Porcupine Tree - "The Incident"
Jul 19, 2009 at 10:19 AM Post #136 of 431

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey SiriuslyCold,

That link in your signature shows information for the DVD-A of The Incident. Check it out!

It would be... I put it there! ;D
Jul 28, 2009 at 8:50 PM Post #139 of 431
Here's another review of "The Incident"

"My review copy just arrived in my mailbox -- this is like Christmas and a birthday rolled into one. My promo includes the 4 songs on disc 2 -- Flicker, Bonnie the Cat, Black Dahlia, and Remember Me Lover -- all on the same disc.

I won't try to review the album here after one listen. As others have remarked, it's a pretty dense record and a lot to take in on one listen. I'll marshal my thoughts for my official magazine review once I've had a chance to listen to the album many times. Will comment that "The Blind House" has the album's best chorus, though the unconventional "Drawing the Line" grew on me even as I listened to the track. "Time Flies" is the highlight of disc 1. It starts off sounding like Pink Floyd circa "Animals" and blatantly cribs a few Dave Gilmour riffs, but the middle section goes into its own unique PT area with monolithic keyboards and a massive guitar solo that starts off like a climax and, impossibly builds and builds on top of it. Great! There's a lot of fairly impenetrable stuff on
"The Incident" that will take many attentive listens to fully drill into.

Quick descriptions of the disc 2 tracks, though, as I've not seen anything on the forum about what they sound like. Just one listen, so bear with my vague descriptions.

"Flicker" is one of the album's very best tracks. This spacey ballad has a dreamy keyboard intro that's soon joined by with a lovely strummed acoustic guitar accompaniment and big booming drums. It has a wordless "da-da-da-da" chorus that made me swoon. And then, rather than a second verse, it's straight into a big soaring guitar solo. Then Steven using double-tracked vocals, sings "all of the big new charlatans will stare at us." Then more guitar and that lovely chorus. Short, but very sweet.

"Bonnie the Cat" is stranger than its title. It's a very odd track. Spoken, whispery verses. No real chorus as such. This track jumps around stylistically with heavy drumming, some very experimental keyboard, and some heavy riffage and shifting time signatures. SW makes his guitar snarl and growl. A grower, but I think I may come to like it with repeat listens.

"Black Dahlia" is another ballad. Oddly enough, this lyric has a few mentions of cats and cages and I had to double check that this track wasn't in fact "Bonnie the Cat." Melancholy vocal over a gentle keyboard figure with a slightly understated yet lovely chorus. Track quietly builds and builds to a keening guitar solo. Lovely stuff. Quite catchy, actually.

"Remember Me Lover" is, as its title suggests, yet another ballad. Starts off like something off No-Man's "Together We're Stranger." Simple guitar figure over some phantom keyboard effects in the background. Extremely mellow with another great chorus, albeit one where SW's voice is murkily submerged in the mix and he sounds clearly hurt as he sings, "I wish you could have kept your mouth shut." Then this track takes off with some fairly heavy riffage before briefly subsiding back to quietude and then surging for the final chorus. It ends powerfully with more outro riffs with some strafing keyboard FX and heavy pounding by Gavin. PT albums often end with a great heartbreak moment and while this one doesn't top, say, "Dark Matter" or "Glass Arm Shattering," it's very good."
Jul 30, 2009 at 3:28 PM Post #144 of 431
The quizz is really funny
Aug 4, 2009 at 3:28 AM Post #147 of 431

Originally Posted by SiriuslyCold /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's not a rumour, and the Time Flies is full clip, but the Limited edition is US107 with a book CD+DVD-V (surround music on DTS)

PT - The Incident Limited Edition (US)

Total ripoff unless you want to flip it on ebay (which will most likely turn a profit). I care not for all that bookage, I just want a DVD-Audio.
Aug 4, 2009 at 3:51 AM Post #148 of 431
I think these things are made for turning a profit either immediately or a few years down the road. Buy it, put it away, and 5-10 years from now sell it for big bucks.

I guess iPods and malls and downloading individual songs is bad but selling books at inflated prices is okay.
Aug 4, 2009 at 6:39 AM Post #150 of 431

Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Total ripoff unless you want to flip it on ebay (which will most likely turn a profit). I care not for all that bookage, I just want a DVD-Audio.

You're damn right I will. I missed out on the deluxe edition of Insurgentes by a day or so. And then I couldn't buy it because I wasn't able to fork over the $500 for it. Not this time. I'll buy two of them and flip at least one of them.

Edit: Just ordered 2. Not like I have the extra money now, because I don't. But Insurgentes Deluxe was limited to 3,000 and look how quick that sold out. This will be limited to 1,000. I will make sure both of these are paid for and then some with the sale of one.

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