Problems with ear pressure from the use of in-ear headphones?
Aug 7, 2009 at 5:09 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


May 6, 2009
Just 1 year ago I started using in-ear headphones. After about a month of usage (1-2 hours a day) I started feeling the "fullness" in my ears that you usually feel when changing elevation (e.g. flights) and occasional popping. The problem didn't go away even after blowing while holding my nose, I could feel the eardrum returning to it original position but then when I stopped blowing that "fullness" returned. I thought that it was because of headphones so I stopped using them for some weeks and the problem was cured eventually.

But now the problem returned after months of in-ear headphone usage and it does not get away.

So I ask you fellow head-fiers, did you ever have a similar problem?

I've looked up the symptoms on the net and found out that it may be caused by a problematic Eustachian Tube. If that is the case does anyone who had these problem before tell me how to deal with it?

I don't want to lose the pleasure of listening to music with in-ear headphones
Aug 8, 2009 at 4:03 PM Post #3 of 4
I'm assuming this condition persists when you remove your IEMs? If so, go see a doctor. If it only occurs with the IEMs in place, try some foam tips rather than the silicon or dual/triple flange tips. The foam will let the ear canal pressure equilibrate with the middle ear pressure.

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