Received my Cayin HA-1A - initial impressions
Aug 1, 2006 at 4:06 AM Post #46 of 54
XCAN V3 delivers 1W, but it is a hybrid design, and therefore expected to have lower noise floor. Woo 3's power output is not published by the manufacturer, but it is known that it can't drive a K1000.

Another common misconception is that headphone's impedance directly correlates to its sensitivity. K1000 and K501 both have 120 ohm impedance but the sensitivity differes by 20 dB. Sensitivity is usually specified as dB/mW. Having a lower impedance allows the amp to pump more power into the cans at a fixed voltage (P=V^2/R). Usually, lower impedance headphones are also designed to be more sensitive, but that's by the engineer's choice, not because impedance determines sensitivity.

Back to the Grado and Cayin HA-1A. Several people have posted that they don't hear any noise. Maybe their unit is quieter than mine or I just have more sensitive ears, I don't know. On my own amp I used some low-noise tubes and the hiss is reduced to an easily acceptable level. I don't use Grado to listen to music with a lot of quiet passages, such as classical, so it does not bother me much.
Aug 13, 2006 at 3:32 AM Post #47 of 54
Finally tried the amp with my AD2K.

First the not-so-good news: the AD2K picks up some kind of machine hum from it. It's audible only when nothing is playing, and very quiet, almost unnoticeable. But my hearing is very sensitive so my ears pick it up. Fortunately the background hiss I heard with the ES5 isn't there, just the machine hum.

Results with the AD2K are excellent. Helps with the instrument separation, and improves the already-snappy mid-bass on the headphones. It makes it even harder to listen critically - music just becomes too immersive with the combo. It'll be a day when I can ever manage to detach myself from the music enough to listen critically.
Aug 20, 2006 at 10:58 PM Post #48 of 54
So I gather that the Cayin would be the perfect match to my Sennheiser 650's? What about the MG mkIII? is that comperable at a cheaper price?
as Little Richard said "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"
Sep 1, 2006 at 4:47 AM Post #49 of 54

Originally Posted by chesebert
I wander why they marked up so much. It's really cheap in China. Zhaolu is more honest in their pricing I think.

Just scanning and HA-1 is only so so based on some reviews, citing bloated, tuby, lacking detail, and not a good fit for HD600. The international version might be different so I will wait a bit longer for more impressions from more people

LMAO..really tells me stereo can't review headphone amps ...

Two version, this could be possible, as they just sell for about 270USD in China.

One thing has not been changed for sure so far is the background hum and hiss.
Sep 15, 2006 at 1:57 PM Post #50 of 54
Has anyone any opinions on the Cayin connected to speakers of appropriate sensitivity? Sounds like a great value when you consider the enhanced utility of the thing....
Dec 29, 2006 at 10:07 AM Post #51 of 54

Originally Posted by Dmason /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Has anyone any opinions on the Cayin connected to speakers of appropriate sensitivity? Sounds like a great value when you consider the enhanced utility of the thing....

sorry for digging up this old thread, but i'm currently using the cayin to power my marantz 3-way bookshelfs, sounds pretty loud at 75% volume, but at higher levels the sound starts distorting....

Feb 24, 2014 at 4:22 AM Post #52 of 54
I'm going to be reviving a thread here hopefully.
It seems to have a fair bit of grunt.. anyone tried an Audeze LCD-X with this? At 96 db @ 22 ohms, what do you think?
Jun 1, 2016 at 6:21 AM Post #53 of 54
Yep. I revived it:) Only took me a year:wink:




Outstanding. With the HD700's my favourite phones, it cured my Woo Audio itch. Bargain at $599.
There's nothing wrong with it. Just beautiful:)
Mar 18, 2017 at 2:38 AM Post #54 of 54
Hi, I was wondering if a HA-1A owner could help with a technical question.
Since afaik valve amps typically need to see a speaker 'load',
does this mean that if you don't have speakers connected to the Cayin,
you always have to have a pair of headphones plugged in instead?

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