Problem with new Denon C751's
Jan 11, 2009 at 2:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 14, 2008
I purchased these from ebay in late november, as a christmas present to myself from my mom.

After recieving them from the seller at the end of november, I unboxed them, tested them out, wasn't particuarlarly blown away, but left them to burn in for a day, before reboxing them ready for christmas.

After opening them christmas day, I left them burning in another day/day and a half, and have been using them as my portable headphones since.

My problem is that I noticed the other day, the right channel has gone quiet and distorted, which I'm very pi**ed about. I can't return them directly to Denon, and I never got an original receipt as I bought them from ebay.

I messaged the seller using a slightly angry tone asking about where he bought them, or is he has the receipt, but not angry enough to scare the seller into ignoring me, but as of yet, have not recieved any reply.

As of yesterday, them seem to be bascially back to normal without me doing anything to them.

Has anyone else ever had such a thing happen with their headphones?

Has anyone had experiences trying to use warranties after buying from ebay?

Thanks for any help.
Jan 11, 2009 at 2:29 PM Post #2 of 10
what volume was you burning them in with? the reason you have to take a while to burn headphones in is because your suppose to do it at a reasonable volume level, 3/4 max of the highest volume really. any higher volume to try and speed up a burning in process could likely litterally burn the drivers and cause damage, especially dynamic drivers as these actually do warm up after a few hours.
Jan 11, 2009 at 2:42 PM Post #3 of 10
I burned them in at 70%-80% on my N95, which is about listening volume depending on the song.

After burn in, volume output on both sides was equal, or similar enough to be negligible, but now the right channel sounds worse, although the extent to which it sounds worse is much less yesterday/today that it was 2 or 3 days ago.

The problems bugging me, as I didn't spend £65 (which tbf is cheap for these headphones, but still alot of money for me) for tempromental headphones.
Jan 11, 2009 at 4:43 PM Post #7 of 10

Originally Posted by jonathanjong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Some people have had earwax etc. drop in, making one side sound worse. Take off the tips, give mesh thing a little clean and see how it goes?

This is the first thing I would investigate. I have two sets of C700s, which are the same phones with the same drivers, etc., as the C751s, only with a longer cord. Both sets have experienced the same drop off in volume in the left phone only. A very thorough cleaning, it turns out, magically fixes them both. Don't underestimate the effect even a small build up of ear wax can have on these. It can completely throw off the stereo balance and imaging. Cleaning them can be an easy, if tedious, fix.

It's worth looking into further. Good luck.
Jan 11, 2009 at 5:35 PM Post #8 of 10
Could you explain your process of cleaning?
Do you take out the filter, wash it, replace and clean out the insides somehow, or simply just clean the filter when still in the phone.
If you didn't remove the filter, what did you use?
Jan 12, 2009 at 12:48 AM Post #9 of 10

Originally Posted by Duffy1207 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Could you explain your process of cleaning?
Do you take out the filter, wash it, replace and clean out the insides somehow, or simply just clean the filter when still in the phone.
If you didn't remove the filter, what did you use?

It's some kind of light, fibrous cloth thing. There's not a whole lot you can do with it. I dabbed it with some rubbing alcohol and a paper towel, then I used a sharp push-pin to pick at it and scoop out the wax. In the process, I ended up having to reach in delicately and pull at some fibers. By doing so, I pulled out a good bit of the filter itself. I realized that I had pulled a hole in one of them. It does not affect the sound quality coming from the driver. It only exposes it and leaves a hole there.

It's either pull out some fibers in your filter, or leave it clogged with wax. That was an easy decision for me. The wax embedded in the fibers of the filter blocks the driver and muffles the sound horribly. You simply have to get rid of it somehow, and that was the best way for me. Both pairs of C700s are back to sounding normal for me. I can live without the filters. To me, they are nothing but wax magnets anyway.
Jan 12, 2009 at 8:26 PM Post #10 of 10
Had a go with just a cotton bud, seem to sound ok now, but they weren't "clogged", more like a slight coating. Didn't seem like enough to be making them sound that bad, though.
Can't complain, they seem ok, now.

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