Post Shuffle Stress Disorder Group Therapy Thread
Jan 16, 2005 at 5:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 28


HeadFest '07 Graphic Designer
Supplier of fine logos! His visions of Head-Fi
Mar 27, 2003
Okay, I thought we could combine, or at least centralize, members stories of the damage done by the introduction of the Apple iPod Shuffle. As we've seen repeatedly, many of you are in pain, and perhaps if talk this through, a recovery of a short is possible. Please tell your story, how the Shuffle introduction personally hurt you, your perception of the world before and after, any potential stress signs, what you think are realistic positive first steps you can take in the days ahead and anything else you wish to share.

Let me start this round of sharing-
I was disappointed the iPod shuffle was introduced after the Mac mini, instead of before. This emphasized the opposite item I was most interested in. This was a bit irritating at first.

Who's brave enough to go next?
Jan 16, 2005 at 5:20 AM Post #2 of 28
what if we enjoy the shuffle?
Jan 16, 2005 at 6:05 AM Post #3 of 28
I don't think there is (or should be) any doubt that Apple will sell millions of these things. If you still believe that now, there is no hope for you.

The mental problems arise when Apple and supporters make it seem that the Shuffle is the best flash device ever conceived...

The iPod has no screen, so people argue that they're glad it doesn't have screen, they don't need it because Apple says "life is random". If there were a screen, the exact same people would say the screen is essential because Apple says "life at your control". At its current price, people say everyone can afford it. If it were priced $50 higher, people would still say the price is great. If it used firewire, people would say that's because USB2 sucks. But it uses USB, so the same people praise how USB is universal and more practical. If it were drag/drop from iTunes rather than used playlists from iTunes, people would say that's cool because you can use it anywhere without iTunes. But it doesn't, so people praise its integration and auto-fil. If it used rechargable AAA batteries, people would say yay Apple and glorify Apple's environmental friendliness. But because it doesn't use a removable battery, the same people say that's why the device is good. It's funny how everyday non-Head Fi people are jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon to believe that the Shuffle fit their needs. This is essentially what frustrates critics here.

That said, I've been thinking of getting a 1GB shuffle and selling my Zen Micro
Jan 16, 2005 at 6:19 AM Post #4 of 28
Oh dear, oh dear. What a tradgedy. Your beautiful Zen for that worthless piece of crap? Pardon my bias, but damn. Now unless you are a hardcore athelete that needs a digital audio player to use for your strenous activities, I don't think that Shuffle has much value. Like someone said on this thread (forget his/her name, sorry), "even cd players have screens" Unless I have physical proof, I declare the Shuffle if not does already, then will suck.

I shed a tear for every new victim of the new Apple cult. It's a damn shame.
Jan 16, 2005 at 6:34 AM Post #5 of 28
Even real prenancy tests have screens. I saw a commerical on TV for a digital pregnancy test a few days before the Shuffle came out. See here

Anyway, I dropped out of grad school this month and so my listening habits have changed. I now only listen to my Zen Micro maybe 20 mins a day going to and from work. During that time, I find myself listening to just a few singles or songs over and over day after day. Having 5GB was either overkill or not enough, in that I listen only to a few songs, or I want to listen to a song but it's not on there because I didn't load it but it's full of other stuff I don't listen to. So any flash player would better fit my needs. I do like the built-in rechargable battery, I hate having to separately recharge batteries, so that's what's most appealing about the shuffle. And I admit using iTunes to manage a constantly changing playlist of songs to put on the shuffle is easier than doing it in Winamp or some other program.
Jan 16, 2005 at 10:41 AM Post #6 of 28
At first i always thought to myself that the ipod shuffle is a piece of **** with the design of it being such a disapointment. but in reality if i ever was going to choose, or help someone choose, a flash player i would consider the ipod shuffle. this probobly because its a ipod and the price is pretty good. An ipod you might say? - yes, the fact that its an ipod has already corrupted my mind.
Jan 16, 2005 at 10:43 AM Post #7 of 28
I noticed a few typos in Taphil's post above, so I took the liberty to correct them. Here is what he really meant to write:

[Taphil's post "corrected"] The iPod has no screen, so people argue that they're upset because it doesn't have screen, they hate it because Apple gives you "life is random". If there were a screen, the exact same people would say the screen is a waste even though Apple gives you "life at your control". At its current price, people say it's still too expensive. If it were priced $50 lower, people would still say the price is too high. If it used firewire, people would say that USB2 rocks. But it uses USB, so the same people note that Apple doesn't do USB well. If it were drag/drop from iTunes rather than used playlists from iTunes, people would say that sucks because you can't use the power of iTunes. But it doesn't, so people condemn its integration and auto-fil. If it used rechargable AAA batteries, people would say boo Apple and denounce Apple's lack of innovation. But because it doesn't use a removable battery, the same people say that's why the device is bad. It's funny how everyday Head Fi people are jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon to believe that the Shuffle sucks. This is essentially what frustrates fans here.
Jan 16, 2005 at 11:55 AM Post #9 of 28
Now I know I have not seen the shuffle in person, but I was initially disappointed:

