REVIEW: Headamp GS-1
Apr 25, 2005 at 11:09 AM Post #17 of 50

Originally Posted by gsferrari
There is nothing to gain and everything to lose by leaving an amp on 24/7.

That depends on who you talk to. There are really two schools of thought, one of which is that solid-state electronics should be left on since heating up and cooling down causes stress from the expansion and contraction. not that I would expect it to make a big difference in the sound either way until the amp stops working!
Apr 25, 2005 at 11:10 AM Post #18 of 50
Nice review Earl, much as I need another amp like a hole in the head, I might just have to buy one of these...
Apr 25, 2005 at 12:17 PM Post #20 of 50
Thanks Earl for the review. Very well written and nicely balanced.

But, I was kind of waiting to see a concluding references to the MPX3 you also had in the loop. I have the feeling that the GS-1 is getting awfully close to a neutrally tubed MPX3
May I ask for a short concluding comparison?

You don't have to
I know that the MPX3 is one of your favourite "children" and that the GS-1 has turned the world on its head
Apr 25, 2005 at 12:22 PM Post #21 of 50
This GS-1 has certainly weattet my appatite for a SS for my secondary system. I would relly love to be able to undertake a DIY M3, but considering that my soldering skills are 20 years old I don't know how wise that would be

Nevertheless, I think many would be interested in a comparison of these two.


EDIT: Preferably a M-cubed with a STEPS PSU
Apr 25, 2005 at 2:54 PM Post #22 of 50

Originally Posted by Glod
Thanks Earl for the review. Very well written and nicely balanced.

But, I was kind of waiting to see a concluding references to the MPX3 you also had in the loop. I have the feeling that the GS-1 is getting awfully close to a neutrally tubed MPX3
May I ask for a short concluding comparison?

You don't have to
I know that the MPX3 is one of your favourite "children" and that the GS-1 has turned the world on its head

I cant right now but maybe tonight. But I will do the comparison in the other GS-1 THREAD rather than this GS-1 REVIEW THREAD.
I want this thread to focus on the GS-1's qualities not on comparisons.
Apr 25, 2005 at 5:12 PM Post #23 of 50

Originally Posted by dermott
When is the special introductory pricing done on the GS-1? What will the price be afterwards?

I asked Justin about this when the amp first came out and he said it would be rising in a couple of weeks (it's now at least 3 weeks since then!) so i'm guessing he's feeling generous!
Apr 25, 2005 at 6:52 PM Post #24 of 50

Originally Posted by rOAdeh
I asked Justin about this when the amp first came out and he said it would be rising in a couple of weeks (it's now at least 3 weeks since then!) so i'm guessing he's feeling generous!

I am going to go out on a limb and guess by the end of this week. The price is $649 and is going to $749. I think $749 is still a good price for the GS-1. But if you can save $100 over what you would pay later it only makes sense to get one before the offer ends. I am listening to the GS-1 as a preamp right now. This amp is a superb preamp. Like I commented in the review this amp is very dimensional and live recordings have a more reverberant quality than my normal tube preamp; the result being a much more lifelike presentation.
Dont buy this amp and neglect to try it as a preamp...or you will be missing out big time.
Apr 25, 2005 at 7:19 PM Post #25 of 50
Excellent review! I have a GS-1 onhand as well and I can relate muchly to your impressions. I have been using the GS-1 mainly with an iPod and PS-1's but I too will be writing down some of my thoughts in the near future and will by then have used all my phones as well as my home sources vs. my poor little portable unit.

The GS-1 is certainly something different than the other Headamp Gilmore's. The sound is richer, warmer, more dimensional and certainly not as upfront. There is no grain, the background is dead quiet, the unit is built like a tank and it is sexy too. I really liked the idea of following from the design of the Lite. It also matches the PS-1's nicely

What I have not been able to fully evaluate yet is the amp's capacity for the upper and lower octaves. Mainly because I have been using the iPod out of its headphone jack
With 192 mp3's. Soon though I will go forth with a full on assault using my Shanling and my reference discs which will help me along with my evaluation. So far though, it is the finest sounding SS amp I have ever heard save for the Headroom Max, which is just ridiculous. I would love to compare head to head with these two.
Apr 25, 2005 at 8:00 PM Post #26 of 50
The headamp website order page is updated -- the GS-1 will be $650 till April 30. Grab your wallets!
Apr 26, 2005 at 11:16 AM Post #27 of 50
Would this be comparable to the Raptor? Or are they just in two different categories? I have a DAC1 and MS-2is, 650s, SA5000.

(not trying to start a tube vs. SS debate, am just a newbie and am trying to decide between these two)
Apr 26, 2005 at 11:35 AM Post #28 of 50
Great review Earl, really makes me want to try this amp, it sounds like I would really like it.
Apr 26, 2005 at 12:48 PM Post #29 of 50

Originally Posted by elnero
Great review Earl, really makes me want to try this amp, it sounds like I would really like it.

I think anyone would like this amp. The GS-1 has a refined and involving sound, several desireable features, great build quality, small size, runs cool and is priced well below what you would expect. This is THE AMP for those who want great sound but dont want to mess with tubes.
Apr 26, 2005 at 12:52 PM Post #30 of 50

Originally Posted by sacd lover
I think anyone would like this amp. The GS-1 has a refined and involving sound, several desireable features, great build quality, small size, runs cool and is priced well below what you would expect. This is THE AMP for those who want great sound but dont want to mess with tubes.

This must be a h*** of a SS

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