PX100 or HD25 or HD280 or Grado etc etc
Sep 19, 2007 at 7:46 PM Post #16 of 21
The HD-25's and the Bose are the only ones in the list I haven't heard. I would say if the open-ness of grado is okay. buy them. I would suggest the MS-1's, I have not heard them but people say they are great for all types of music. Second up would be the PX100. Great portable can. Very full sounding, strong, and portable. Then the K 26P, they are pretty good, but I personally do not like the closed sound of them, which is there obviously because they are closed. Last up is the HD280pro. I own them and I don't much care for them. The closed sound is bad, IMO, and they whole sound is just off to me. I have a small head so I have not really notised the clamping though, but it is still too tight for me when I use them for a while.
Sep 20, 2007 at 1:15 AM Post #19 of 21
Ok so I was in a nice town called Frederickson, VA which has a store called Guitar Store,much like a smaller version of my hometown's Tom Lee Music. They carry a number of quality headphones, and are more than happy to let you test them.

I was lucky enough to find a Px100 ($49)- so I bought it. Now I am presently testing it with the Sony MDR 710LP ($65). I am fortunate to have a laptop that has two headphone jacks, one is labelled SPDII - not sure if it makes a difference or not, can't tell , and have yet to search my Help files.... ANYHOO.

First lesson : Hmm any headphone can begin to sound great after listening for awhile. I thought my recently purchased Sony (yesterday) sounded great and in fact somewhat better to my Shure SE110's (ES2 replacements ?) Still working on this evaluation.... I was satisfied, yet curious to explore new found territory with head-fi member experience, which led me to trying out the PX100's.


With the PX100's on I'm listening away and become acclimatized to the sound, enjoying nice clarity, presence, and a balance of bass to fill in the areas. Much like a nice glass of wine with some Ahi Ahi. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a nice glass of Stout every once in awhile too, and on occasion a Martini or some Whiskey.

Interestingly, I could say the same about the Sony headsets after having them on for awhile. NOT UNTIL I do a quick switch , can I hear the difference.

Please note I am a newbie and have a very limited knowledge for describing SQ in lengthly terms.... I likey or dislikey...

The Sony headsets are slightly louder - perhaps a 1 or 1.5 /10 increase... hard to say, but not enough to make it a deal breaker for me.

SQ - the Sony's are tinnier... not as crisp, colder, and slightly further away (soundstage ?) PX100 Wins Still a decent sound if ya have nothing else to compare with....

Sound Leakage: Equal - spitting hairs here - even though the sony has a "closed back and fuller earcups. "

Looks:: The PX100 (white) has a ugly glossed coating, matt or semi matt would look better IMO. Their star over Sony's simple single line is bad design. SONY WINS


Functionality : Once you take the 710LP's off your head they immediately recoil as if you've tripped a trap... ( see pic below ) I understand the headband has a higher degree of tension which would make a tighter fight, however not really needed. Having a portable headset, means taking them on and off as you engage in conversation. The PX100's sit comfortably around your neck, whereas the 710's choke ya (see pic). Sure the Sony's have one more fold, in the arm bands for smaller storage, but I find this more of an inconvenience as the PX100's fold down to a small enough size. PX100 Wins


Comfort: Both are light, but the PX100's have the "lumbar" sponging on the arms which keep the center point from digging in. However I do prefer the Sony earcups ( just like the ptheather over unsanitary foam ). If a earcup Mod exists for the PX100 let me know please.... PX100 Wins.


Cable: Sony cable is slightly thicker (1/100th ) and has a 90 gold plated mini plug ... can you hear the quality... PX100's standard silver ?? Well Since most cable pulling is done at a 6o'clock the 90 plug will give a little more flex. 710 Wins Is it worth doing a cable MOD on a $50 dollar pair of phones ??

Mooohla ::: 49 vs 65 You do the math, PX100 Wins

Overall the PX100's are a better value.

At the store I also listened to some Beyer Dt770 which were amazing even on my unamped IPOD, and did not clip out when I cranked the volume...however I prefer lower listening levels and can't see myself needing to listen at DJ levels... Wine over Beer....
Sep 20, 2007 at 5:31 AM Post #20 of 21
I guess my next option to compare would be a good closed can which could compete with my PX100's open SQ.

perhaps the HD25, AKG81... other. Would a circumaural be much more comfy?

Bearing all things are relative:

Does the HD25 have better sound, while the AKG81dj is more comfortable ? I am also an eye glass wearer if that proves any problems.
Sep 20, 2007 at 9:34 AM Post #21 of 21
I have a pair of PX100 and while being pretty pleased with them you should consider more sealed can if you want to listen them outdoors.

Creative Micro has volume range of 1-25.
Indoors (at the office) listening I use volume 5-6.
Out in the city in order to hear the music I need to set the volume to 9-10.
On a bus (long distance) background noise makes me use lvls 10-12.

On top that only thing that bothers me is boomy bass compared to other headphones that I've used.

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