Release Date vs. Manufactured Date

Aug 7, 2009 at 4:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Jul 20, 2009
I have a question concerning the release date of CD's. If, say, a CD was released in 1994 and you purchase it in a store, is that exact copy from 1994 or has it been manufactured in say, 2006 and have been tampered with (dynamic range decreased due to "Loudness Wars"? And if so, is there any discernible difference between a CD that was released back in it's original time and today? I know that one way to tell is that remastered=bad, but its hard to believe that any cd released over 10 years ago still has its original copies on its shelves. How would I be able to tell if the CD really was an original relased copy? Thanks!
Aug 7, 2009 at 4:30 PM Post #2 of 3
It very much depends on the CD. Some are just re-issues. Some have been "re-mastered". Some might have different tracks because of lawsuits and whatnot. Some might even have re-recorded tracks on them.

Usually on the back of the case there is a date for production/copyright (example). That's usually when the CD was released. Then you can check Wikipedia or just Google when the original CD was released. And sometimes like in that example it will say if it is a re-issue.
Aug 7, 2009 at 4:40 PM Post #3 of 3
Thanks for the reply. I was looking on eBay for some CD's to purchase since it is only $1 + $1 shipping for the CD (Better deal than buying the songs on iTunes since I have the full CD and can rip them in FLAC). The seller only lists the release date, which is why I asked him for a manufactured date. I refuse to buy any of the new cd's today for reasons stated in the last post. Hopefully I can get lucky and score some of the older CD's.

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