Sallen Key Butterworth?
Jun 17, 2023 at 1:43 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 52


500+ Head-Fier
Sep 29, 2021
United Kingdom
I’ve heard from a few knowledgeable people that a 2 pole configuration butterworth filter is “useless” as a DAC interpolation filter but good as a cross over filter, is this true?

I struggle to wrap my head around this stuff but from reading Wikipedia it appears to be a slow roll of linear phase?


I have Cambridge audio DAC that has a Wolfson chip using this filter and it sounds great to me so why would it not be a good choice for audio?
Jun 17, 2023 at 3:59 PM Post #2 of 52
I’ve heard from a few knowledgeable people that a 2 pole configuration butterworth filter is “useless” as a DAC interpolation filter but good as a cross over filter, is this true?
In short, this is true.
I struggle to wrap my head around this stuff but from reading Wikipedia it appears to be a slow roll of linear phase?
You got this partly right. A 2 pole butterworth filter has a relatively gentle slope compared to a typical interpolation filter. This isn't inherent to the butterworth filter by the way, it's inherent to the low number of poles. One could design a butterworth filter with more poles which would cause a faster rolloff. The part you got wrong is that the butterworth filter is not linear phase. The butterworth filter is minimum phase.

I don't know how you concluded from the wikipedia that a butterworth filter is linear phase but this must be a misunderstanding on your part.
I have Cambridge audio DAC that has a Wolfson chip using this filter and it sounds great to me so why would it not be a good choice for audio?
The picture you are showing can't be a response of a butterworth filter. Are you sure your DAC uses a two pole butterworth filter for interpolation? Correct digital to analog conversion typically requires a more steep interpolation filter than a 2 pole butterworth low pass filter.
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Jun 17, 2023 at 5:47 PM Post #3 of 52
In short, this is true.

You got this partly right. A 2 pole butterworth filter has a relatively gentle slope compared to a typical interpolation filter. This isn't inherent to the butterworth filter by the way, it's inherent to the low number of poles. One could design a butterworth filter with more poles which would cause a faster rolloff. The part you got wrong is that the butterworth filter is not linear phase. The butterworth filter is minimum phase.

I don't know how you concluded from the wikipedia that a butterworth filter is linear phase but this must be a misunderstanding on your part.

The picture you are showing can't be a response of a butterworth filter. Are you sure your DAC uses a two pole butterworth filter for interpolation? Correct digital to analog conversion typically requires a more steep interpolation filter than a 2 pole butterworth low pass filter.

Ah yes definitely got my wires crossed on this one when reading, with it being compared in a group with "other linear phase filters".

So its the black response?


Still not sure why it would still be useless because if im right then apple also use this type of filter in their DACs which also sound really good.
Jun 17, 2023 at 6:52 PM Post #4 of 52
Lots of DACs sound good.
Jun 17, 2023 at 7:13 PM Post #5 of 52
Still not sure why it would still be useless because if im right then apple also use this type of filter in their DACs which also sound really good.
A butterworth type filter wouldn't necessarily be useless. Apple might as well use this type of filter for all I know. However, you specifically asked about two pole butterworth filters. The reason the two pole butterworth filter specifically is considered "useless" for interpolation is because its transition range is not narrow enough.

A useful interpolation filter must allow frequencies over the audible range to pass through without attenuation while suppressing any and all frequencies above half the sampling rate (also known as the nyquist frequency). With the typical sampling rates of 44-48kHz that means a narrow transition range between ~20kHz and 24kHz. A two pole butterworth filter would provide around 12 decibels of attenuation over an octave. In other words, if that filter started cutting off at 20kHz, it would only provide a 12dB attenuation at 40kHz and probably barely more than 3dB around 24kHz. In contrast, a well designed interpolation filter could provide a steeper cutoff that would result a much higher attenuation at 24kHz (something like 100dB is not unrealistic). A butterworth type filter could do this as well but only if it used way more than just two poles.

Apple certainly would not use a two pole butterworth filter for interpolation. Boutique DAC manufacturers not going for the most accurate reproduction is not unheard of but I think there's still a good chance you might misunderstood something there as well. Also some fun fact for you, some audiophile DACs don't use an interpolation filter at all and people still buy them despite this and their high price (or maybe exactly because of the high price).

