Question on HD650. Is it really that laid back and dark?
Jan 23, 2006 at 10:33 AM Post #16 of 50
I had the HD650 for a long time, and I didn't find them laid back or dark.
Maybe they are a bit tipped on bass, but not so much. Only I felt that I need something more personally "emotional" to listen to music, so I ended with the DT880.

For critical monitoring, I would never regret the HD650: for this purpose, imho is a very good choice.
But amp them very well, in order to "control" the slight mid-bass hump and to "quick" the bass. Once you've done it, you have a very reliable work-partner.

Jan 23, 2006 at 11:43 AM Post #17 of 50
When I first got the HD-650 (and connected them straight into the Silver Dragon I had back then), I found a very bassy set of phones with a very dark presentation. Now that I have lived with them long enough and gone back to stock cables (my preference for its more balanced sound and flexibility), I have retained my love for the Sennheiser house sound. I love the refined highs, soundstage and comfort offered by these phones. They are a bit bassy, yes, but not bassy enough to the point of intruding into the music.
Jan 23, 2006 at 12:11 PM Post #18 of 50
Sennheiser use the Graham Slee Solo amp in the UK to demo them. I use the same combo and I find the 650's a really pleasant listen this way.

I hover between the Beyer 880 and Senn 650, but the Senns get a lot more use because I find the 880 sound a little thin and aggressive. This may be in comparison to the Senns though but it may also be to do with the amp combo that we use our headphones with.

ie; a good amp that matches well will make the Sennheisers sing. I don't find them as 'laid back and dark' as people on Headfi say.

Also, I never really worried too much about 'burn in' but I know that the Senns have changed enormously because I have two pairs and the pair that I have been using actually DO sound different compared to the unused pair!!! (That surprised me)

Jan 23, 2006 at 1:51 PM Post #19 of 50
Thank you for all the inputs. I will probably go trying different amps (if I could find them locally though) and get one that suits HD650.

I will probably keep them since I like learning to appreciate new things, and understand the appreciation others shown, especially extrordinary things that many people love so much, even if I dislike them at the beginning.

WORD OF CAUTIONS! Take off your cans if there is a chance that you might fall into sleep. I fell into sleep with my cans on last night (for 6 hours!), volumn was very low that I could still hear my cellphone rings at 10 ft away. But now my eardrums are in slight pain, feels like I've fell into sleep in a disco or something.
Jan 23, 2006 at 2:47 PM Post #20 of 50

Originally Posted by macbrush
WORD OF CAUTIONS! Take off your cans if there is a chance that you might fall into sleep. I fell into sleep with my cans on last night (for 6 hours!), volumn was very low that I could still hear my cellphone rings at 10 ft away. But now my eardrums are in slight pain, feels like I've fell into sleep in a disco or something.

That's not good. Hopefully, you haven't been left with tinnitus? Or was it the pressure of the phones on the sides of your head?

Jan 23, 2006 at 3:16 PM Post #21 of 50
Luckily there is no tinnitus, not that I've noticed anyway. Just a slight pain located about 2cm deep into the ear canal, mostly left ear.

I would probably go see my doctor if it doesn't go away in a couple of days.
Jan 23, 2006 at 3:33 PM Post #22 of 50
You could use a source with "sleep" mode when you go to bed with headphones. I usually wake up briefly when the music stops and so I get the chance of putting the headphones out of my head. If not, at least the music has ceased.
Jan 23, 2006 at 5:41 PM Post #23 of 50

Originally Posted by macbrush
My friend works in a studio as mastering engineer. He kept telling me Sony sounds artificail, urging me switch to Senn for a more nentral sound. After years of convincing, I finally bought a pair of HD650, and picked up a pair of Cardas cables as well.

I currently own a pair of CD3000, and SA5K. First time I listen to HD650 straight out of the box, I couldn't believe myself, its unbearable, highs are all gone, nothing, tonnes of bass, vocal is about 20 ft behind all the instruments. One word... horrible. So I let it burn in for a complete 5 days with all sorts of tunes, and 1 day with the burn in CD that comes with Cardas cable. Then I listen to them again, improved, but still far too dark from what I used to. I also own a pair of e5, so I know I have to get used to a new phone, get myself adjusted to the sound signature. I did that for a week or so. Now I could hear all the details from HD650, and appreciate its neutral sounding.

However, especially listening to vocal recorded in concert hall, its still too far away sounded almost... "hollow" (please excuse my English), if I chose the right word. Metallic instrument still don't sound very metallic. Its like mid/high have been depressed, and a cardboard is placed between me and the musicians.

