[Review] EQu parametric EQ for the iPodtouch/iPhone/iPad
Jan 18, 2011 at 7:19 AM Post #32 of 92
Really interesting. Now somebody only needs to support *proper* on the fly playlist editing and I'd be in heaven. I hate that iPods don't have the on-the-fly option turned on by default (you have to remember to always start with on the go...) and that they don't offer a "play this next" option to playlist generation.
Jan 18, 2011 at 10:14 AM Post #34 of 92
Great find on EQu. Thanks for the review. This will definitely replace the stock player for me. Could use some minor playlists tweaks and some minor GUI changes. Id like to see the ipod buttons on the bottom and the other menus up top. I'll have to pass them along to the developer. Definitely worth $2.99.
Jan 18, 2011 at 10:23 AM Post #35 of 92
What i do miss is that EQu would actually update the last played tag of the files it plays back since i sync my iphone with albums that have not been played for a couple of months.
On EQu that tag remains unchanged so that when i sync back to iTunes the iphone playlists the albums played through EQu do not reflect in the last played tag that they have been in fact played so that the smart playlist generator do not make proper use of the criteria 'not played in the last 2 60 days' tag.
It would be nice as well to get info of what's being played when the iPhone is locked and you hit the home button.
Aside from that i'm rather happy with EQu and their developers even if i almost never use any equalizer on any portable or hifi player :wink: But since it was what iPods were missing from the beginning it's cool to have that hole filled.
Jan 24, 2011 at 1:20 PM Post #36 of 92
There is a free update to the Equalizer app....before, I liked EQu better, now, I'm not so sure! The screen instead of sliders has  seven distinct circles you move, so it looks kind of like EQu....you see the curve, and such...and the "Q" adjustment is a slider across the top of the screen, so you can clearly see what effect it will have on what you are doing.
Jan 26, 2011 at 9:47 AM Post #40 of 92
I gave this app a go, it's great! Especially with older 80's recordings like Peter Gabriel or Talk Talk, just adds a bit of full bodied juice to the slightly thin sound production.
The only thing I would say that it falls down on is the sound gets momentarily choppy when multi-tasking between apps with it on in the background.
A small suggestion on the GUI, possibly an option could be included to have a vertical influence offset when touching the screen so the curves are still visible a bit above the finger. Right now my fat finger obscures what I'm trying to do a bit.
The game geometry wars has a good example of this in action.
Brilliant app though, nice work!

Feb 2, 2011 at 6:58 PM Post #41 of 92
This is exactly the thread I have been looking for.
I am thinking of getting an itouch 4G, what have people decided is the best app?
equalizer or EQu?
Feb 2, 2011 at 9:56 PM Post #43 of 92
Right now I would choose Equalizer if I had to choose just one. But at three dollars apiece, it's fun to have both, and experiment with each one of them.
Feb 3, 2011 at 4:43 PM Post #44 of 92
I've been reading about these apps and have some questions. Whether or not I make the plunge and buy an iPod Touch 4G may depend on these apps.
First off: I'm confused about how one accesses one's music while using these apps. I'm getting the impression that you choose which songs to play from within the app itself, not using the normal iPod interface. Is that right? And if so, how's the app's interface? Is accessing your music quick and easy as with the standadad iPod interface? Can you shuffle and access all your playlists? Can you move the equalizer app to the background after choosing your settings and see album art? Is there a Youtube video demonstration of tehse apps somewhere?
Any help would be appreciated.
Feb 3, 2011 at 11:40 PM Post #45 of 92
 Yes you choose songs from the app itself. EQu has a solid interface where you pretty much get to choose things like the Ipod UI but the artists don't have the albums separated like the latter. You can shuffle through all your songs or through playlists, artists and albums. Equalizer only enables you to choose songs based on making a playlist which is less intuitive but still solidly usable and you can shuffle through them. EQu supports Album Art but not Equalizer. 

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