Portable Music Station
Sep 28, 2010 at 11:11 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Mar 22, 2010
Hello fellow Head fi'ers. I recently started volunteering at the Robert Giffard Mental Institution as part of the Katimavik youth service program. I am very happy with the position, and to my delight, I have been given the project of my dreams. The project is to set up a portable music station, essentially, a library of music. This is an entirely new project, and limitations and budget have not yet been discussed.
As of now, it is purely brainstorming. The idea behind the project is that music can be very pacifying and healing, and patients that are confined to a hospital or live the majority of their lives in one often do not have the opportunity to listen to music. Seeing as this is a project I am very passionate about, but also a rather large task, I decided to come to Head-Fi to seek advice and input.
To give you an idea of what I envision this project to be like, I see it as a fairly large table on wheels, maybe one of the tables that libraries keep their books on. This table would be pushed in hallways from room to room, and anyone who wanted to listen to music would. My initial thought was that on the table would be a laptop maybe connected to a hard drive filled with music, and connected to the laptop would be a pair of headphones. However, as I write this, I am self-criticizing. I do not know if there should be multiple audio sources and multiple headphones. Should I have the portable music station be one patient at a time, or multiple? And were it to be multiple, would they all have to listen to the same song at the same time? Also, I am currently assuming that I am going to rip all the music off CD's to a hard drive, but that is not necessarily a given. Then of course there is the question of how I would power the music station.
I also need to think about how all the music will be purchased, as the portable music station will be serving thousands of patients, so the music will need to be diverse and plentiful. There are of course, also practical matters to think about, such as the hygiene of the headphones etc.
Keep in mind that this is the beginning of this project, and trusting I execute it well and it takes of, the project will continue to grow and expand. I am volunteering here until the first of December, so I have about two months to complete the project. I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts and suggestions. This is a project that I am deeply passionate about, but do not entirely know how to go about. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I will be here regularly. I am looking forward to hearing you input.
Sep 28, 2010 at 3:36 PM Post #2 of 3
Sounds like a very nice project, and a service I'm sure many will appreciate.
Would live streaming from Spotify or something similar be possible?
It would require wifi or the ability to plug in a network cable in every room, but other that it would simplify things by a whole lot. No need to worry about having a diverse collection on disc, as pretty much anything anyone could think about would be available on-line. 
Sep 29, 2010 at 1:52 PM Post #3 of 3
Hmm, an interesting prospect. I shall look into that, it would certainly be cheaper. I will have to see how feasible it would be to get wifi in the entire building, as it would not be possible to plug in a network cable in most rooms. Thanks for the suggestion, I am looking forward to hearing more.

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