Recommend to sell?
Dec 22, 2014 at 7:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Oct 21, 2009
Now that I've accumulated some goodies over the years, I'm looking for some sage guidance/opinion on how to move forward.
Here's what I've got: Grado 325is, AKG Q701, Westone UM2, and ATH-M50's.  Brace yourself, no Amp or DAC... hence low impedance headphones.  I do have a macbook pro retina which from what I understand has an above average DAC.
Anyways, I've had the Grado's for about a year, and I've concluded they are just too bright/fatiguing.  I literally have to put them down after an hour or two.  I just recently got the Q701's for a serious bargain and I'm impressed.  They are comfortable, big soundstage, nowhere near the fatigue, and I can tell they would really shine with a better supply (the 325's not so much correct?)
Out of my disappointment with the Grado's here's what I'm thinking...
Rookie Option #1: sell the grado (and maybe the UM2's) and get the Schiit Stack for the Q701's.  BUT!  I do like a little color in my life and shiny things that glow tend to grab my attention... therefore...
#2: I'm ignorantly biased towards tube amps and the Bellari HA540 is just sexy.  So sell everything (except the m50's bro) and get that and some HD600/650's.  
#3: Listen to people who actually know what they are talking about.
and thats where you come in.  Where do you think the best $ is spent in the early ascension towards audio Nirvana?
Once we get this all figured out, perhaps a nice TIDAL subscription to ice the cake?  Yay or nay?
Thanks everyone!
Dec 23, 2014 at 8:36 AM Post #2 of 12
Tube amps can be alluring to the eye, but that's not the ear!
I used to think tube amps were the ideal for the same reasons as you probably, then I heard a tube amp vs a solid state. The SS amps resolve a lot better, with the tube amps leading to better atmosphere. It depends what you will get most from. From your Q701 description, I'll guess that you like the smooth approach.
Have you tried EQing the Grados? There's a chance that a tube amp and the Grados will get you to where you want to be - I really like the 325i and also have a sensitivity to the higher frequencies, perhaps it's how they are being driven that is making the difference.
Dec 23, 2014 at 8:48 AM Post #3 of 12
Tube amps can be alluring to the eye, but that's not the ear!

Maybe have not read a single more absurd statement ever?
Dec 23, 2014 at 5:17 PM Post #6 of 12
Well, it is true that there can be bad tube amps. Ever heard one of the cheap ebay amps from China (eg Little Bear) without any of the mods? Not good.

Yes, maybe handfuls of tube amps that look better than they are? Never heard one myself. Then I agree.
Dec 23, 2014 at 5:47 PM Post #7 of 12
Now that I've accumulated some goodies over the years, I'm looking for some sage guidance/opinion on how to move forward.

Here's what I've got: Grado 325is, AKG Q701, Westone UM2, and ATH-M50's.  Brace yourself, no Amp or DAC... hence low impedance headphones.  I do have a macbook pro retina which from what I understand has an above average DAC.

Anyways, I've had the Grado's for about a year, and I've concluded they are just too bright/fatiguing.  I literally have to put them down after an hour or two.  I just recently got the Q701's for a serious bargain and I'm impressed.  They are comfortable, big soundstage, nowhere near the fatigue, and I can tell they would really shine with a better supply (the 325's not so much correct?)

Out of my disappointment with the Grado's here's what I'm thinking...
Rookie Option #1: sell the grado (and maybe the UM2's) and get the Schiit Stack for the Q701's.  BUT!  I do like a little color in my life and shiny things that glow tend to grab my attention... therefore...
#2: I'm ignorantly biased towards tube amps and the Bellari HA540 is just sexy.  So sell everything (except the m50's bro) and get that and some HD600/650's.  
#3: Listen to people who actually know what they are talking about.

and thats where you come in.  Where do you think the best $ is spent in the early ascension towards audio Nirvana?

Once we get this all figured out, perhaps a nice TIDAL subscription to ice the cake?  Yay or nay?

Thanks everyone!

I not heard the Schiit stack, but the Asgard is pretty good. Your AKG Q701s are going to need a nice amount of power to get going. They just don't sound right till you find the right amp for them.

Before you purchase anything try to make it to a meet. Head-Fi meets can be really educational and save you money. As you read stuff around here, you will see most have gone and purchased stuff we didn't keep. Most of the beginning of this hobby is finding the sound you like. The second stage is figuring how to get there in for the least amount of money. The third issue is learning to keep a system and enjoy it for what it is.

