Post Here: The Most Memorable Quotes/Sentences From Other HeadFi Members...
Aug 29, 2004 at 11:41 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 45


Headphoneus Supremus
Dec 26, 2003
It will be fun if someone can post some of the interesting sentence, comments or whatever from other headfi members that you find along reading the threads...

Im sure we can find a few real funny ones, intelligent ones, dumb ones, or whatever... as long as its interesting..

Must be fun to read if we can come up with quite a few nice ones...

But remember to quote/credit the poster.
Aug 29, 2004 at 3:06 PM Post #3 of 45
"Any confusion or offense is due to my poor english." - Cosmopragma.
Aug 29, 2004 at 10:40 PM Post #6 of 45
Not all from Head-Fi


Once you get to know this place, you will realize what kind of reputation the Bose Triports have around here. Their extreme crappiness simply cannot be explained by words alone. You must hear the hideous monstrosity to truly know what it feels like to have your ear drums internally combust from the unbearable pain from the sound that this satanic head machine produces.


Anyways, I don't care if the phones aren't crystal clear but these will sound like a parakeet driving a motorcycle into a blender. So does anyone know of any headphones kinda-sorta-maybe resembling these that have an ok sound?


Skyther (from the t-board)
wannabe-ish title + 1337 speek + crappy music and lyrics => instant death.


Damn things would wait until the lights go out before doing their "runs." Try hitting one and the sucker starts doing "evasive manuevers" that would leave the best airforce pilots in awe.


from that eBay dress-sale thing
the somewhat older, multicolored, lumpy, tiny, 2-wheel-drive foreign pick-up that belches smoke. A little something about that vehicle, though: it’s absolutely amazing! When I get inside it to go to the store, I am all depressed. But when I arrive at the store, I’m so freaking loopy from inhaling the fumes, I forget why I went there in the first place.


same dude
Wealthy will be the person that opens a store for Lane Bryant-sized women but sews size 7 tags on all the clothes.


His wedding was the the worst torture I have yet seen. It was, to my senses,like watching the vidoes of the beheadings. It was slow, painful and seemed to never end.


Review of Epiphone Goth Les Paul Studio
you don't have to wear all black, wear wolfskin boots, smoke clove cigarettes or have your friends start calling you "Storm Crow" to enjoy this Gothic model


Bane Landon (banned from Gaiaonline
I got a boner that just about ripped my pants right off my legs


Pie Rat
I wish I had never lost my Dr Pepper virginity.. that stuff is sick.

I think that's enough for now
Aug 29, 2004 at 11:37 PM Post #7 of 45
The one that's always stuck out to me is AIM9x's charming method of dealing with newbies... I can't really do it justice, but it went something like this...



Aug 30, 2004 at 12:00 AM Post #8 of 45
My favorite memory goes something like this:

"Dude 1: Is it just me, or is everyone being stupid around here??"

"The other dude: No.. it is just you !!"

I laughed so hard after reading that...
Aug 30, 2004 at 12:30 AM Post #9 of 45

Originally Posted by Apheared
I don't want the cliffnote version, I actually want to strive for understanding. Do you remember when you finally got your head around the concept that frequency wasn't so much a value as a measure of time? It's still new to me, see.

So then wham! All the phase angle and amplitude response samples doing transfer functions actually is understandable... yea it takes a calculator and scratch paper but damnit, it's doable. (so THAT's why filter equations are normalized!) Just repeating it is a far cry from understanding it. I'm still not sure why about 90% of the stuff I do know. Why is the bitch. "Because" is not an answer, ever.

So alot of these kids with the: "so this cmoy, is it better and cheaper than XXX?"... or my newest favorite: "Hey can you build me that RA-1 for $20?"

They really piss me off sometimes. I'm thinking I'll never know 1/1,000,000th of what there is to learn, and they just want the cheapo version. I've spent more on just books than it would cost to just buy a Max. Sigh.

I know the average or above-average engineer that's way past me in knowledge on the subject doesn't care, they just wanna make car payments and mortage payments and take the wife to dinner... it's called life. I understand. Commercial and military applications are it once you leave college. And even then, you're trained to be a productive member of society. Creativitiy driven by marketability. So wrong.

But oh well, at least they won't ask me to build them a reverse-engineered amp for less than the shipping costs to get the parts.

Man, I miss Apheared's posts.
Aug 30, 2004 at 4:14 AM Post #10 of 45
There should at least be 1 Merton quote here by now

"being dumb as you are you couldn't possibly even fathom your own simplicity and that must be why you think you're not.. you did fall into that simple trap i laid earlier... to say i'm moronic is to say you're idiotic "
Aug 30, 2004 at 4:44 AM Post #11 of 45
This may not be germane but when they initially installed the freeway condition signs on the 10 in Los Angeles between downtown and the westside, they used to put short sayings on the signs if there were no accidents or delays. My favorite was "If you go fast, you'll go fast".

The thought that someone was paid (with my tax dollars) to come up with such inane drivel made me wonder. There was also a sign that said "your highway tax dollars at work" just a few miles further down the road.
Aug 30, 2004 at 5:07 AM Post #12 of 45
From Vertigo, "different stroke for different folk"
Aug 30, 2004 at 8:42 AM Post #14 of 45
"This ant collage"

Always a pleasure to read Lou's posts

-dd3mon (one a dem collage graduats!)

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