1. No dock. If they wanted to have an integrated connection, they could have the dock connector be a concealed USB adapter, so you have a choice of using the dock's (lack of) features or just the USB
2. No line out. I can't use my Sik.
3. No Playlist selection. At least give us a few choices, available via the one selector switch in back: Playlist1, 2, 3. I wouldn't need a display for this

For me, they were almost there, but I have not heard the SQ.
Jan 16, 2005 at 12:20 PM Post #10 of 28
Stevesurf, concerning your concerns:

1. There is a dock, albeit it's an extra you have to buy, $29.

2. Only on head-fi...are you wanting to use an amp with a flashplayer?
Are there any flashplayers with line-outs?

3. You can't manipulate playlists on the iPod Shuffle itself, however, you CAN decide which playlist in iTunes to synch with. And using nested smart playlists, you can get multiple playlists onto the Shuffle.
Jan 16, 2005 at 12:27 PM Post #11 of 28
When I first learned of the Shuffle, I was first stupified that they would ever imagine releasing something like this. I was then enticed to purchase one despite not liking iTunes, just because 512mb was only $99, and it was small and rechargeable and would work great for running and working out. Then I again remembered it doesn't support ogg Vorbis. That all happened within 2-3 minutes of checking it out on the Apple website. I guess I'll just be stuck with my 128mb Samsung Yepp flash player until I have $180 to burn on one of the nicer iRiver flash players. I guess I'll invest in a "work out/exercise" player once my lifting/running isn't a mandatory team activity once college football's over for me next winter. I should be able to save some dough by then

I've exhausted my audio funds for a while on the stuff in my sig. At least the iRiver H140 was a Christmas gift, or else I would have had to go through the hassle of selling my old Zen Xtra and shelling out more dough for the 140. Anyways, I probably wouldnt have bought the Shuffle anyways, all major purchases are postponed as I'm saving for spring break
Jan 16, 2005 at 1:19 PM Post #12 of 28

Originally Posted by Taphil
The mental problems arise when Apple and supporters make it seem that the Shuffle is the best flash device ever conceived...

The iPod has no screen, so people argue that they're glad it doesn't have screen, they don't need it because Apple says "life is random". If there were a screen, the exact same people would say the screen is essential because Apple says "life at your control". At its current price, people say everyone can afford it. If it were priced $50 higher, people would still say the price is great. If it used firewire, people would say that's because USB2 sucks. But it uses USB, so the same people praise how USB is universal and more practical. If it were drag/drop from iTunes rather than used playlists from iTunes, people would say that's cool because you can use it anywhere without iTunes. But it doesn't, so people praise its integration and auto-fil. If it used rechargable AAA batteries, people would say yay Apple and glorify Apple's environmental friendliness. But because it doesn't use a removable battery, the same people say that's why the device is good. It's funny how everyday non-Head Fi people are jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon to believe that the Shuffle fit their needs. This is essentially what frustrates critics here.


i totally forgot i even had an account here, but i had to log on to comment on this.
Jan 16, 2005 at 1:36 PM Post #13 of 28

Originally Posted by yyoo
Stevesurf, concerning your concerns:
1. There is a dock, albeit it's an extra you have to buy, $29.

It makes it large!

Originally Posted by yyoo
2. Only on head-fi...are you wanting to use an amp with a flashplayer?
Are there any flashplayers with line-outs?

I want the dock to charge with my existing iPod charger. Now I have to bring the right charger with each device (Shuffle or iPod). Why the change now to a different charger? Does the USB charger work with iPods?

Originally Posted by yyoo
3. You can't manipulate playlists on the iPod Shuffle itself, however, you CAN decide which playlist in iTunes to synch with. And using nested smart playlists, you can get multiple playlists onto the Shuffle.

Sure, I agree, but I should at least be able to choose which playlist I want to select instead of clicking blindly through songs to find the start of the playlist I want. Oh I get it: we're supposed to buy a Shuffle for each playlist
Jan 16, 2005 at 2:36 PM Post #14 of 28
What impressed me the most about the iPod was its GUI and intuitiveness. The Shuffle wins easily for intuitiveness, but that's only because there pretty much is not GUI! All I wanted was a screen, I could've lived without fancy things like a fm radio and such. I'm just a little weirded out by the lack of screen, but I'm also wondering how many these will sell, and what the mainstream reviews will be.
Jan 16, 2005 at 3:41 PM Post #15 of 28
Perhaps a DAP anonymous support group would be more appropriate

Hi my name is Bill and I have 3 apple ipods.....

"Hi Bill!!!!"

Yes well it started innocently enough, I started with a MacIIFX at the ad agency I used to work at. The next thing I know I was wanting to put rainbow colored apples everywhere and telling people that one mouse button is all you need. Then I began to wear mock turtle necks and trying to convince everyone that my design sense was the only one.....

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