Portable Headphone Amp
Aug 1, 2001 at 1:05 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Aug 1, 2001
I am a super newbie to all this hi-fi audio stuff. I recently purchases a Grado SR-80 headphone and need an amp to take em portably. The problems is...Amps are so friggin expensive. Can someone lend me a hand with a very "cheap" amp that i can use in the meantime? (computer use and portable use). Thanks.
Aug 1, 2001 at 1:12 AM Post #2 of 16

I recently purchases a Grado SR-80 headphone and need an amp to take em portably.

First off, welcome to Head-Fi, Nugen. On the issue of an amp, you really don't need one to make the SR-80s sound good. They are extremely efficient and sound fine straight out of a portable's headphone jack. An amp will make them sound somewhat "better," but they sound great without one. What portable will you be using?
I'll leave the soundcard issue to others here.....I have a Mac. Hope this helps.
Aug 2, 2001 at 8:29 PM Post #3 of 16
Say if i WERE to get an amp anyways...Any recommendations? I'm looking more towards the solid states rather than the tubes just b/c of price ranges. Thanks.
Aug 2, 2001 at 8:35 PM Post #4 of 16
besides, the only tube amp that is even remotely portable is the earmax pro, and that costs $750. what about the airhead for $99?
Aug 2, 2001 at 8:36 PM Post #5 of 16
Or a DIY amp - DIY, or DBSE (done by some else)....
Aug 2, 2001 at 9:22 PM Post #6 of 16
DIY is the way to go. If you have a line-out on your portable I think you will notice a big difference in sound quality with a headphone amp. I was skeptical until I built one myself and discovered a much wider soundstage, cleaner sound, much less noise during silent passages, and more impact. If you listen loud, the differences will be even larger. With DIY you can taylor the amp to your Grados. If not, wait for Jan Meier's Porta-Corda.

I think most people that have tried a portable with line-out and a headphone amp never want to go back to the crappy built-in headphone jacks. 3 months ago I would have said that an amp is not useful for SR-80s. Now that I've tried it (with SR-125 admittedly) I've changed my mind.
Aug 2, 2001 at 10:35 PM Post #8 of 16
MacDEF: I can imagine that in conversation.

"I am an avid DBSE'er..." etc, etc.
Aug 2, 2001 at 11:44 PM Post #10 of 16
joelongwoo: ROFL! hehehe......i would love a forum like that....
Aug 5, 2001 at 9:03 PM Post #12 of 16
I might be interested in a DBSE-amp, but are there any people here who would build an amp and then sell it to me?

Ahhh.. what am I talking about! I will build one myself!

Aug 6, 2001 at 2:04 AM Post #13 of 16
Yes, DIY is by far the best solution, it gives you the most flexibility in terms of getting the sound "perfect" to you.

After picking up equipment and parts, it'll probably cost just as much as a commercial amp (or if you get obsessed like apheared, it could cost a lot more
), but building your own amp will be much more rewarding.

A good amp to start with is a basic CMOY pocket amp, go to headwize, and look for the article under library- projects...The easiest way to go is to use a premade PCB from CE HAnsen, look in the addenum of that article for contact info. Those boards come with a parts list (i've heard, haven't used them myself), just purchase those parts, place them in the board, solder them down, and place the thing in a case...

If anything doesn't work properly, there will be many people here and especially on headwize that can help you...
Aug 6, 2001 at 3:25 PM Post #14 of 16
Or get it DBSE'ed by Thomas......right, thomas?

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