So its the black response?
I have no idea if the black response actually came from your dac or not. From that picture, I can't even say if one of them is actually steeper than the other or just have a slightly different coefficients. They both "look" minimum phase and the red might have a gentler rolloff or maybe it just have a lower cutoff frequency and Q.
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Jun 17, 2023 at 7:17 PM Post #6 of 52
They both look audibly transparent to me.
Jun 17, 2023 at 9:33 PM Post #8 of 52
A butterworth type filter wouldn't necessarily be useless. Apple might as well use this type of filter for all I know. However, you specifically asked about two pole butterworth filters. The reason the two pole butterworth filter specifically is considered "useless" for interpolation is because its transition range is not narrow enough.

A useful interpolation filter must allow frequencies over the audible range to pass through without attenuation while suppressing any and all frequencies above half the sampling rate (also known as the nyquist frequency). With the typical sampling rates of 44-48kHz that means a narrow transition range between ~20kHz and 24kHz. A two pole butterworth filter would provide around 12 decibels of attenuation over an octave. In other words, if that filter started cutting off at 20kHz, it would only provide a 12dB attenuation at 40kHz and probably barely more than 3dB around 24kHz. In contrast, a well designed interpolation filter could provide a steeper cutoff that would result a much higher attenuation at 24kHz (something like 100dB is not unrealistic). A butterworth type filter could do this as well but only if it used way more than just two poles.

Apple certainly would not use a two pole butterworth filter for interpolation. Boutique DAC manufacturers not going for the most accurate reproduction is not unheard of but I think there's still a good chance you might misunderstood something there as well. Also some fun fact for you, some audiophile DACs don't use an interpolation filter at all and people still buy them despite this and their high price (or maybe exactly because of the high price).

I have no idea if the black response actually came from your dac or not. From that picture, I can't even say if one of them is actually steeper than the other or just have a slightly different coefficients. They both "look" minimum phase and the red might have a gentler rolloff or maybe it just have a lower cutoff frequency and Q.

Thank you for the detailed explanation, I think we can agree that even if the filter is not ideal mathematically its definitely not an audible problem to be worried about.
Jun 18, 2023 at 5:36 AM Post #9 of 52
I struggle to wrap my head around this stuff …
You and me both! The math behind filters can get very complex and quite quickly goes beyond me. Indeed, Butterworth was famous for being able to solve mathematical problems other advanced mathematicians couldn’t. The best I can manage is a basic layman’s understanding, so it could be that some of what I state below is not entirely correct in some respects. I doubt anyone here has a full understanding but some probably have a better grasp than me. With that caveat:
I’ve heard from a few knowledgeable people that a 2 pole configuration butterworth filter is “useless” as a DAC interpolation filter but good as a cross over filter, is this true?
A 2 pole Butterworth is generally fairly useless as a DAC anti-image or reconstruction filter, although not necessarily entirely useless in the case of say a reconstruction filter with a highly oversampled signal (>64x). It would be better used as a cross-over filter (and often is) but more typically a 4 pole configuration rather than 2 pole. The main benefits of a Butterworth filter (as I understand it) are better phase response than most other minimum phase filter designs (but not as good as a linear phase filter) and a reduced amount ringing but the trade-off is a requirement for a wider transition band (EG. A lower roll-off frequency).

An inherent “problem” with anti-image (and anti-alias) filters with the lower sample rates (44.1kHz or 48kHz) is the requirement for a relatively narrow transition band, in addition to the high attenuation (EG. -120dB) required at the Nyquist Frequency. So a Butterworth filter is not well suited to this application because the wider transition band would have to start well within the audible spectrum. This wider transition band requirement wouldn’t be much of an issue with a reconstruction filter for a very high oversampling rate (with a Nyquist Freq in the several mHz range) but AFAIK, is still not a favoured design even for this application.
[1] So its the black response?

[2] Still not sure why it would still be useless because if im right then apple also use this type of filter in their DACs which also sound really good.
1. It could be either, although I presume it’s the red one to indicate the reduced amount of (post) ringing.

2. Both of them are useless as anti-image filters for 44.1/48kHz, because there’s little or no attenuation at the Nyquist Freq. The black one is useless for any PCM sample frequency. The red one has 12dB attenuation for a 192kHz sample rate and obviously double that for a 384kHz sample rate but that’s still far from an ideal response!

