RS2s directly out of an iPod nano
Nov 24, 2005 at 3:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 23, 2005
Ok, so I was hitting the road for Thanksgiving and had a strange idea. What do the RS2s sound like right out of the Nano? I was expecting pitiful garbage. I got the exact opposite. They sounded ridiculously good directly out of the nano. I had gone back and forth on buying a portable amp. Generally speaking I don't carry a decent pair of cans on the road. Just a pair of ear buds, and eventually a pair of IEMs. Has anyone else had similar experience with the RS2s or RS1s?
Nov 24, 2005 at 3:43 AM Post #2 of 22
No doubt that the RS-2 will sound good out of a portable. They are very efficient cans. But to unlock there full potential, you should here how they sound out of a decent CDP and amp combo.

OOPS! didn't notice your sig! Anyway, at times, I would walk around the house, with an X5, and RS-1's
Nov 24, 2005 at 3:47 AM Post #3 of 22
Generally speaking I use an Apogee Mini-DAC -> Mackie Big Knob -> Grado RS-2s. I also use the Mini-DAC -> HD650/Zu. It's a good setup, but it could use a better amp. I have a Corda Aria on order and I am considering the PS Audio GCHA as well. I think I'm going to have to get a high quality tube amp some time in the next 6 months as well. Damn you all! I spend enough on toys without the peer pressure from this place.
Nov 24, 2005 at 4:52 AM Post #5 of 22
I think amping grados is wayyyy overrated. I run my PS-1 ampless (used to own 2 amps, one a V.A.L E10 and the other a SM V3) and dont miss my old amps at all. The only time an amp really wowed me on my PS-1 was when i had it on a Melos SHA-1. Now THAT was pretty impressive. But thats a full size desktop amp we are talking about. If your portable goes loud enough without clipping on your RS-2, then you should be fine and dandy running without an amp. i dont even have an amp now and have no plans to buy one until i get a DAC first which may take a while
Nov 24, 2005 at 5:21 AM Post #6 of 22
Blackreplica, what kinds of DACs were you looking at? I have both the Benchmark and the Apogee. I find that both make the Grados are a bit bright when driven directly, but great through a cheapie Mackie controller. I would definitely recommend auditioning both of these DACs before looking at anything higher. My guess is they will give you 99% of the current Esoteric or Levinson offerings. Of course I suppose if you could cede that 1% you wouldn't be on this forum!
Nov 24, 2005 at 11:29 AM Post #7 of 22
whoa i'm not even coming close to that price bracket! The most expensive DAC i would ever buy is in the Benchmark DAC1 range. But i am currently looking at the Headroom Micro DAC + Amp combo as the most likely purchase decision for me. The Micro dac looks fab, right price, right performance, with toslink for my iriver H140, USB for my PC, and coax for some other device in future! The micro amp i am considering purely as a cosmetic match to the DAC
Nov 24, 2005 at 2:19 PM Post #8 of 22
Listening to RS-1's on my Iriver H320 now.... Bliss.
Although I definately want a ppx3 SLAM... I have to be patient.... I've just bought RS-1's... Someone stop me... I'm going for the phone!!

:Slaps hand away:
Nov 24, 2005 at 2:38 PM Post #9 of 22
I don't have the RS2s, so I don't know if this is relevant, but I have found that the sr-60s do not sound good out of the Nano. They sound thinner than usual, and they are just underwhelming in general. I like the Grados, but I really find them unenjoyable out of the Nano. FWIW, I find that the e4, um2, and ksc-75 all are more enjoyable out of the Nano than the sr-60s.
Nov 24, 2005 at 3:30 PM Post #10 of 22
I have an old mackie 1202 mixer which has a very good headphone amp. I use it for anything being routed from my computer or dat. It holds its own with my dedicated headphone amp (MAD Ear plus HD extream).The MAD synergizes with my Grados better, but the Mackie is quite good with HD25s and my now sold AKG401s. I have a Senn580 coming any day now and will be interested to hear these on the Mackie.
Nov 25, 2005 at 12:55 AM Post #13 of 22
I have no doubt that the amp makes a big difference. I actually had never used them un-amped. That was why I was so surprised. They were much better than I thought they were going to be.

Also, black, wasn't sure where your budget was with the DAC. I was guessing based on the PS-1s and the Melos. I've heard many good things about the micro-DAC. I would highly recommend taking the Benchmark and Apogee for a test drive though. I don't think I'll be upgrading either piece for a very long time. If I don't have upgrade-itis about something, someone is doing something right. I really think I'd have to step up to a DAC $8K-15K to have any worth difference. I prefer the Apogee for the most part; however, the Benchmark is the most color-less source I've ever used. If I was a recording engineer, I think it would be my reference. In terms of fun to listen to, the Apogee cannot be beat. I also think with the brightness of most studio monitors, the Apogee makes a good match.
Nov 25, 2005 at 1:56 AM Post #14 of 22
thanks for the help sum. the benchmark is something that really catches my eye, but the cost is prohibitive. I still wouldnt mind using it though, provided the headphone amp section is actually a good quality one (i've seen mixed reviews on the headphone amp part of the DAC1). 1000 for a DAC/amp is acceptable whereas 1000 for just a DAC while still needing to spring for an amp, i just can't afford. What are your thoughts on the headphone amp on the DAC1? Unfortunately the melos i tried my PS-1 on did not belong to me
. if there was ever a desktop amp i wanted more than life itself for my PS-1, the melos was it. they just synergise so damn well with grados
Nov 25, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #15 of 22
The headphone amp is ok. I'm pretty new to this game and haven't heard many of the high end amps yet. The Benchmark might be a bit bright for Grados. My RS-2s are still breaking in, and I find them a bit bright over-all. I still think you should give it an audition though. My general rule about any system is that it is only as good as the weakest link. With a pair of headphones as high end as the PS-1s, your components are going to be the weakest component. My recommendation is to try it out with the DAC1 and Apogee, then consider selling a kidney on eBay. Then you can get the DAC1 feeding the SHA-1. My guess is that would be an unreal combo.

I'm guessing the Grados sound best with some sort of buffer between a DAC and them. Tubes are probably the best bet. One other thing, watch eBay for the DAC1. I got mine for $660. I think there is a flurry of them showing up due to the new silver "home" model.

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