You could get a used Asgard for a cheap price, most hear seem to think it is at a slightly different level than the $99 magni 2 or $119 Vali. Still the amps match nice with the Modi 2 DAC, where the Asgard is bigger.

I have a Mac Book pro and yes the DACs are really nice. still your going to find a stand-alone DAC to take everything to a whole new level. Your also able to get Mac DACs to sound better with aftermarket software.

In the end though, going to a meet is going to get you further exposure to finding your sound. When you talk about selling your Grados I get the feeling you like them least? Still I really believe the mistake purchases here have some kind of reason. When I started here I purchased the W3 from Woo Audio to drive the new purchased AKG 701s. There was no way on earth the combo would work. I know this now, still I was able to get both purchases to become synergistic with other equipment and all turned out fine in the end.

The funny thing is many folks are starting with a V shape sound that they like and over years time going closer to a ruler flat EQ curve. I also did that even after using some type of nice headphones and amps starting in 1980.

You are on the right track as getting a dedicated DAC and amp with just a single favorite headphone is going to take you to the right level. As stated low cost tube amps may not get you where you want to go even though they look nice.

So find the headphone your going to keep. Sell the rest and upgrade!

You may find that purchasing brand new from Schiit is going to be the safe way to go. You get a warranty and safe shipping along with not having to deal with the used purchase issues that can come up. Still going to meets is another way to get equipment as there is always stuff to try?
Dec 23, 2014 at 5:49 PM Post #8 of 12
I used to think tube amps were the ideal for the same reasons as you probably, then I heard a tube amp vs a solid state. The SS amps resolve a lot better, with the tube amps leading to better atmosphere. It depends what you will get most from. From your Q701 description, I'll guess that you like the smooth approach.

Well I'm not crazy about the idea of analytical listening.  Makes enjoying music seem more like work than fun.  I'm out to have some fun
 (Not to say the Q701 can't deliver that)
Have you tried EQing the Grados? There's a chance that a tube amp and the Grados will get you to where you want to be - I really like the 325i and also have a sensitivity to the higher frequencies, perhaps it's how they are being driven that is making the difference.

I did consider EQing but haven't really looked into it.  I guess the idea of fiddling with EQ settings every time I plug them into a device seems to defeat the purpose.
Would a tube amp be a good idea with Grado's?  I'm not savy, but I thought tube amps usually have high impedance which would not pair well with low impedance Grados?
Dec 23, 2014 at 5:55 PM Post #9 of 12
You may find you like the warmth of a tube amp with the Grados. Smoothing out the treble of the Grados may be just the thing. Many here love the Grados. Take your headphones to a meet and you will find most will let you plug em in to their systems.
Dec 23, 2014 at 6:14 PM Post #10 of 12
You may find you like the warmth of a tube amp with the Grados. Taking and smoothing out the treble of the Grados may be just the thing. Many here love the Grados. Take your headphones to a meet and you will find most will let you plug em in to their systems.

Thank you for the helpful replies!  I'll have to see when the next meet up is here in Atlanta.  I'll have to add an Asgard to the list of options too!
Now to research what tube amps people are suggesting for the grados... the hunt continues!
Dec 23, 2014 at 6:18 PM Post #11 of 12
Thank you for the helpful replies!  I'll have to see when the next meet up is here in Atlanta.  I'll have to add an Asgard to the list of options too!

Now to research what tube amps people are suggesting for the grados... the hunt continues!

I purchased Grados and have listened to your 325is headphones on a reference system, still Grado sound is not my thing. I'm primarily a rock listener too? If you read the Grado threads you may learn about a tube amp for them. Still if a low cost is the goal, solid-state is the best value and going to have the power you need for the AKGs.
Dec 24, 2014 at 5:11 AM Post #12 of 12
Well I'm not crazy about the idea of analytical listening.

Nothing wrong with that at all - in my position I've done plenty of comparing valve and SS amps and so that's the angle I tend to come from. I can only speak from my impressions of the two types of amp, and my impressions are based on what I look for/listen to within the music. This tends to be resolution and space over any 'feeling' or emotional quality, which SS amps tend to do better.
This contrasts with the view I had before I started, that tube amps generally would be better because they're more interesting looking and are well.. sexier. This isn't to say that all tube amps are bad and all SS amps are good, half of my colleagues preferred the tube sound doing the same tests I did.
I'm with you on EQ, but it can be useful to play with it and get an idea of what appeals to you whilst looking for more suitable headphones.

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