I don’t believe Apple uses these filters or indeed any competent DAC manufacturer, the stop-band rejection is rubbish! As far as I’m aware, Apple uses “apodizing” filters. This is a rather vague term as I understand it and seems to indicate some sort of hybrid filter design, analogously like a linear phase filter “overlaid” with a minimum phase filter, resulting in a filter with minimum phase ringing characteristics but allows for a slightly narrower transition band and better phase characteristics than a purely minimum phase filter. The trade-off is latency and increased computing power, although the latter isn’t a concern these days and the former not a concern for consumers.

TBH, I’m not sure what the graph is supposed to achieve. If it’s the response of an anti-imaging filter for sample rates up to 192kHz, then both are effectively broken/faulty and I presume the point is to demonstrate the reduced ringing of the red filter to audiophiles who’ve been (falsely) led to believe ringing in response to a Dirac Impulse is a terrible evil, while ignoring the actual purpose of an anti-imaging filter, which is to “filter”!
They both look audibly transparent to me.
Really? They don’t look at all transparent to me. There’s no or virtually no rejection above the Nyquist Freq and therefore, there will be significant ultrasonic “images”. Transparency will therefore entirely depend on the downstream analogue components, how the amp and transducers respond to this relatively high level ultrasonic content. It is very likely that some IMD will occur and very possibly enough to be audible, in which case the result obviously wouldn’t be “transparent”.

Unfortunately, this whole filter thing is just another example of audiophile marketing BS! Take a “problem” which isn’t actually a problem, because music doesn’t contain Dirac impulses, exhibits ringing rarely, at a low level and in the ultrasonic (inaudible) range anyway, and then market cures for this non-problem. These “cures are worse than the illness” and in some cases so much worse that you actually end-up with audible artefacts, although of course you can then market that as (somehow) more “musical” and some/many audiophiles will be deliriously happy to pay more for a crappy converter!

Jun 18, 2023 at 7:43 AM Post #10 of 52
The main benefits of a Butterworth filter (as I understand it) are better phase response than most other minimum phase filter designs (but not as good as a linear phase filter) and a reduced amount ringing but the trade-off is a requirement for a wider transition band (EG. A lower roll-off frequency).

Butterworth filters have the flattest (passband) frequency response. Of all minimum phase filters, Bessel filters have the flattest (best) phase response, but Butterworth isn't much worse. For narrower transition band, Chebyshev or Elliptic filters are often used, but they have poorer frequency and phase response (passband or/and stopband ripples) characteristics than Butterworth and Bessel filters.
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Jun 18, 2023 at 2:10 PM Post #11 of 52
The differences are out of the audible range, so I call that transparent. If the amp can't handle what the DAC puts out, then that is the amp's problem. All things being equal, it should sound the same. But I agree with you. There is no point to having that stuff up there. Easier and more convenient to just do it the regular way, rather than shop for an amp that can handle stuff you can't even hear. Audiophiles are really good at making things hard on themselves and spending money on problems that don't exist. Anyone should be able to look at that graphic and know there's no point to it.
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Jun 18, 2023 at 3:18 PM Post #12 of 52
The differences are out of the audible range, so I call that transparent. If the amp can't handle what the DAC puts out, then that is the amp's problem.
The high level of the un-filtered images might cause IMD within some amps and is likely to cause IMD within many speakers and some HPs. This is not the amp’s/speaker’s problem, very few transducers are designed for near full-scale signal levels well into the ultrasonic range. You can call it transparent if you like but the results are likely to be within the range of audibility and are therefore not transparent.
All things being equal, it should sound the same.
All things being equal it should not sound the same. Maybe you have speakers that can reproduce near full-scale levels at say 40kHz-50kHz without any audible IMD but that would not be “equal” to many other consumers speakers!

Jun 18, 2023 at 4:46 PM Post #13 of 52
I totally understand what you're saying. You aren't listening to what I'm saying. I can't even agree with you without getting an argument.
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Jun 18, 2023 at 5:07 PM Post #14 of 52
I totally understand what you're saying. You aren't listening to what I'm saying.
I am listening to what you’re saying, are you listening to what I’m saying? Again, you can call it transparent if you like. I’m just stating the actual fact that there’s a good chance it won’t be transparent in many (maybe even most) situations.
I can't even agree with you without getting an argument.
You can get into an argument or not, that’s up to you. I’m just refuting a false assertion.

Jun 18, 2023 at 5:34 PM Post #15 of 52
I think you have some sort of issue with communicating with other people. Not entirely sure what it is, but it prevents you from engaging in any sort of back and forth discussion. That's fine. Go on thinking whatever you want, and I'll go on thinking what I think. The irony is that we are both saying the same thing.

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