Review: ALO Rx - Double the battery, double the fun
Dec 1, 2009 at 3:13 AM Post #46 of 145
From what I heard with my Rx and Shadow (the Shadow is on demo over The Pond right now), I think the Rx has a slight bit more 'grandeur' to its sound. The bass reaches slightly lower, and there's a little more separation and air. But the Shadow has this sort of intimate, 'tactile purity' as I like to put it. A certain warmth. They are both very very good, and it's most certainly splitting hairs between them.

The Shadow has its incredible battery life as a huge plus, and the Rx will drive bigger cans. Those two factors may come into play depending on what people want in a portable amp.
Dec 1, 2009 at 4:34 AM Post #47 of 145

Originally Posted by VicAjax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
can you describe the differences between the two?

To be honest with you it's very hard to explain the differences between both amps with the Jh13s. I would say that the Shadow is probably slightly warmer than the Rx but apart from that both amps are very very close SQ wise.

The soundstage is amazing with the Rx but I wouldn't say that it's better than the Shadow. The bass is to die for with the Rx...and the Shadows but I think that the bass goes a bit deeper with the Rx.
Dec 1, 2009 at 4:58 AM Post #48 of 145
I think we hear the amps pretty similarly, despite the different phones. They're both wonderful, and keepers.

But I'm still curious about the TTVJ and Pico Slims. Seems to be a trend in amps these days....
Dec 1, 2009 at 2:46 PM Post #50 of 145

Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From what I heard with my Rx and Shadow (the Shadow is on demo over The Pond right now), I think the Rx has a slight bit more 'grandeur' to its sound. The bass reaches slightly lower, and there's a little more separation and air. But the Shadow has this sort of intimate, 'tactile purity' as I like to put it. A certain warmth. They are both very very good, and it's most certainly splitting hairs between them.

The Shadow has its incredible battery life as a huge plus, and the Rx will drive bigger cans. Those two factors may come into play depending on what people want in a portable amp.


Originally Posted by pfillion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To be honest with you it's very hard to explain the differences between both amps with the Jh13s. I would say that the Shadow is probably just slightly warmer than the Rx but apart from that both amps are very very close SQ wise.

The soundstage is amazing with the Rx but I wouldn't say that it's better than the Shadow. The bass is to die for with the Rx...and the Shadows but I think that the bass goes a bit deeper with the Rx.

thanks for your thoughts! both of your comments have me leaning toward the Rx. Soundstage and air are two areas where the UM3X could benefit most from amplification. Plus, its slight warmth, the UM3X will probably be more synergistic with the colder of the two amps.

Not to mention the $50 i save!

Dec 3, 2009 at 11:31 PM Post #52 of 145
ok, i've made my mind up. definitely ordering an ALO Rx as soon as they're available again, instead of a Shadow.

of course, now that i've decided, i want it NOW!
Dec 4, 2009 at 3:32 PM Post #54 of 145
The Rx is a truly fantastic amp. I feel that it sounds like a full-sized home amp.

The hiss is very low, and I understand how some people might not even notice it.

But I can hear it between the tracks, in the rests, and probably during quiet passages, even. It's really just barely enough that I think it will annoy me over the long haul. This is with the JH13 -- and it's worse with the UE11.

I really value my black backgrounds. I want the music to sprout from a perfectly silent beginning. I could forget about it and enjoy the music, but when I hear it again at the end of the song, I'll be bothered. The Rx's hiss is greater than that from the Predator, SR-71A, P-51, Shadow, and while I didn't do a direct head-to-head comparison, I believe it's more than my RPX-33, too.

So, I'm returning my Rx. Don't let this discourage you guys from trying it out. It puts out really excellent sound... But if you're an IEM user who is easily annoyed by hiss, you might think twice.

[size=large]Edit:[/size] Yeah, the Rx is quite a bit louder than my RPX-33 which really has a nearly inaudible hiss. This is pretty disappointing since the '33 is a full-on home amp with no business pushing IEMs... Yet it works so darned well!
Dec 4, 2009 at 3:59 PM Post #55 of 145
I've yet to hear an amp which is 100% black in the background. I know people say certain amps are black, but every single one I have heard hisses with some earphones, but none too much. The Rx has about the same as my SuperMicro IV if a bit less.

But, yes, it sounds more like a home amp, but a fast amp at that. It has speed, huge soundstaging ability and a madly clean signal.
Dec 4, 2009 at 6:52 PM Post #56 of 145
My Shadow has an absolutely miniscule hiss... Like if I listen very closely to silence, then unplug, I can tell some hiss disappeared... But it is truly barely there to my ears. What I hear from the Rx is several times louder, though.

I think I'm the first person to take issue with the hiss, so I'm obviously being very, very picky here.
Dec 4, 2009 at 8:07 PM Post #57 of 145
No Hiss with my RX, just a natural sound.
I use it with my GS 1000.
Maybe your RX have a default ( why not) or your JH13 is very sensitive.
another way : I havent good hears ( due to the age) !
Dec 4, 2009 at 8:54 PM Post #58 of 145
Rico67, I'm sure I wouldn't hear hiss on the GS 1000's either. The Rx hiss is only an issue with very sensitive headphones (basically just IEMs). I had intended on using them pretty exclusively with my IEMs, you see...
Dec 5, 2009 at 12:49 PM Post #59 of 145
Yes thread, i understand your trouble.
Dec 5, 2009 at 3:51 PM Post #60 of 145
cool, this does sound interesting, but mainly because of what I read about him possibly offering a portable dac to match that takes the digital out of the ipod. apparently the RX. if this happens i'm there.

@ rico67, dude, whats the go with your sig?? its been the same since I can remember, are your ALO X cryo silver cables ever going to arrive?
will your predator ever be burned in??

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