Portable phones? What about the Eggos?
Jan 9, 2006 at 10:29 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 24, 2004
There has been lots of threads lately asking about good portable phones for iPods. Mostly talk centers around PortaPros, PX100's (that I own) and the 25-1 broadcast phones.

But what about the Sony Eggos? They're supposed to sound good, be very portable and comfortable to wear, and even look kind of cool. Reading so many rave reviews on AudioCubes I just wonder why they're not discussed more on Head-Fi. When they're dsicussed, they seem to be pretty well regarded, but when people ask about good portables they're rarely considered. Considering the interest in this category of over ear portables these days, why no "Leggo my Eggo"? Englighten me, oh keepers of headphone knowledge!
Jan 9, 2006 at 10:40 PM Post #2 of 18

Originally Posted by HeadKase
There has been lots of threads lately asking about good portable phones for iPods. Mostly talk centers around PortaPros, PX100's (that I own) and the 25-1 broadcast phones.

But what about the Sony Eggos? They're supposed to sound good, be very portable and comfortable to wear, and even look kind of cool. Reading so many rave reviews on AudioCubes I just wonder why they're not discussed more on Head-Fi. When they're dsicussed, they seem to be pretty well regarded, but when people ask about good portables they're rarely considered. Considering the interest in this category of over ear portables these days, why no "Leggo my Eggo"? Englighten me, oh keepers of headphone knowledge!

The Eggos were designed for portables...nothing is better than the MDR-D-77's
Jan 9, 2006 at 10:47 PM Post #3 of 18
My impression is that the eggos are either not in current production, or not available through regular retail channels in the US (they don't show up on an Amazon, Newegg, or Headroom search). I can't find any mention of them on the Sony web site either. Looks like their niche has been taken by the XD-series? This might have something to do with the lack of discussion.

The PX-100 and Portapros are sold everywhere.
Jan 9, 2006 at 11:21 PM Post #4 of 18
The Eggos are only available in Japan and hence would not be found on US retailer sites. However the headphones can be had from http://www.audiocubes.com - they will import from Japan.

This the probably the #1 reason why they are not talked about more.

The #2 reason is probably the price - they are $89 (USD) which puts them at the same general cost as the Grado SR80 and just $40 or so less than the Senrn 555 (both highly regarded open headphones that are considered to be better than the Eggos). The cost is light years (in some pockets) above the Senn PX100. However the Eggos are closed - sounds gets in but no leakage and are truly portable.

The #3 reason IMHO is only the higher end Sonys are widely considered as great headphones. Lower end Sonys suffer under a few bad Sony headphones that have affected their reputation. Anyway...

I like the sound of Eggos - fast, lively - a little thin at times but very detailed and clear (for a closed portable $90 headphone)
Jan 10, 2006 at 1:12 AM Post #5 of 18
I generally don't recommend 'em so much any more, even though I love my D77s, just because they do let a lot of outside noise in, which I just don't like in portables any more since I got my Etys. Isolation is so nice. If you don't like or don't need isolation, they are indeed a great portable phone (the D66 or D77, the lower models didn't sound that great). D77 is virtually impossible to get (I lucked out massively with my pair) and sells for way more than its worth when it does come up, but D66s are easily available from Audiocubes for $100, which is a fair price for what you get (other $100 phones sound better, but they don't fold up and mostly they leak).
Jan 10, 2006 at 1:34 AM Post #6 of 18
the d66 eggos are great for portable use. they don't leak and let in enough ambient noise so that you know what's going on in your environment. but, like others have said here they can sound a bit thin, especially in a noisy environment where the bass can get drowned out. if they had a bit more bass, they'd be even better.
Jan 10, 2006 at 2:33 AM Post #7 of 18
OK so they're pretty good with the sound being slightly thin at times. Since MP3 players can also sound thin at times, it's probably best to get phones that err on the side of a bigger sound. Thanks all!
Jan 10, 2006 at 3:55 AM Post #8 of 18
Minidiscaccess.com has the D66's in stock and also a pair (D22?) that looks lower end and as such I'd be reluctant to try. MDA is based in California for those of you who hate buying from overseas.

