesn't sound right.

if i was tetering on the edge of getting a pair of etys, i think i'll stick to my big chunky clunky cans for the time being. i'm ultra-paranoid about my ears and eyes and this story scared the heck out of me, which is a bummer as etys would be great for plane travel and shutting out roommates/traffic/etc doing marathon graphic design sessions
Oct 3, 2004 at 9:04 AM Post #51 of 58
I had them get stuck twice. This caused me to buy HD600s. (Which later I sold...and bought a Stax system)
Oct 3, 2004 at 9:59 AM Post #52 of 58

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
HAHAHAHAH. moran [sic]

Here,a a picture of a real Moran.......

Oct 25, 2004 at 6:44 AM Post #53 of 58
I had the foamies come off twice in my ear; I could not fish them out but someone else with tweazers did so when they stopped laughing. Such is life.

Ety said they must have been defective foamies because of the glue they use so they sent me new ones. Has anyone else had the foamies separate from their shaft and stay lodged in their ears?

Finally, does the OtoFerm Comfort Cream solve the comfort problem with the two-flange earpieces? I cannot tolerate them for too long.
Jun 6, 2005 at 7:48 AM Post #55 of 58
So should I buy otoferm or otoease for use with my er-20s? Please reply quickly, I'd like to add the product to a pending order with a vendor, it will likely ship tomorrow.
Jun 6, 2005 at 8:14 AM Post #56 of 58
I have really small ear canals, are there smaller 3 flangers? I noticed when Pulled the plug outta my ear, the 2nd and 3rd wall seems to fold somewhat over its self, I know this because I can kinda see the creases. I can image this is not a good for a seal. I don’t really want to use foamies cuz they a pain to replace, but I like really good isolation. Any suggestions? .
Jun 6, 2005 at 8:38 AM Post #57 of 58
I've had no problems with my tri-flanges. They have never come free from the drivers. One of the foamies came loose from the plasctic shaft, but I stopped using them shortly after.

I don't put the Ety's very far into my ear and I don't notice an increase in sound quality if I try to. The third flange sits partially outside the canal, which seems to work fine. I could probably pull it out with my fingers from that position, were it ever to stay behind.

Even from that position, the seal is fine and comfort is good. I hardly feel them in my ears and the bass response is still excellent. Furthermore, they are inserted and removed easily, with no lube, cream or spit.

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