QQ/Complain thread. Complain about anything!!!
Jan 24, 2011 at 4:28 PM Post #76 of 5,627

Jan 24, 2011 at 5:03 PM Post #77 of 5,627

Kirosia has run out of fresh coffee beans. There's snow on the ground, and he backed up his SUV into a row of shopping carriages. The Finnish girl with the pretty mouth doesn't return his messages. His pajamas are too small. 

ilyyyyy :)
Jan 24, 2011 at 5:54 PM Post #78 of 5,627

I also hate that it is always me who apologizes in busy places if I have to swerve around someone , and its very rare they acknowledge my apology, just stampede on, not a manner or consideration or even a nod.

Me too. I am too courteous. I apologize for stuff like that too. It's ALWAYS my fault...
I am also way too humble. :wink:
No, seriously, people tell me I have low self esteem or that I don't give myself any credit, but I always feel like I am one of the happiest people around. Not much gets me down. The good thing about being a pessimist is that you are never unpleasantly surprised.
Jan 24, 2011 at 11:44 PM Post #79 of 5,627
SC2? Are you on NA? Add me! iamyifu and code is 163.
I hate people in online games that either insult anyone and everything (thank God for mute in Xbox Live) or that just love annoying people by using the most annoying strategies/techniques in games (like cheesing in SC2).  Special mention of those who use Jew as insult, the first time I heard it I was completely confused, it idiotic to use a religious belief as an insult.

Jan 25, 2011 at 4:07 AM Post #81 of 5,627
OK Hear me out on this one.......Do you pay a lot for your health Insurance, from work or cobra?? I think it's high time these x presidents, congress men, and Senators should quit getting the best health care for the rest of their lives, even after they leave office.......On our (working mans Dime).....Now I'm all American (really Native American) and when one of us average Joe's leaves or gets laid off of our jobs, what do we do for health care? If we 're lucky we can afford cobra Insurance until we find another job with an employee who even offers HEALTH CARE INSURANCE at a reasonable rate......IS this fair or right..IMO Hell NO.......Take the poor governmental elected lady (forgot her name. sorry) that just got shot in the head while several others got killed by that frikin nut case......Do you think she paid for that private jet to her new hospital or rehab institute that she's at now....I doubt it....My friend just had to fly his father from Florida to the Cleveland Clinic and he asked me what I thought it cost.......I guessed 1 to 3 grand..WRONG   It was $9,850.00 and he didn't even think his dads Insurance was going to pay for any of it..... Now don't get me wrong I FEEL DEEPLY SORRY for that Female governmental employee who's life will be changed forever, if she lives, so maybe she is not the best example to give, but how about the congressmen or    SenSenatures who gets voted out of office and goes back to his Law firm to work and gets FREE (THE BEST) health insurance for life plus his salary.........would you or I get coverage like that if we got or get laid off or quit our JOBS...............JMO.......This country has got to start taking care of our hard working American workers who have paid into S.S. all their working lives and more then likely won't see any of it's benefits before they die......... I might get lucky and when I retire in 4 more yrs. (62 yrs old) I'll have to take the least amount, if that's even there and I've paid into S.S. for 42 yrs already.........what do you think.....once again I really feel bad and pray for the Lady who's just been shot and will be changed for life, but what about our young service men??? Have you heard the stories about those poor men and women that have to deal with the VA..Health care service that was promised to them???????PS I've tried to edit this post for spelling and or incorrect wording, but the site will not let me edit, sorry
Jan 25, 2011 at 5:01 PM Post #82 of 5,627

think we are reading off the same page here, I went out today with a different more upbeat  mind though and found it was a different story completely, You really do get those days " where the world is in sync with you" , I think so much is down to personal perception, that day I went out I was craving nicotine ( a poor attempt at quitting smokes) , disgruntled at having to work for just 3 hours in a middle of my Saturday etc..)

However there is nothing wrong with being courteous.Glad to hear your happy man, keep it up, its contagious,
There is a shortage of true, happy people :)
Jan 25, 2011 at 7:39 PM Post #84 of 5,627
It's 2011. Where the hell is all the stuff they promised us back in the 50s and 60s. Hell, I would even take anything promised in the late 80s or early 90s.
No flying cars, no robot servants, not even the cool talking computers with flippant attitudes... The new century, so far, had been kind of disappointing in that regard.
But on the plus side, that whole Skynet thing seems to have skipped us!

Jan 25, 2011 at 8:28 PM Post #85 of 5,627
Most dastardly thing my friends have ever done to me: Secretly adding random songs into iTunes under random titles and album names. I know I could use the Date added functionality to get rid of them off of my computer, but I had no time to sync for a day or two. 
*Enjoys The Shins......*......
*Dies inside*
They put Justin Bieber into my favorite album. Why?! Haha I need to get revenge. 
Jan 25, 2011 at 8:41 PM Post #86 of 5,627

They put Justin Bieber into my favorite album. Why?! Haha I need to get revenge. 

I can relate. Imagine this for a second. Every night before bed I meditate (not for religious or spiritual reasons, it's just a total stress relief), and I'm listening to some of my favorite tunes. After about 40 minutes into Sunn O))'s Monoliths and Dimensions (I meditate to drone metal, btw) I'm completely relaxed and about to go to bed. 
SUDDENLY OUT OF F*CKING NOWHERE, RICK ASTLEY'S "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" START'S PLAYING. I jumped up and threw my headphones across the room.
Jan 25, 2011 at 8:49 PM Post #87 of 5,627

They put Justin Bieber into my favorite album. Why?! Haha I need to get revenge. 

I can relate. Imagine this for a second. Every night before bed I meditate (not for religious or spiritual reasons, it's just a total stress relief), and I'm listening to some of my favorite tunes. After about 40 minutes into Sunn O))'s Monoliths and Dimensions (I meditate to drone metal, btw) I'm completely relaxed and about to go to bed. 
SUDDENLY OUT OF F*CKING NOWHERE, RICK ASTLEY'S "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" START'S PLAYING. I jumped up and threw my headphones across the room.

That's what happened to me. Probably 10% of my 684 albums had songs injected into them teach me to leave my computer at a friends house for a few hours.... 
Jan 26, 2011 at 12:21 PM Post #88 of 5,627
Bit of a risqué complaint here, but I'm SO tired of seeing bloody Steve Guttenberg featured on the front page. I understand that he and Jude are chums and I understand that he's a fairly proficient equipment reviewer, but making it a front-page feature EVERY BLOODY TIME he writes anything headphone-related gets grating after a while. It woould also be more manageable if he could just be called 'Steve Guttenberg' or 'Steve' but no, every time it's 'CNET's Audiophiliac Steve Guttenberg,' like he's royalty or something and always needs his full title.
Now I have read some of Steve's stuff, and some of it it is fairly interesting, but I'm fairly sure that Steve also has his own site, where he can post his own stuff. I'm not even sure he's got a Head-Fi account. Maybe if he was active in the community then I also wouldn't mind so much, but as it is it just seems like Head-Fi is just advertising him with nowt in return.
Again, nothing against the man or his writings, I just think that Head-Fi ought to tone down its blow-by-blow coverage a little.

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