ROCK Zircon + Mula IEM Impressions Thread
Aug 14, 2017 at 10:52 AM Post #1,247 of 1,258
Mine is the Lg. Auvio's:beerchug:

Zirc Auvios FTW.JPG
Aug 24, 2017 at 7:20 AM Post #1,248 of 1,258
These any good for rock/metal?
Aug 27, 2017 at 6:19 AM Post #1,250 of 1,258
Hi, I found the best solution with Tennmak spiral tips, they are imho the best pairing with the rock zircon.
Better mids, always detailed and uncovered like the result of the stock tips. Give them a try :)
I tried many tips on the RZ and was never happy with the results. Last week I got those ball shaped foam tips from Aliexpress and now the Zircon sounds great.
Sep 13, 2018 at 11:22 AM Post #1,252 of 1,258
Two and a half years later and my Zirc's are in perfect condition (I regularly mow my lawn in these) and they still thump like a drunk Monk:grin: (Obviously a Belgian one):rolling_eyes:

I also agree with @photosonic the QX10 is an excellent booster to get the full potential out of the Zirc's as well as the KZ lineup:wink: Many more I'm sure:thinking:

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Sep 14, 2018 at 5:23 PM Post #1,253 of 1,258
Brought my Zirc's in today, the QX-10 does step them up a bit:wink:

Powered Rocks.JPG
Jan 17, 2021 at 7:28 AM Post #1,254 of 1,258
Really liked these earphones. Mine broke about 2 years ago when they accidentally wrapped around the door handle as I was leaving the house, tearing out one of the drivers :worried:
Didn't immediately buy another pair and made do with some other earphones in the meantime. I got kinda nostalgic about them and went looking up to see if they were still available online, to my disappointment they've been discontinued and you can no longer buy them anywhere. :worried:

I happened to find a seller with good feedback on eBay still listing these, I got really excited and I bought two... Well after I got them it turned out that he had actually shipped me the new ROCK Obsidian's which are supposed to replace the Zircon's. Very disappointing since the Obsidian's sound signature is completely different - none of that thunder bass and the treble is also far more relaxed. Not a bad earphone but not really what I wanted to buy. I guess I'm going to keep them since I don't want to go through the hassle of shipping something back to China and waiting 2 months to get my money back.

But before I completely give up on the Zircon's, I'm gonna ask here in the off chance that I might get lucky...
Does anyone still have a pair of ROCK Zircon's in relatively good condition that they are willing to sell? If so, please PM me. Thanks :slight_smile:
May 30, 2021 at 6:57 PM Post #1,256 of 1,258
Guys tell me who knows the pinout of Rock zircon ?? I want to solder the Jack connector, there are 4 wires: blue, green, red and yellow, did anyone solder it? Can you tell me which one to solder?

You can test this yourself if you have an old broken headphone or extension cable with a stereo plug, you can cut a few inches above the jack and twist the wires to make temporary connections for checking left/right, then use phase samples like these to match polarity

a 'balun' or 'breakout' plug like this can be also used, though maybe a bit expensive just for fixing a $30 headphone
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May 31, 2021 at 8:04 PM Post #1,257 of 1,258
Вы можете проверить это самостоятельно, если у вас есть старые сломанные наушники или удлинительный кабель со стереоштекером, вы можете отрезать несколько дюймов над разъемом и скрутить провода, чтобы сделать временные соединения для проверки влево / вправо, а затем использовать образцы фазы, подобные этим, для полярность соответствия

можно также использовать такой штекер типа «балун» или «прорыв», хотя, возможно, он будет немного дороже только для ремонта наушников за 30 долларов
May 31, 2021 at 8:06 PM Post #1,258 of 1,258
Yes, there are many different ways, but maybe someone has already re-soldered and knows in what sequence the wires need to be soldered


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