No affiliation, just a satisfied former minidisc user...
Jan 10, 2006 at 6:20 AM Post #9 of 18

Originally Posted by HeadKase
OK so they're pretty good with the sound being slightly thin at times. Since MP3 players can also sound thin at times, it's probably best to get phones that err on the side of a bigger sound. Thanks all!

i know that many here don't like to EQ but if it lets you enjoy your music more then i'm all for it. if your mp3 player has bass boost/EQ then i'm sure it'd sound great with the eggo. i don't do it on my ipod because it's a digital EQ and ends up distorting the signal even though the headphones could've handled the extra bass.
Jan 10, 2006 at 8:08 AM Post #10 of 18
The D66s are the perfect portable headphone, in my opinion. They totally trounce the PX100s in terms of detail, but I seem to be someone who likes treble more than bass. They don't isolate a whole lot, perhaps a little more than the PX200s. But the D66s are very comfortable and looks great, plus the undeniable fact that they are very portable.
Jan 10, 2006 at 9:23 AM Post #11 of 18

Originally Posted by fureshi
if your mp3 player has bass boost/EQ then i'm sure it'd sound great with the eggo.

That's right. The wonderful thing about the eggos are that they are EQ friendly. But they easily reveal the sq of portables. If you have a weak source, the eggos sound weak and veiled. With powerful portables, the beauty of the mids surfaces as well as clear highs. I love the synergy of the eggos with legacy PCDPs like the D301/D777. They are also excellent with the Karma's eq or the flat of the X5. As for the bass, bass boost/EQ could help a bit but if you're looking for visceral, vibrating bass like grados, the eggos wont satisfy you. I guess I can describe the eggos bass like the ety low end. Quality over quantity. Its easier to distinguish the bass layers with the eggos compared to the PX100s. You also wont loose the soundstage at portable environs. The eggos are more on the bright side while the PX100s/KSC35s are on the warm side. For classical music lovers looking for non iems, I can't think of a better pair than the eggos. Perhaps the stax portables but thats another league.
Jan 10, 2006 at 10:20 AM Post #12 of 18
Would you guys find the d66's better for use hooked up to a computer over the HD485s? I'm trying to figure out which to get for a dedicated computer headphone and I'm stuck on the two. I really like how the d66's look and am very curious how they feel, but I've heard such great things about the hd485 and am only shying away because I don't like the army green look.
Jan 10, 2006 at 11:00 AM Post #13 of 18

Originally Posted by Reiniku
Would you guys find the d66's better for use hooked up to a computer over the HD485s? I'm trying to figure out which to get for a dedicated computer headphone and I'm stuck on the two. I really like how the d66's look and am very curious how they feel, but I've heard such great things about the hd485 and am only shying away because I don't like the army green look.

The HD485s are full size and I'd be dead caught in public with them. The 485s are open so isolation and leakage are not comparable with the eggos. Comfort wise, the eggos are comfy on their own but the comfort of full size Senns are better. Both sound excellent but on their own leagues. If you'd want them for gaming, go for the 485, if for music, classicals and female vocals would go for the eggos, trip hop lovers lean on the 485 with its bigger bass. But if you want the 485 sound and want to use them outdoors, I'd stick with the HD25sp or the Sony V6. For extended use for hours on end, the 485s disappear on your head and are the least non-fatiguing out of all phones I've mentioned.
Jan 10, 2006 at 8:21 PM Post #14 of 18

Originally Posted by MarcusL
The HD485s are full size and I'd be dead caught in public with them. The 485s are open so isolation and leakage are not comparable with the eggos. Comfort wise, the eggos are comfy on their own but the comfort of full size Senns are better. Both sound excellent but on their own leagues. If you'd want them for gaming, go for the 485, if for music, classicals and female vocals would go for the eggos, trip hop lovers lean on the 485 with its bigger bass. But if you want the 485 sound and want to use them outdoors, I'd stick with the HD25sp or the Sony V6. For extended use for hours on end, the 485s disappear on your head and are the least non-fatiguing out of all phones I've mentioned.

Thanks for clearing that up. I feel like I want to use the headphones more for music, leaning towards the d66, but I would end up using them for a lot more than just that. Anime, gaming, movies... so I probably should go for the hd485's... I'm just so darn curious as to how the eggos feel comfort wise. Wish I had the money for both, lol.
Jan 10, 2006 at 8:35 PM Post #15 of 18

Originally Posted by Reiniku
I'm just so darn curious as to how the eggos feel comfort wise. Wish I had the money for both, lol.

I like the dual rubber banded design on the eggos. With a decent amount of hair, it is pretty comfortable. The only thing I really feel is the pressure of the thin, fabric circumaural cups around my ears.

It's not the softest material but the cups can be flipped over, revealing a pleather material on the reverse side. One can also use the pleather pads from eggo knockoffs. Coby and some other brands have this. There was also a thread regarding a website selling knock eggos with pleather pads for $10 shipped. I've seen the Coby ones in Ross Clothing stores for around $7 or so.

I prefer the fabric because they stay cool, while pleather can work up some heat and sweat.

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