I ask because I live in Hong Kong. I just wonder whether that's how HD650 supposed to sound like, or I got myself some counterfeit!

P.S. I have already wacked out the foams. It help a little though.

You must go to some classical or jazz concerts and you will understand and appreciate the neutrality of the 650s! The live sound is smooth and laid back. All these excessive highs are NOT the real sound of the instruments!
Jan 23, 2006 at 5:53 PM Post #24 of 50

Originally Posted by brat
You must go to some classical or jazz concerts and you will understand and appreciate the neutrality of the 650s! The live sound is smooth and laid back. All these excessive highs are NOT the real sound of the instruments!

Actually it's not. Just make some clicking sounds with your mouth like "tsk tsk tsk" and you'll hear a clear, sharp sound that isn't laid back at all. No need to hear real instruments to understand that neutral sound isn't "laid back" or "smooth."
Jan 23, 2006 at 5:55 PM Post #25 of 50

Originally Posted by brat
All these excessive highs are NOT the real sound of the instruments![/b]

My brother in law decided to demo his new set up for me to listen to and unfortunately, his idea of hi fi sound is just that. Hard cymbals and volume.

He chose to play me a female singer with acoustic guitar. His setup made the guitar sound like it had steel strings and the woman's voice was impeded by close sounds of her mouth pops and clicks but played back with extreme treble and volume.

It hurt my ears even on speakers!!

His own description of his set up was basically, it was analytical to the extreme and merely pointing out the engineers mistakes in having the mic too close. This is what many people perceive hi fi to be.

My feelings were ... bright as ice and nasty.

Maybe my Senns have got to me.

Jan 23, 2006 at 6:18 PM Post #26 of 50

Originally Posted by fewtch
Actually it's not. Just make some clicking sounds with your mouth like "tsk tsk tsk" and you'll hear a clear, sharp sound that isn't laid back at all. No need to hear real instruments to understand that neutral sound isn't "laid back" or "smooth."

I agree. If you listen primarily to !Kung speech through your audio set up, Senns will give you neither the clarity or the immediacy of the beclicked consonancy of the San people of the Kalahari.

As for approximating the treble drop off that takes place in a concert hall, I think Senns do a pretty good job.
Jan 23, 2006 at 6:21 PM Post #27 of 50

Originally Posted by ns6490
I agree. If you listen primarily to !Kung speech through your audio set up, Senns will give you neither the clarity or the immediacy of the beclicked consonancy of the San people of the Kalahari.

As for approximating the treble drop off that takes place in a concert hall, I think Senns do a pretty good job.

Jan 23, 2006 at 6:55 PM Post #28 of 50

Originally Posted by fewtch
No need to hear real instruments to understand that neutral sound isn't "laid back" or "smooth."

Respect to your 6497 posts!
A tremendous delusion!!
I'll advice you too to visit some acoustic concerts and then choose the most realistic and neutral headphone.
The personal sound preferences are another question
Jan 23, 2006 at 6:57 PM Post #29 of 50

Originally Posted by ns6490
I agree. If you listen primarily to !Kung speech through your audio set up, Senns will give you neither the clarity or the immediacy of the beclicked consonancy of the San people of the Kalahari.

ROTFL... that hit my funnybone


Originally Posted by brat
A tremendous delusion!!
I'll advice you too to visit some acoustic concerts and then choose the most realistic and neutral headphone.
Your personal sound preferences are another problem

I listen to about 50% live orchestral 50% jazz these days, in what way is this a problem?

And fwiw, I owned HD580/600 for close to three years, and although I always liked the sound and could listen for hours without fatigue, it never sounded even nearly as close to live as my DT880s do -- which is a major reason why I sold the HD580s. I suppose this has a lot to do with individual hearing, but no way in hell does treble sound in real life like the HD580/600 -- real treble has more "bite" and immediacy.

I understand the HD650 is even darker, so take that for what it's worth.
Jan 23, 2006 at 7:33 PM Post #30 of 50

Originally Posted by fewtch
I suppose this has a lot to do with individual hearing, but no way in hell does treble sound in real life like the HD580/600 -- real treble has more "bite" and immediacy.

I understand the HD650 is even darker, so take that for what it's worth.

Maybe you're right.. it may be an individual hearing problem OR an amp problem - When I heard at first the 650s straight from my Audigy 2 ZS I was terrified - NO highs, NO bass according to the HD280s.
The right amplification makes miracles

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